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2017/10/06 第379期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 飯店早餐的種類
【本月發燒書】 圖解廚房英語so easy:一定要會的字彙好用句
【好康情報局】 【新書推薦】《Don't Say It! 600個你一定會錯的英文》

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飯店早餐的種類 Types of Hotel Breakfasts

Types of Hotel Breakfasts Hotels around the world provide different types of breakfasts. The four most common ones are the continental breakfast, the American breakfast, the English breakfast, and the breakfast buffet. A continental breakfast is a light meal. It includes bread, juice, and a hot drink such as coffee or tea. Some hotels also serve fruit, yogurt, and cereal with it. An American breakfast includes two eggs, bacon or sausage, toast, pancakes, cereal, juice, fruit, and coffee or tea.

An English breakfast is more substantial than both a continental breakfast and an American breakfast. It usually has sausage, bacon, a grilled tomato, mushrooms, baked beans, eggs, toast, and tea or coffee. A breakfast buffet typically has all kinds of food. Guests can select cereal, bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, pancakes, and other breakfast foods. There is also usually a arge selection of fruit as well as milk, juice, coffee, and tea.



<< 選自12堂飯店人員專業英文必修課 >>
圖解廚房英語so easy:一定要會的字彙好用句
彩圖直覺式單字 + 常用實境會話 = 有效掌握廚房基礎單字會話!餐廳廚房內的美食佳餚、食材及用具種類繁多,本書搭配大量實境的彩圖,加速讀者理解記憶的效率,靈活運用餐飲廚房領域的實用字彙。.詳全文
圖解餐飲英語so easy:一定要會的字彙好用句 食尚英語:彩圖趣學餐飲英語 國際專業餐飲英語【增訂二版】
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