In Search of an Elegant Workspace 辦公桌進化大解密!

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2017/09/19 第331期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

In Search of an Elegant Workspace  辦公桌進化大解密!
by Jamie Blackler

The long journey to a clutter-free computer desk ends here.

  Our desks play an important role in helping us get things done. In the modern world, many people's idea of the perfect workspace is one that is free of clutter. Like a Zen garden, our desks should be both simple and elegant. In most cases, nothing more than a laptop and cellphone is needed. However, this wasn't always the case. Back in the 1980s, when computers weren't nearly as powerful, desktops were a lot messier.
  For starters, the Internet was not available to the public at that time, so additional equipment was needed to communicate over long distances. Instead of emails, people sent letters through the mail. This meant they had to have plenty of envelopes, paper, and stamps at their desk. For faster communication, they could use fax machines instead. Unfortunately, these heavy machines took up a lot of valuable desk space. Life was also a lot harder without Google searches. To make up for this lack of knowledge, people often stacked enormous dictionaries, along with other reference books, on the back of their desks.
  In the early 2000s, society began to shift toward a more paperless environment, and even more things disappeared from our desktops. When e-books came on the scene, magazines and paperback novels started to vanish from desks, as these publications could now be read digitally. Without paper, items such as scissors, staplers, and glue were no longer very important. The rise of smartphones also played a large part in transforming work environments. Alarm clocks, calendars, and calculators were eliminated, as free apps could be used instead. To see a visual representation of how these changes occurred, check out the Harvard Innovation Lab's video The Evolution of the Desk online.

1. Where would this passage most likely appear?
(A) In a magazine about the history of technology.
(B) In an ad for computers.
(C) On a website about the evolution of animals.
(D) In an encyclopedia.

2. What can be inferred about the author's attitude towards modern desktops?
(A) Dirty desks equal hard work.
(B) Old desktops are coming back.
(C) Having less on your desk is better.
(D) The more things there are on the desk, the better.

3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) People sent more letters when there was no Internet.
(B) Fax machines wasted lots of space.
(C) E-books made people buy fewer printed magazines.
(D) Smartphones made people get rid of their apps.

4. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "stacked" in the second paragraph?
(A) To discard12 something.
(B) To put one thing on top of another.
(C) To place things in separate13 spaces.
(D) To read something quickly.


workspace n. 工作場所
clutter n. 雜亂(的東西)
a reference book  參考書
 reference n. 參考(文獻);言及
: with reference to...  關於……
paperback n. 平裝書
publication n. 出版物,刊物
: publish vt. 出版,發行
digitally adv. 數位地
: digital a. 數位的
stapler n. 釘書機
: staple n. 訂書針
encyclopedia n. 百科全書

1. in search of...  追求,尋找……
: in quest of...
quest n. 追求,尋找
The man spent all his life in search of fame and wealth.

2. play an important role in...  在……方面扮演極其重要的角色
: play a vital role in...
vital a. 極其重要的
Endurance plays an important role in success.
*endurance n. 耐力

3. be not the case  情況/情形不是如此
: be the case  情況/情形正是如此
Life for the Johnsons is easier now, but that wasn't the case a few years ago.
If what Peter said is the case, you will have to be more careful.

4. for starters  首先
For starters, you can stop complaining all the time.

5. take up...  占據……(空間或時間)
This table takes up too much space in my dining room.
That project took up most of Bill's time.

6. come / be on the scene  出現
Once that band came on the scene, the music industry went crazy trying to sign them.

7. get rid of...  擺脫/除去……
: ward off...
Kelly lit the incense to get rid of the mosquitoes.
*incense n. 香

1. elegant a. 優雅的,高雅的
Anthony complimented me on my elegant, purple gown.

2. desktop n. 桌面;桌上型電腦
Don't monkey around with my files. I've got my desktop arranged the way I like it.
*monkey around with...  亂弄/瞎搞……
I prefer a laptop because a desktop is bulky and difficult to move.
*bulky a. 笨重的;體型龐大的

3. available a. 可取得的
: be available to...  是……可取得;可供……利用
The aerobics class is available to club members free of charge.
*aerobics n. 有氧運動

4. enormous a. 巨大的,龐大的
The earthquake left an enormous crack down the middle of the road.
*crack n. 裂縫

5. vanish vi. 不見,消失
: vanish from...  從……消失
= disappear from...
This species of snake has vanished from the Earth.
*species n. 物種(單複數同形)

6. glue n. 膠水 & vt. 黏合,黏貼
: be glued to...  緊盯著……看
Gary sealed the letter with glue.
*seal vt. 密封
Brian glued his passport photo onto the form.
Tommy is glued to the TV whenever cartoons are on.

7. transform vt. 轉變,改變
: transform A into B  將 A 轉變為 B
The movie transformed the young actress into a superstar overnight.

8. calculator n. 計算機
: calculate vt. 計算
We have to calculate the costs before building the new office.

9. eliminate vt. 消除;排除
I think we can eliminate those people from our list.

