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2017/10/13 第380期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 飯店的客房服務
【本月發燒書】 12堂護理人員專業英文必修課
【好康情報局】 【新書推薦】《Don't Say It! 600個你一定會錯的英文》

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飯店的客房服務 Room Service at Hotels

Most medium-sized, large, and luxury hotels provide room service. Room service lets guests order various foods and beverages from a menu. Then, the items they order are brought to their rooms. This allows guests to eat and drink in their own rooms. Room service is typically more expensive than hotel restaurants. However, it has several advantages.

First, guests do not have to leave their rooms, so they get a certain amount of privacy. This is especially important for celebrities. Room service is more convenient for people who are working or meeting clients. And it is normally available 24 hours a day, so guests can order items whenever they like. When the ordered food arrives, it is usually brought in on a tray. The employee sets up the food and then leaves. The guest can pay the bill then or have the order charged to his or her hotel bill.


第一,房客不用離開自己的房間,因此他們仍保有一定程度的隱私,這對於名人尤其重要。客房服務對於工作中的、或要見客戶的商務旅客也格外方便。另外,飯店提供的客房服務通常是24 小時的,所以房客隨時都可以點餐。當他們的餐點送至房間時,客房服務生通常會以托盤送進來,並將餐點擺放整齊才離開。房客可以當場付款,或是記在他們房間的帳上。

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