Destination Wild: The Festival of the Tooth  舉國歡騰的佛教徒嘉年華 ── 康提佛牙節

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2017/08/29 第314期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Festival of the Tooth   舉國歡騰的佛教徒嘉年華 ── 康提佛牙節
An ancient tradition continues in the town of Kandy in Sri Lanka.

   Kandy is one of the largest cities in Sri Lanka and serves as an important center for art and culture. It is also home to the country's largest and most exciting Buddhist festival: the Kandy Esala Perahera. In English, the event is often called the Festival of the Tooth.
The Esala Perahera probably began in the 3rd century BCE as a way to pray for rain. Then, in the 4th century CE, the Sacred Tooth Relic arrived in Sri Lanka from India, and the festival changed to honor the Buddha. This relic is supposed to be one of the Buddha's teeth, which was collected by a follower after his body had been burned.
This festival is a chance for visitors and the people of Kandy to worship the relic. As part of a parade, an elephant carries it through the town. Over the many years of this festival, it has changed in many ways. Today, it is not only to worship the Buddha. It is also a way to celebrate Sri Lankan dancing, history, traditions, and culture. The Esala Perahera is an event that all Sri Lankans and visitors can enjoy together.


   康提是斯里蘭卡最大的城市之一,它是一個重要的藝術和文化中心。它也是全國最盛大且最令人興奮的佛教慶典 ── 康提佛牙節的所在地。英文裡,這個節慶常被稱為 the Festival of the Tooth。

  1. festival n. 慶典
    People from all over the world came to visit during the festival.
  2. ancient a. 古老的
    Ancient legend tells of a giant bear who lives in the hills just outside of town.
  3. serve as...  作為……
    This book can serve as a guide to help you learn how to cook.
  4. event n. 盛事,活動
    Ben is scheduled to attend a charity event tonight.
  5. pray for...  祈求……
    Jimmy is praying for a big Christmas present.
  6. collect vt. 收集
    My younger brother is interested in collecting stamps.
  7. follower n. 追隨者,擁護者
    That exercise program has worked miracles for many followers.
  8. parade n. 遊行
    That famous department store always has a parade on New Year's Day.

Buddhist a. 佛教的 & n. 佛教徒
sacred a. 神聖的
relic n. 遺物
worship vt. 敬奉

honor 的用法
本文 "Then, in the 4th century CE, the Sacred Tooth Relic arrived in Sri Lanka from India, and the festival changed to honor the Buddha." 中的 honor 為動詞,表「使榮耀,致敬」,honor 亦可作名詞用,表「光榮、榮譽」或「敬意」,相關片語有 in honor of...(以紀念……;向……表示敬意)。例:

We are going to honor the captain at a banquet.

They set up the scholarship in honor of the great scientist.

We held a big banquet in honor of the VIPs.

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