Pack Your Bags Like a Soldier  高效行李打包攻略:效仿軍人就對了!

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2017/10/10 第320期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Pack Your Bags Like a Soldier   高效行李打包攻略:效仿軍人就對了!
You can learn a lot about how to pack for a trip from the military.

   Learning to pack your suitcase skillfully will make traveling much easier, and there is no one better to learn from than a soldier. And what's the first rule of learning any new skill? Practice! As part of their training, soldiers pack, unpack, and repack their bags many times.
   But what do they choose to put in their luggage, and how do they do it? It's important to start with a plan. Soldiers are very careful to only bring necessary items. So, lay out everything you think you will need and make sure it is important before it goes into your bag.
   Next comes the actual packing. Here, soldiers are careful to make sure everything is either neatly folded or tightly rolled, which saves space. Items go into the bags so that their weight is evenly balanced, and there is very little space between objects. Finally, anything you need right away is packed last so that it's near the top of your bag. If you manage to do all of these things, then congratulations: you've packed like a soldier!














  1. skillfully adv. 有技巧地,熟練地
    Though Andy drives skillfully, he doesn't have a driver's license.
    * license n. 執照,許可證
  2. training n. 訓練,培訓
    Many people benefited from the job training course held by the city government.
    * benefit vi. 受益
  3. lay out sth / lay sth out  展/攤開某物
    The magician took out a new deck and began to lay out all the cards.
    * deck n. 一副紙牌
  4. actual a. 實際的,真實的
    Victoria dyes her hair so often that no one knows her actual hair color.
  5. neatly adv. 整齊/乾淨地;簡潔地
    I think highly of my secretary because she always arranges things neatly.
  6. fold vt. 摺疊
    Shane likes to fold the laundry while watching TV.
  7. weight n. 重量
    Tim has put on a lot of weight since he started learning to bake desserts.
  8. balanced a. 平/均衡的;恰到好處的
    A balanced diet includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
    * a wide variety of sth  種類繁多的某物

suitcase n. 行李箱
unpack vi. & vt. 打開(包包、手提箱等)取出(物品)
repack vi. & vt. 重新打包/包裝;再裝配

本文副標 "You can learn a lot about how to pack for a trip from the military." 中的名詞 the military 表「(一國中的)武裝力量,軍方,陸海空軍」,等同於 the armed forces;而以下為一般常見的軍種及例句:

the army 陸軍
the navy 海軍
the air force 空軍
the marine corps 海軍陸戰隊

Jack tried to join the military / the armed forces but was rejected due to poor health.

John's father used to serve in the marine corps.

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