ombating Environmental Problems with Tree Planet 滑手機救世界 ── 樹木星球

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2017/08/22 第327期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Combating Environmental Problems with Tree Planet  滑手機救世界 ── 樹木星球
by Ivy Liu

Instead of wasting your time and money, Tree Planet uses their game to benefit the environment.

  In the gaming world, it is common for people to spend money on in-game items and be harassed by annoying pop-up ads. However, it is rare to see a game direct their profits toward making a difference in the world, like tackling climate change or desertification. _(1)_ The company was founded in September 2010, and it has won many social innovation awards like the prestigious Red Dot Design Award in 2013.
  Their mobile app game of the same name works to help save the environment and replace the trees lost to deforestation every year. _(2)_ That may sound simple, but the beauty of the app lies in the hard work the company puts into bringing these trees into reality. Over the years, the company has partnered with organizations like Google and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) to plant an overwhelming number of trees. _(3)_ Instead of depending on donations, Tree Planet has turned contributing to a good cause into a fun and engaging experience. At one point, the company had a project called Star Forest, where celebrity fan clubs crowdfund in order to dedicate trees in honor of their favorite K-pop stars. _(4)_
  Not only is Tree Planet changing the world, but it is also promoting environmental awareness about the importance of trees. _(5)_ And we can all get behind its mission to plant the most trees and make Earth a greener planet.

(A) Users plant a virtual tree in the game and help nurture its growth.
(B) Among them are BIGBANG, G-Dragon, EXO, and Girls' Generation.
(C) A Korean startup called Tree Planet is doing just that.
(D) One side argues that the current global warming is caused by human factors.
(E) Climate change is already having an effect on global weather systems, but people can help slow it down by playing their hearts out on Tree Planet.
(F) So far, over 500,000 have been planted in 108 forests across 10 different countries.


1. 第一題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格後一句提及 "The company was founded in September 2010, and it has won many social innovation awards like the prestigious Red Dot Design Award in 2013."(該公司於 2010 年九月創立,並且贏得許多社會創新獎項,像是極富聲譽的紅點設計獎(2013年)。),而 (C) 項句子提及 "A Korean startup called Tree Planet is doing just that."(一家南韓名為樹木星球的新創公司正是在做這樣的事。),後一句的 company(公司)與 (C) 項句子的 startup(新創公司)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。

startup n. 新創公司

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Their mobile app game of the same name works to help save the environment and replace the trees lost to deforestation every year."(他們同名的行動應用程式遊戲幫助拯救環境並回補了每年因森林砍伐而造成的樹木損失。),而 (A) 項句子提及 "Users plant a virtual tree in the game and help nurture its growth."(使用者在該遊戲中種植一株虛擬樹木然後幫忙將它養大。),前一句的 mobile app game(行動應用程式遊戲)及 trees(樹木)與 (A) 項句子的 game(遊戲)及 virtual tree(虛擬樹木)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

nurture vt. 培育,教養
Kate and her husband feel that it is their duty to nurture their children.

3. 第三題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Over the years, the company has partnered with organizations like Google and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) to plant an overwhelming number of trees."(多年來,該公司與像是谷歌和聯合國防治荒漠化公約秘書處這類機構合作以種植出難以計數的樹木。),而 (F) 項句子提及 "So far, over 500,000 have been planted in 108 forests across 10 different countries."(迄今,超過五十萬株樹木已被種在十個國家共一百零八座森林裡。),(F) 項句子補充說明前一句的 an overwhelming number of trees(難以計數的樹木),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

4. 第四題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "At one point, the company had a project called Star Forest, where celebrity fan clubs crowdfund in order to dedicate trees in honor of their favorite K-pop stars."(該公司一度擁有一項稱為「明星樹林」的計畫,名人粉絲俱樂部在這個計畫中群眾募資,為的就是藉由獻上樹木來對他們最愛的韓流巨星表達崇拜。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "Among them are BIGBANG, G-Dragon, EXO, and Girls' Generation."(在這些韓星中有 BIGBANG、G-Dragon、EXO,以及少女時代。), (B) 項句子舉例說明前一句的 K-pop stars(韓流巨星),故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

generation n. 世代
: generation gap  代溝
If the generation gap between parents and their children could be narrowed, there wouldn't be so many social problems.
*narrow vt. 使變窄

5. 第五題空格應選 (E)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Not only is Tree Planet changing the world, but it is also promoting environmental awareness about the importance of trees."(樹木星球不只改變了世界,它同樣也提高了有關樹木重要性的環保意識。),而 (E) 項的句子提到 "Climate change is already having an effect on global weather systems, but people can help slow it down by playing their hearts out on Tree Planet."(氣候變遷已經對世界天氣系統造成了影響,但人們可以藉由玩樹木星球以訴出自己的心聲,幫忙減緩其影響。),前一句的 environmental awareness(環保意識)與 (E) 項句子的 climate change(氣候變遷)互相呼應,故形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。

a. have an effect on...  對……有影響
: have an influence on...
= have an impact on...
Jack's words always have an effect on his sons.
b. play one's heart out  盡情遊玩
: V + one's heart out  盡全力(做)……
Emma cried her heart out at her grandmother's funeral.

