TWICE: K-Pop's Best International Girl Group  融化了 ~ TWICE 敲可愛狙擊你心?

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2017/09/05 第315期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

TWICE: K-Pop's Best International Girl Group   融化了 ~ TWICE 敲可愛狙擊你心♥
This K-pop girl group has drawn talent from all over the world.

   With nine members, TWICE is one of the largest girl groups in the world of K-pop. They have won fans around the world with their high energy sound and fancy dance moves. Unlike most girl groups in K-pop today, a few of their members aren't Korean. Mina was born in America, Momo and Sana are both from Japan, and TWICE's youngest member, Tzuyu, was born in Taiwan.
   The group is called TWICE because they have two ways to make fans happy. One way is with their amazing singing skills. The other is with creative dance steps and their cool clothes. Each girl in TWICE has her own look and personality. This tells their young fans they should feel free to choose their own style, too.
   The group was started in 2015 on a popular TV show. Sixteen girls tried to win a spot in the group, but only nine made it. In 2015, their first album hit number 15 on Billboard's World Albums Chart. Last year, they had the top-selling album in Korea by a girl group. Now this year, TWICE became one of the biggest pop groups in Japan. Their next goal is to take the world by storm.


   TWICE 有九個成員,是韓國流行音樂界最大的女團之一。她們以高能量的聲音及花俏的舞蹈動作擄獲全球粉絲。不像今日大部分的韓國流行樂女團,她們的一些成員並非韓國人。Mina 在美國出生,Momo 和 Sana 來自日本,而 TWICE 最年輕的成員子瑜則出生於臺灣。
   團名叫 TWICE 是因為她們有兩種方式來讓粉絲開心。一種方式是運用她們驚人的唱歌技巧。另一種則是運用創意的舞步及她們酷炫的服裝。TWICE 的每位女孩都有她們自己的造型及個性。這也告訴她們的年輕粉絲,他們應該任意選擇他們自己的風格。
   TWICE 成立於 2015 年的一個熱門電視節目。十六位女孩試圖在這團體中贏得一席之地,但只有九位成功。2015 年,她們的首張專輯登上告示牌世界專輯排行榜第十五名。去年,她們的專輯為韓國女團銷量之冠。今年,TWICE 成為日本最夯的流行樂團之一。她們的下個目標是風靡全世界。

  1. energy n. 能量;活力
    All the children seem to be full of energy.
  2. fancy a. 花俏的;別緻的
    Sarah dreamed that she was getting married to John while wearing a fancy dress.
  3. unlike prep. 不像……,和……不同
    Unlike Mark, John does everything with a lot of care.
  4. personality n. 個性
    Due to her friendly personality, Karen is popular among her classmates.
  5. spot n. 位置,地位;地方
    The team earned a spot in the finals.
  6. make it  成功,辦得到
    We believe you'll make it in the end; don't get too sad.
  7. top-selling a. 暢銷的
    Disney toys are the top-selling Christmas presents this year.
  8. storm  風靡……
    Over the past few years, Korean soap operas have taken Asia by storm.

talent n. 藝人;有天分的人

本文 "In 2015, their first album hit number 15 on Billboard's World Albums Chart." 中的 chart,表「排行榜」。the Billboard chart 為「告示牌音樂排行榜」。相關片語有 top the charts / be on the top of the charts,表「登上排行榜冠軍」。例:

Justin Timberlake's album / song topped the charts this week.
= Justin Timberlake's album / song is on the top of the charts this week.

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