The Not-So-Glossy Future of Magazines雜誌前景黯淡「無所不試」 時代也播動物影片

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2017/10/21 第189期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 The Not-So-Glossy Future of Magazines雜誌前景黯淡「無所不試」 時代也播動物影片
To Woo Amazon, Nothing's Too Weird城市各出奇招 向亞馬遜招手
The Not-So-Glossy Future of Magazines雜誌前景黯淡「無所不試」 時代也播動物影片
Sydney Ember and Michael M. Gryn

One evening in mid-September, a gaggle of writers and bon vivant editors gathered by the outdoor fireplace and ivy-covered trellis of a West Village tavern. Steak was served, and the toasts lasted late into the night, the revelry trickling out to the nearby sidewalk.

It could have been a scene from the Jazz Age heyday of the Manhattan magazine set — or even the 1990s, when glossy monthlies still soaked up millions of dollars in advertising revenue, and editors in chauffeured town cars told the nation what to wear, what to watch and who to read.



This night, however, had an elegiac tinge. The staff of Vanity Fair was saluting the magazine's longtime editor, Graydon Carter, who had announced that he was departing after a 25-year run. In the back garden of Carter's restaurant, the Waverly Inn, star writers like James Wolcott and Marie Brenner spoke of their gratitude and grief.

Carter has always had a knack for trends. Within two weeks, three other prominent editors — from Time, Elle and Glamour — announced that they, too, would be stepping down. Another titan of the industry, Jann S. Wenner, said he planned to sell his controlling stake in Rolling Stone after a half-century.



Suddenly, it seemed, long-standing predictions about the collapse of magazines had come to pass.

Magazines have sputtered for years, their monopoly on readers and advertising erased by Facebook, Google and more nimble online competitors. But editors and executives said the abrupt churn in the senior leadership ranks signaled that the romance of the business was now yielding to financial realities.



As publishers grasp for new revenue streams, a "try-anything" approach has taken hold. Time Inc. has a new streaming TV show, "Paws & Claws," that features viral videos of animals. Hearst started a magazine with the online rental service Airbnb. Increasingly, the longtime core of the business — the print product — is an afterthought, overshadowed by investments in live events, podcasts, video, and partnerships with outside brands.

The changes represent one of the most fundamental shifts in decades for a business that long relied on a simple formula: glossy volumes thick with high-priced ads.

"Sentimentality is probably the biggest enemy for the magazine business," David Carey, president of Hearst Magazines, said in an interview. "You have to embrace the future."






本文從標題就玩文字遊戲,glossy magazine是用高級亮光紙印刷、照片很多的雜誌,通常是時尚雜誌,但雜誌的前途並不怎麼光明(not so glossy)。

作者先描寫雜誌編輯與作家觥籌交錯的景象,讓人彷彿置身在爵士年代的雜誌全盛期(heyday)。狄更斯小說《荒涼山莊》(Bleak House)對戴洛克夫人(Lady Dedlock)的描述很有意思:She has beauty still, and if it be not in its heyday, it is not yet in its autumn.

廣告收入日進斗金;soak up接金錢或資源時一定是很大的數量。筆鋒隨即一轉,原來是餞別,歡宴帶有淡淡哀愁(elegiac tinge)。雖源自elegy(輓歌),但elegiac的原因未必是死別,也可能是生離。透過對比,雜誌的前景更顯悲涼。

To Woo Amazon, Nothing's Too Weird城市各出奇招 向亞馬遜招手
Nellie Bowles

Business leaders in Tucson, Arizona, have tried to mail Amazon's chief executive, Jeff Bezos, a 21-foot cactus. The largest conference room in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, mayor's office has been converted to a war room, with 50 volunteers poring over videos of Bezos.

In Philadelphia, hundreds of Wharton Business School students have a new fall semester assignment: Pitch the city to Amazon. And the mayor of Ottawa, Ontario, flew to Seattle last week to walk as close to Amazon's headquarters as is publicly accessible.



"It's like 'The Amazing Race,'" said Jim Watson, the mayor of Ottawa. "You've got this cast of characters running toward the Holy Grail."

Amazon, on the hunt for a place to build a second headquarters, where it plans to invest $5 billion and create 50,000 jobs, has begun an enormous competition among cities across North America. With a loose set of requirements such as proximity to an airport and walkability, the e-commerce behemoth has set officials on a journey to sell their towns, with the aim of getting in on what some are calling one of the largest economic development deals of the century.

渥太華市長吉姆.華森說:「它就像 《驚險大挑戰》。有這麼一堆角色衝向聖杯。」


That sometimes means going to extreme lengths to draw Bezos' eye. Is Bezos impressed?

"We're energized by the response," said Adam Sedo, an Amazon spokesman. "We invited cities to think big, and we are starting to see their creativity."



For Jeff Cheney, the mayor of Frisco, Texas, a city of 160,000 about a half-hour drive from Dallas, the courtship includes offering to build his city around Amazon.

"Our city's only about 60 percent built out, so we've got a lot of available land where we can build to suit," Cheney said. "We play to win. We're innovators. We're forward thinkers, and we're serious."


錢尼說:「我們的城市只開發了約6成,我們還有很多可用的土地,可配合要求建造。既然加入了競爭就非贏不可。 我們是創新者。 我們是前衛的思想家,而且我們是認真的。」

City applications are not due until Oct. 19, but Cheney has already sent a video letter to Amazon. The video opens on him holding an Amazon box and saying, "Amazon, you're growing your business, and we want to grow with you." Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, is seen talking about catching the "Frisco Flu," which the mayor's office said was a phrase Jones came up with. Cheney also gets a Jamba Juice (Jamba Juice is based in Frisco).

In Canada, the selling point is, well, Canada.

城市申請的截止日期為10月19 日,但錢尼已發送了一封影片信函給亞馬遜。影片一開始是他手拿一個亞馬遜紙箱說道:「亞馬遜,你正在發展你的事業,我們希望和你一起成長。」職業美足聯盟球隊達拉斯牛仔隊東家傑里.瓊斯則將他得了「佛里斯科流感」掛在嘴上,市長辦公室說,這是瓊斯自己想出來的一句台詞 。錢尼則是得到一杯Jamba果汁(Jamba果汁集團總部在佛里斯科)。


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