
【米奇巴克童書魔法盒】讓父母瞭解孩子思考與美感的「天賦」,陪孩子一起快樂閱讀、創意思考! 閱讀幾米繪本,經歷心靈的旅行,再到生活的各種新嘗試,【幾米Spa電子報】將成為你最溫柔貼心的陪伴。
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2017/08/25 第373期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 商品與資源
【本月發燒書】 彩圖實境生活英語 Just Say It
【好康情報局】 【夏日樂讀節】精選好書單本79折!《FUN學系列》二版套書重新登場!

<< 節錄寂天講堂「常見職稱英文」 >>

Goods and Resources

There are many kinds of natural resources on the earth. People use natural resources to produce goods.

Trees are used to build our homes and buildings. Oil that is pumped from the ground is made into fuel and other products we use every day. Minerals, such as gold and salt, are also very important natural resources.

We can divide the earth's resources into renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Renewable resources can be used again and again. Water, soil, and trees are renewable resources. Also, solar power and wind power are renewable resources. They can be replaced within a short time.

Nonrenewable resources are the opposite. We can only use them once, and then they are gone forever. Many energy resources, such as oil, coal, and natural gas, are nonrenewable resources. They are limited in supply and cannot be replaced easily.

We must conserve our natural resources so that we do not run out of them.







<< 選自 Fun 學美國英語閱讀課本 4 (菊8k+MP3)【二版】 >>
彩圖實境生活英語 Just Say It
道地生活會話+實境彩圖+圖解字彙=情境中學英文! 能開口!本書設定三大情境主題社交生活、國外生活、職場生活,採用大量實景照片的影像學習法來介紹字彙,以視覺輔助記憶,學來輕鬆,印象深刻,也不會誤用字彙,從此和尷尬場面說掰掰!.詳全文
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