Their Identities Denied, Afghan Women Ask, ‘Where Is My Name?阿富汗婦女問道:「我的名字在哪?」

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2017/09/08 第185期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Their Identities Denied, Afghan Women Ask, 'Where Is My Name?阿富汗婦女問道:「我的名字在哪?」
West Point Cadet Breaks a Racial and Gender Barrier打破種族性別!西點軍校非裔女學生 選上總隊長
Their Identities Denied, Afghan Women Ask, 'Where Is My Name?阿富汗婦女問道:「我的名字在哪?」
文/Mujib Mashal

These are some of the terms Afghan men use to refer to their wives in public instead of their names, the sharing of which they see as a grave dishonor worthy of violence: Mother of Children, My Household, My Weak One or sometimes, in far corners, My Goat or My Chicken.

But a social media campaign to change this custom has been percolating in recent weeks, initiated by young women. The campaign comes with a hashtag that translates as #WhereIsMyName.



The activists' aim is both to challenge women to reclaim their most basic identity, and to break the deep-rooted taboo that prevents men from mentioning their female relatives' names in public.

"This is just a spark — the posing of a question mostly to the Afghan women about why their identity is denied," said Bahar Sohaili, one of the supporters of the campaign.



Like many social media efforts, this one began small. Since then, more activists have tried to turn it into a topic of conversation by challenging celebrities and government officials to share the names of their wives and mothers.

Members of the Parliament, senior government officials and artists have come forward in support, publicly declaring the identities of the female members of their families.



The campaign also has its detractors.

Modaser Islami, head of a youth organization, wrote on his Facebook page: "The name of my mother, sister and wife are sacred like their headscarf, and it's a sign of their honor."



Hassan Rizayee, an Afghan sociologist, said the custom was rooted in tribal ways of life.

"According to tribal logic, the important thing is the ownership of a woman's body," Rizayee said. "The body of a woman belongs to a man, and other people should not even use her body indirectly, such as looking at her. Based on this logic, the body, face and name of the woman belong to the man."



Reversing such deeply ingrained traditions will take a long time, he said, including changing what children are taught.

"By weakening tribal cultures, and awareness through the media, this type of thinking about woman could be changed," Rizayee said.





子曰:「必也正名乎!」阿富汗女性的正名(name rectification)運動,源自阿富汗男性在公共場合不稱妻子的名字,反映女性受歧視情況嚴重。閩南語歌曲「家後」描繪的鶼鰈情深令人動容,但嚴格說來「家後」一詞同樣有性別平權(gender equality)的問題。

「名不正,則言不順」,阿富汗女性拚正名,恢復最基本的身分。Reclaim是討回原本屬於自己的東西。「我失去的東西一定要拿回來!」這是「小馬哥」周潤發在電影「英雄本色」的經典台詞。收復失土、「待從頭,收拾舊山河」動詞也是用reclaim。台北世大運競技場上,名將寶刀未老可以說reclaim his/her former glory.

然而,社會成見往往根深柢固(deep-rooted或ingrained),要移風易俗(reverse the traditions)需要相當時日。原意為「過濾、滲透」的percolate描述這種潛移默化、某個觀念或感覺在組織團體緩緩散播的意象很貼切,介系詞常用through或down。

West Point Cadet Breaks a Racial and Gender Barrier打破種族性別!西點軍校非裔女學生 選上總隊長
文/Emily Cochrane

As a 6-year-old child, camping in the Virginia woods, Simone Askew marched for fun, wielding a plastic gun and leading her young sister and friends in formation. A few years later, the sight of Navy midshipmen striding across an Annapolis football field solidified her desire to be the person who led troops.

"What does it take," she asked her mother at the football game, pointing to the cadets, "to lead that?"



On Monday, more than a decade after her pretend marches, Askew, 20, led the freshmen Army cadets for 12 miles — the first African-American woman to hold the highest student position at the U.S. Military Academy. As the West Point corps of cadets first captain, the Northern Virginia resident will not only be at the forefront of every academy event, but she will also set the class agenda and oversee the roughly 4,400 students.

"You're selected for this role, that's not the end of it," said Askew, speaking Monday after she had finished overseeing the return of the freshmen cadets from their initial summer of training. "That's just the starting line, and it's more so, 'hey, what do you do with this role? What are you able to accomplish alongside your teammates?' And I'm very, very fortunate to be around some awesome people."



It is a significant step for West Point. The larger Army has historically been at the forefront of military integration, but has yet to see more than 20 African-American women graduate in a single class.

"Simone looks like America," said Pam Walter Locke, the first African-American woman to graduate from West Point and one of Simone's mentors.



"This is such a historic moment," added Locke.

Few people are surprised that Askew, who graduated from Fairfax High School outside of Washington in 2014, earned the first captain position, which also serves as a liaison between the West Point student body and the military administration. As a high school student, she spent summers volunteering at orphanages in the Dominican Republic, became school president and captain of the volleyball team, and started the school's Black Student Union.



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