Deadly Beauty 美麗的偽裝高手 ── 蘭花螳螂

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2017/09/26 第332期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Deadly Beauty  美麗的偽裝高手 ── 蘭花螳螂
by Daniel Howard

In the jungles of Malaysia, a deadly hunter hides behind bright colors.

  In 1879, an Australian explorer returned home with an incredible story of brightly colored flowers that caught and ate butterflies in the jungles of Malaysia. This story of killer flowers had _(1)_ for many years before scientists discovered that it was not a rare, carnivorous plant at all. In fact, it was a beautiful species of insect, which they _(2)_ the orchid mantis.
  Mimicking the shape and color of flowers, all orchid mantises are a _(3)_ of white and bright pink, and their rounded legs look just like flower petals. Orchid mantises are _(4)_ to the more common praying mantises. Both insects use sharp front legs to catch their prey and eat it _(5)_. However, scientists were surprised that the butterflies would approach a _(6)_ this way, so they did some research.
  One of the first things they found is that the orchid mantis would hide among flowers that looked _(7)_ to it. In addition to this camouflage _(8)_, some of the mantises hunt against green vegetation so that they can be seen easily. Then, there is the orchid mantis' color. To humans, they look pink and white, but some insects see more colors than we can. A butterfly sees a beautiful, delicious flower that it can't _(9)_. Sadly for the butterfly, instead of getting a meal, that tasty-looking "flower" _(10)_ the poor insect out of the sky and devours it.
  Biologists are still studying the orchid mantis, and there's a lot left to learn. But one thing is for sure: the orchid mantis is as deadly as it is beautiful.
(A) alive (B) named (C) snatches (D) related (E) tactic
(F) similar (G) continued (H) resist (I) mixture (J) predator


1. This story of killer flowers had continued for many years before scientists discovered that it was not a rare, carnivorous plant at all.

a. 空格前有主詞 This story of killer flowers(這種殺手花朵的故事),空格後有介詞 for 引導的時間副詞片語,再接 before 引導的過去式副詞子句 scientists discovered that it was not a rare, carnivorous plant at all(科學家才發現那根本不是一種罕見的肉食性植物),得知空格應置過去完成式動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的有 (D) related(和……有關)及 (G) continued(繼續),惟根據語意,(G) 項應為正選。
c. continue vi. 繼續
As the riot continued, the government considered imposing a curfew.
*impose (a) curfew  實施宵禁
curfew n. 宵禁

2. In fact, it was a beautiful species of insect, which they named the orchid mantis.

a. 空格前有主詞 they(他們),空格後有作受詞 which 的補語,即名詞詞組 the orchid mantis(蘭花螳螂),得知空格應置不完全及物動詞。
b. 選項中為不完全及物動詞的僅有 (B) named(為……命名),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. name vt. 命名
: name sb + 名字 + after sb  將某人依……取名為……
= be named after sb
We named him Henry after his grandfather.

3. Mimicking the shape and color of flowers, all orchid mantises are a mixture of white and bright pink, and their rounded legs look just like flower petals.

a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,空格後有介詞 of,得知空格應置單數名詞。
b. 選項中為單數名詞的有 (E) tactic(戰術,策略)、(I) mixture(混合)及 (J) predator(掠食者),惟根據語意,(I) 項應為正選。
c. mixture n. 混合
:a mixture of...  ……的綜合
= a combination of...
combination n. 結合
The accident was caused by a mixture of errors.

4. Orchid mantises are related to the more common praying mantises.

a. 空格後有介詞 to,得知本題測試以下固定用法:
be related to...  (動物)與……是同類;(人)與……有親戚關係
Did you know that I am actually related to the King of England?
b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。

5. Both insects use sharp front legs to catch their prey and eat it alive.

a. 空格前有代名詞 it,得知空格應置副詞(修飾 eat)或後置形容詞(作 it 的受詞補語)。
b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (A) alive(活著的,活生生的),置入後亦符合語意,即:eat it alive,意為「趁著牠活的時候吃下牠」。
c. alive a. 活著的
: be alive with...  充滿……
注意 本字與名詞並用,應置於名詞之後。
We found five people alive in the car crash.(非 We found five alive people)
*crash n. 撞毀,墜毀;破碎聲
The ocean is alive with all kinds of creatures.

6. However, scientists were surprised that the butterflies would approach a predator this way, so they did some research.

a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,得知空格應置單數名詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的尚有 (E) tactic(戰術,策略)及 (J) predator(掠食者),惟根據語意,(J) 項應為正選。
c. predator n. 掠食者
Chameleons change color as a means of hiding from predators.
*chameleon n. 變色龍
as a means of N/V-ing  作為一種……的方式
means n. 方法,手段(單複數同形)

7. One of the first things they found is that the orchid mantis would hide among flowers that looked similar to them.

a. 空格前有連綴動詞 looked(看起來),空格後有介詞 to,得知空格應置形容詞。
b. 選項中為形容詞的僅剩 (F) similar(相似的),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. similar a. 相似的
: be similar to...  與……相似
Luke's views on art are similar to mine.

