iPhone 上市十週年 再掀智慧型手機革命

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2017/10/04第275期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網


簡介:◎「塞滿」的英語怎麼說? ◎ 什麼是 into the stratosphere? ◎ 新 iPhone 特色小詞典

Advance Glance: Apple's Anniversary iPhone

The hotly anticipated newest iPhone, likely dubbed iPhone 8, iPhone X or iPhone Edition, has generated considerable conjecture among tech analysts, investors and other digerati. Despite persistent rumors of delays, technical glitches and limited availability, recent reports suggest the model will launch fully functional and on time for the 10-year anniversary of the original iPhone.

iPhone 上市十週年 再掀智慧型手機革命

眾所期盼的最新款 iPhone,名稱可能會是 iPhone 8、iPhone X 或 iPhone Edition,已在科技分析師、投資者及其他數位資訊通間引起諸多揣測。儘管持續出現延遲上市、技術問題和限量供應等傳言,近來的報導指出這支手機將在系列手機滿十週年之際,功能完備地準時上市。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.166 10月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2017/10/09(一) I've got a good chunk of money squirreled away, and I don't have a clue how to invest it.
2017/10/10(二) We won't know your risk tolerance until you face a real bear market, so I think strategic asset allocation is the way to go.
2017/10/11(三) My investment strategy is relatively high-risk, but that's because I've developed the stomach for it.
2017/10/12(四) My split between stocks and bonds used to be 60-40, but I toned it down after I took a big hit a while back.
2017/10/13(五) Good news! Gold prices are regaining ground after slipping for several days.
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