10. innovation n. 創新
: innovative a. 創新的
The program aims to help people develop creativity and innovation.
The manager came up with an innovative way to cut costs.

11. evolution n. 發展;進化
The 20th century witnessed the evolution of computer technology.
*witness vt. 見證;目擊,親眼看見

12. discard vt. 丟棄,扔掉
: throw away...
Do not discard cigarette butts on the ground.
*cigarette butt  菸蒂,菸屁股
cigarette n. 香菸

13. separate a. 不同的,分開的 & vt. 使分開
: separate A from B  將 A 與 B 分開
Marion kept the raw meat separate from the meat she already cooked.
It takes skill to separate egg whites from egg yolks.
*yolk n. 蛋黃

To make up for this lack of knowledge, people often stacked enormous dictionaries, along with other reference books, on the back of their desks.
make up for...  彌補/補償……
: compensate for...
: make up...  編造/捏造……
be made up of...  由……所組成
= be composed of...
= consist of...
To make up for missing your party, let me take you out to dinner.
Louise made up a ridiculous excuse for being late.
*ridiculous a. 荒謬的
The audience was made up of people of all ages.



  我們的辦公桌在幫助我們完成工作方面扮演著重要的角色。現代世界中,許多人對完美工作空間的想法是:不能雜亂。就像禪園一樣,我們的辦公桌應該是要既簡單又優雅。大多數的情況下,一臺筆記型電腦和手機就已足夠。然而,情況並非總是如此。在 1980 年代,電腦的功能還沒有那麼強大的時候,桌面就雜亂許多。
  首先,因為當時還沒有網路可供大眾使用,所以需要額外的設備來進行長途通訊。人們透過郵件而非電子郵件來發送信件。這意味著他們辦公桌上必須要備有大量的信封、紙張和郵票。若要更快速的通訊,則可以使用傳真機來取代郵寄。不幸的是,這些笨重的機器占用了很多寶貴的桌面空間。沒有 Google 搜尋引擎的日子也比較艱難。為了彌補這種缺乏知識的情形,人們經常在桌子後面堆疊著大量的字典和其他參考書。
  2000 年代初期,社會開始轉向比較無紙化的環境,甚至有更多東西從我們的桌面上消失。當電子書問世,雜誌和平裝小說開始在書桌上銷聲匿跡,因為這些出版物現在可以供數位化閱讀了。沒有了紙張,像是剪刀、訂書機和膠水等物品便不再重要。智慧型手機的興起在轉變工作環境方面也起了很大的作用。鬧鐘、日曆和計算機也都被淘汰,因為可以改用免費的應用程式。想一探究竟這些轉變如何發生,上網查看哈佛創新實驗室的影片 ──《辦公桌進化史》吧。


1. 這篇文章最可能出現在哪裡?
(A) 在關於科技史的雜誌中。
(B) 在電腦廣告中。
(C) 在關於動物進化的網站上。
(D) 在百科全書中。
題解:全文皆在敘述辦公桌從以前到現在的演變過程,故 (A) 項應為正選。

2. 關於作者對現代桌面的態度可以推斷出什麼?
(A) 髒亂的桌子等於工作認真。
(B) 老式的桌面正在重現。
(C) 桌上的東西越少越好。
(D) 桌上的東西越多越好。
題解:根據本文第一段,現代世界中,許多人對完美工作空間的想法是:不能雜亂。就像禪園一樣,我們的辦公桌應該是要既簡單又優雅,可推斷作者認為桌上東西越少越好,故 (C) 項應為正選。

3. 根據本文,下列哪一項敘述不正確?
(A) 人們在沒有網路的時候寄發更多信件。
(B) 傳真機浪費了很大的空間。
(C) 電子書讓人們購買較少的印刷雜誌。
(D) 智慧型手機讓人們擺脫了應用程式。
題解:根據本文最後一段,智慧型手機的興起在轉變工作環境方面也起了很大的作用。鬧鐘、日曆和計算機也都被淘汰,因為可以改用免費的應用程式,與 (D) 項敘述不符,故為正選。

4. 下列哪一項與第二段中的 stacked 一詞意思最為接近?
(A) 扔掉某物。
(B) 把一樣東西放在另一樣東西上面。
(C) 把東西放在不同的空間。
(D) 快速閱讀某樣東西。
題解:stacked 一詞為「堆疊、堆放」之意,與 (B) 項意思最為接近,故為正選。

答案:1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B


是一堂學習突破自我、找尋夢想的超酷研習課!前進美國休士頓 NASA詹森太空中心,親眼目睹如電影場景般並深入了解太空人培訓內容,激勵學生勇敢設定人生目標並努力追求卓越!


歷史上首位當選柏林愛樂音樂總監的英國指揮家賽門拉圖,在外「流浪」了許多年後,終於要重回日不落國接下倫敦交響樂團音樂總監一職。BBC 雜誌也特別列出了三個拉圖回歸可以被期待的事情。

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