Dabbawalas Bring Home-cooked Meals Wherever You Are 地表最強便當快遞 ── 印度達巴瓦拉

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2017/08/08 第311期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Dabbawalas Bring Home-cooked Meals Wherever You Are  地表最強便當快遞 ── 印度達巴瓦拉
Learn about an Indian tradition that delivers homemade meals hot and fresh.

   Dabbawalas, which means lunch box delivery people in Hindi, are an important part of the Indian society, especially in Mumbai. This one-of-a-kind network of delivery people brings home-cooked lunches from an office worker's home to their workplace. Many dabbawalas come from poor backgrounds and don't have money to buy a car. However, they manage to deliver around 200,000 meals every day in Mumbai on foot or by bicycle.
   Most Indians prefer to eat food prepared at home because it's done to their personal taste, and they're sure it will be clean. In the morning, a dabbawala goes to each worker's home and picks up their lunch box. Then, the lunch box passes from person to person in the network of delivery people. The delivery system is very well organized, so the lunch boxes arrive just in time for the midday meal. They even take the dirty dishes back to each worker's home, too!
   This traditional delivery method has been growing fast. Recently, KFC in India teamed up with the dabbawalas to offer its meals through their network. The public loved the idea and is happy to have another choice. Still, nothing beats a home-cooked meal delivered right to your office.



  1. tradition n. 傳統
    traditional a. 傳統的
    It's a tradition to play tricks on people on April Fools' Day.
    Vegetables in traditional markets are usually fresher than those in supermarkets.
  2. deliver vt. 運送
    delivery n. 遞送
    The mailman delivered a letter to the wrong address.
    I would like to send this package as cash on delivery.
  3. especially adv. 尤其
    Sandy likes to play all kinds of sports, especially volleyball.
  4. manage to V  設法/成功(做到)……
    manage vt. 設法做成(困難的事);管理
    The nurse finally managed to calm the patient down.
  5. personal a. 個人的,私人的
    Please don't judge what I'm wearing. This is my own personal style.
  6. organized a. 有組織的
    organize vt. 組織;安排
    No one would want to work with a badly organized team.
    Kate organized the students into groups based on their English skills.
  7. team up (with sb)  (與某人)合作
    Steve teamed up with Eric to host the wedding.
  8. nothing beats...  什麼都比不上……
    Nothing beats a glass of iced tea on a hot day.

network n. 網路,網路系統
midday n. 中午,正午

本文 "The delivery system is very well organized, so the lunch boxes arrive just in time for the midday meal." 中的片語 in time 表「及時」,而 in time for sth 指的便是「趕上某事」的意思;若要表示「來得及(做某事)」,則要接 to 加原形動詞。另一個常見的片語 on time,則是用來表「準時」。例:

No matter how busy he is, Dad always gets home in time for dinner.

The police showed up just in time to stop the robbery.

Victoria was unable to get to school on time, so she missed the test.

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