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2017/08/29 第153期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


在英文裡,很多的單字是同時具有名詞與動詞功能,當這些字夾雜在一大段的文字裡面,明明每個字都認得,可是放在一起就是看不懂。這個狀況就是因為你不知道這個字還另外一個意思。當名詞作為動詞使用時,通常有兩個主要目的。第一,敘述簡潔。第二,意思精準。單字量達到一定程度時,進步的速度會趨緩,不妨用已經學會單字,重新用不同詞性找出第二層意思,讓你的表達的更像英文native speaker。

  • 1. water

名詞:水 I drink lots of mineral water. 我喝很多礦泉 ... ...






 Word 字 


 Sentence 句 

Our local Taiwanese microchip suppliers recently increased their prices.

 Paragraph 段 

As you know, the economy in Taiwan is not doing very well at the moment. In response to the poor economic conditions, all of our local Taiwanese microchip suppliers recently increased their prices by 15% to 25% without notifying us in advance and without giving us any reasonable justifications.


 Word 字 


 Sentence 句 

We need to figure out whether our company should start doing business in Guangdong in order to expand our network of suppliers.

 Paragraph 段 

We need to figure out whether our company should start doing business in Guangdong in order to expand our network of suppliers. I think it is very clear that we can no longer stay with our local suppliers in Taiwan. For our business to be successful, we cannot continue to rely on them. Instead, we need to find foreign suppliers in Guangdong, China.


Short Business Proposal

July 14, 2017

Subject: Business Proposal

Dear George,

As you know, the economy in Taiwan is not doing very well at the moment. In response to the poor economic conditions, all of our local Taiwanese microchip suppliers recently increased their prices by 15% to 25% without notifying us in advance and without giving us any reasonable justification.

As we mentioned during our meeting on Monday, we need to figure out whether our company should start doing business in Guangdong in order to expand our network of suppliers. I think it is very clear that we can no longer stay with our local suppliers in Taiwan. For our business to be successful, we cannot continue to rely on them. Instead, we need to find foreign suppliers in Guangdong, China.

I have started looking into potential suppliers online and I have made a list of suppliers that can meet our high standards for quality. I think the best way for us to find out if these suppliers can actually make and deliver products to our satisfaction is for Peter, John, Paul, and I to visit their factories in Shenzhen and test samples there during the last two weeks of July (July 17th to July 31st).

I am confident that the four of us can find and create long-term, win-win relationships with a few reliable suppliers and negotiate a price that is cheaper than what our current local Taiwanese suppliers gave us before their price increase.

As always, thank you very much for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


文/王妍筑、Jack Chu


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2017年8月號


夏天到了 日本刨冰也進化了!?
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