8. In addition to this camouflage tactic, some of the mantises hunt against green vegetation so that they can be seen easily.

a. 空格前有名詞 camouflage (偽裝),得知空格應置名詞以與 camouflage 形成名詞詞組。
b. 選項中為名詞的僅剩 (E) tactic(戰術,策略),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. tactic n. 戰術,策略
The manager uses psychological tactics in her advertising campaigns.
*psychological a. 心理的

9. A butterfly sees a beautiful, delicious flower that it can't resist.

a. 空格前有助動詞 can't(不能),得知空格應置原形動詞。
b. 選項中為原形動詞的僅有 (H) resist(抗拒),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. resist vt. 抗拒
: can't resist V-ing  無法抗拒……;禁不住……
Iris can't resist biting her fingernails when she gets nervous.
*bite vt. 咬(三態為:bite, bit, bitten。)

10. Sadly for the butterfly, instead of getting a meal, that tasty-looking "flower" snatches the poor insect out of the sky and devours it.

a. 空格前有單數名詞詞組 that tasty-looking "flower"(那看起來美味的「花朵」),空格後亦有名詞詞組 the poor insect(這隻可憐的昆蟲),得知空格應置第三人稱單數及物動詞,使 the poor insect 作其受詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的僅剩 (C) snatches(抓住;奪取),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. snatch vt. & n. 抓住;奪取
: snatch sth away  將某物奪走
Mary burst into tears when her brother Johnny snatched her toy away.
*burst into tears  突然大哭起來
So far, the police have had no clue as to how the snatch of the painting occurred.
*clue n. 線索

in addition to... 除了……,(還)……;撇開……不談(本身包含在內)
: apart from...
= aside from...
= besides...
比較except for...  除了……外(本身不包含在內)
In addition to the special effects, the plot of the movie was also well developed.
All of us signed up for the French class except for Emily.
*sign up for...  報名參加……

carnivorous a. 肉食性的
: herbivorous a. 草食性的
rounded a. 弧形的
praying mantis  螳螂
camouflage n. & vt. 偽裝;掩飾
vegetation n. 植物,草木(總稱,不可數)
biologist n. 生物學家
: biology n. 生物學
biologically adv. 生物學上

1. deadly a. 致命的
Some snakes are deadly, so make sure to avoid getting close enough for any to bite you.

2. hide vi. 躲藏 & vt. 把……藏起來(三態為︰hide, hid, hidden。)
: hide from...  躲避……
hide A from B  將 A 藏起來避免被 B 發現
The mayor didn't hide from the questions. Instead, he explained everything honestly.
Billy tried to hide his secret from his mom, but to no avail.
*to no avail  徒勞無功,白費工夫

3. incredible a. 令人難以置信的
The fact that Angel has been working here for over 30 years is incredible.

4. rare a. 罕見的,稀少的
This comic book is rare and worth lots of money.
*be worth + 金額  值……(錢)

5. species n. 物種(單複數同形)

6. orchid mantis  蘭花螳螂
orchid n. 蘭花
mantis n. 螳螂

7. mimic vt. 模仿
(三態為:mimic, mimicked, mimicked,現在分詞及動名詞為 mimicking。)
The parrot mimicked the sound of the doorbell.
*parrot n. 鸚鵡

8. petal n. 花瓣

9. sharp a. 鋒利的 & adv. ……整(用於時間)
: sharpen vt. 削尖
Be careful with that knife because it's very sharp.
Meet me at the corner at three o'clock sharp.
My pencil is blunt. Can you help me sharpen it?
*blunt a. 鈍的,不利的

10. prey n. 被捕食的動物,獵物(集合名詞,不可數)& vi. 獵捕(與介詞 on 並用)
A hawk hovered over the prairie, searching for its prey.
*hawk n. 鷹,隼
hover over...  在……上空盤旋
hover vi.(鳥、直升機)盤旋
prairie n. 大草原
Cats prey on birds and mice.

11. approach vt. & vi. 接近,靠近
We had to slow down as we approached the traffic light.

12. among prep. 在……之間
Michael felt out of place among all the girls in the dance class.
*feel out of place  (覺得)格格不入

13. devour vt. 大口吃,狼吞虎嚥
The dog first sniffed at the food and then devoured everything in less than a minute.
*sniff at...  聞……
sniff vi. 聞;大聲吸氣


美麗的偽裝高手 ── 蘭花螳螂

  1879 年,一名澳洲探險家帶著一則不可思議的故事回到家中:在馬來西亞叢林中目睹色彩鮮豔的花朵捕食了蝴蝶。這種殺手花朵的故事曾經流傳了許多年,之後科學家才發現那根本不是一種罕見的肉食性植物。事實上,牠是一種美麗的昆蟲,他們將之命名為蘭花螳螂。
答案:1. G 2. B 3. I 4. D 5. A 6. J 7. F 8. E 9. H 10. C


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