1. combat vt. 對抗,抵抗
To combat the sun's harmful rays, Tim put on some sunscreen before he went out.
*sunscreen n. 防曬乳

2. benefit vt. 有益於 & vi. 獲益 & n. 好處,利益
: benefit from...  從……獲益
for the benefit of...  為了……的利益
= for the good of...
The new shopping mall will benefit the community and its economy.
Everyone benefits from a smoke-free environment.
The new policy is for the benefit of people who want to start their own businesses.

3. harass vt. 騷擾;使煩惱
: harassment n. 騷擾
I have warned Jason that if he doesn't stop harassing me, I'll call the police.
Albert was accused of sexual harassment by one of his subordinates.
*be accused of...  被指控??
subordinate n. 下屬

4. direct vt. 將……對準;指導 & a. 直接的
All students directed their attention to the speaker.
Mr. Johnson will be taking a direct flight to Hawaii for his daughter's wedding.

5. profit n. 利潤
: make a profit  產生利潤,有盈餘
Helen made a big profit by selling her homemade cookies online.

6. tackle vt. 處理,應付
It is not easy to tackle so many responsibilities at once.

7. innovation n. 創新
: innovative a. 創新的
The program aims to help people develop creativity and innovation.
Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most innovative thinkers of his time.

8. prestigious a. 有名聲的,有威望的
Harvard is regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in the world.
*be regarded as...  被視為……

9. overwhelming a. 壓倒性的
: overwhelm vt. 使招架不住,壓倒
An overwhelming majority of the staff members were opposed to the new regulation.
*be opposed to N/V-ing  反對……
Many high school seniors are overwhelmed by pressure and high expectations from their parents.

10. donation n. 捐款;捐贈物

11. engaging a. 迷人的;有魅力的
Gary is obsessed with Diane's engaging smile.
*be / get obsessed with...  著迷於……

12. dedicate vt. 奉獻,致力於
: be dedicated to N/V-ing  致力於……
= be devoted to N/V-ing
The photographer is very dedicated to her work as evidenced by her exhibit.
*as evidenced by...  由……可證明
evidence vt. 證明(常用被動)

13. awareness n. 意識;察覺
: raise awareness about / of...  喚起關於……的意識
The government is trying to raise public awareness about environmental protection.

pop-up a.(內部會有東西突然)彈出的
: pop up  突然出現;突然發生
desertification n. 沙漠化
deforestation n. 森林砍伐
convention n. 公約,協定(可數)
crowdfund vi. & vt. 群眾募資
: crowdfunding n. 群眾募資

1. make a difference  有影響;使有所差別
Nothing you said will make a difference in Jason's decision.

2. lie in...  在於……
: consist in...
The beauty of Mark Twain's writing lies in its honesty.

3. partner with...  與……合作;與……成為搭擋
Paul partnered with Laura during a dance class.

4. depend on...  依靠/仰賴……
True friends are the ones that you can depend on in times of need.

5. contribute to...   對……有貢獻;導致/造成……
: lead to...
= result in...
= give rise to...
= bring about...
Although insects are annoying, they contribute to the food chain in many ways.
The Internet has contributed to many changes in our lives.

6. in honor of...  為了表示對……的崇敬/紀念
The monument was built in honor of those who died for their country.

7. get behind...  支持/幫助……
The writer claims that the publishers never really got behind her new book.

滑手機救世界 ── 樹木星球

  在遊戲的世界中,民眾花錢購買遊戲中的物品並被惱人的廣告視窗騷擾是很常見的事。然而,很少會看到一款遊戲將他們的獲利用來改變世界,像是解決氣候變遷或沙漠化的問題。一家南韓名為樹木星球的新創公司正是在做這樣的事。該公司於 2010 年九月創立,並且贏得許多社會創新獎項,像是極富聲譽的紅點設計獎(2013年)。
  他們同名的行動應用程式遊戲幫助拯救環境並回補了每年因森林砍伐而造成的樹木損失。使用者在該遊戲中種植一株虛擬樹木然後幫忙將它養大。這聽起來可能很容易,但這款應用程式之美就在於該公司努力將這些樹木實現成真。多年來,該公司與像是谷歌和聯合國防治荒漠化公約秘書處這類機構合作以種植出難以計數的樹木。迄今,超過五十萬株樹木已被種在十個國家共一百零八座森林裡。樹木星球已將對立意良好理念的奉獻轉變為一個有趣且迷人的體驗,而非依賴捐助。該公司一度擁有一項稱為「明星樹林」的計畫,名人粉絲俱樂部在這個計畫中群眾募資,為的就是藉由獻上樹木來對他們最愛的韓流巨星表達崇拜。在這些韓星中有 BIGBANG、G-Dragon、EXO,以及少女時代。
答案: 1. C  2. A  3. F  4. B  5. E

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