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2017/08/21第268期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

The Claddagh Ring: Timeless Symbol of Love and Friendship
—Jay Sailors

If you're looking for something to wear on your finger that has deep meaning, consider a claddagh ring. This popular Irish ring has a famous love story behind it: A young man was captured by a band of thieves. He was forced to work as a goldsmith. During this time, he secretly stole bits of gold to make a special ring. When he was freed many years later, he gave it to the woman he loved to show that he'd never stopped thinking about her.

Claddagh rings, which are usually made of silver or gold, are important in Irish culture. They're often passed down from mothers to daughters. The rings have two hands, which stand for friendship. The hands hold a heart with a crown on top to represent love and loyalty.

There are different positions for the ring that show that you are single, dating, set to be married, or married. But any way the ring is worn, it also represents a beautiful old expression—"Let love and friendship reign."


《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.196 8月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
Summer Universiade 夏季世界大學運動會(簡稱世大運)
世界大學運動會為供大學生運動員參加的國際賽事,由國際大學運動總會(International University Sports Federation, 依法文簡稱為FISU)主辦,分夏季及冬季,皆每兩年舉辦一次。二○一七年夏季世大運將在八月十九日至三十日在臺北市舉行,這是臺灣有史以來最大、層級最高的國際運動賽會。Universiade是由University(大學)及Olympiad(奧林匹亞競賽)結合而成。
international competition 國際競賽
athlete 運動員
Athletes' Village 選手村
designated venue 指定場館
mascot 吉祥物
bravo (喝采聲)好極了!(亦為台北世大運吉祥物「熊讚」的名字)
participant 參加者
volunteer 志工;志願者
The Summer Universiade is an international competition that brings together student athletes from around the world.
2017/08/21(一) They're often passed down from mothers to daughters.

2017/08/22(二) Left-handers make up about 10 percent of all people in the world.


Unless teachers are aware of their students' different needs, these children can develop low self-esteem and learning problems.

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