These Little Piggies Went to The Sea 豬島:悠游大海的小豬

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2017/10/24 第336期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

These Little Piggies Went to The Sea  豬島:悠游大海的小豬
by Jed Miller

A tale of misplaced pigs.

  In the Bahamas there is an island, officially named Big Major Cay, that has been dubbed Pig Beach. _(1)_
  For a long time, rumors spread about how the pigs had gotten to the island. _(2)_ In the end, the truth eventually came to light. It was discovered that the pigs had been brought to the island by a couple preparing for the supposed meltdown of civilization in the year 2000.
  Tourists have been enjoying spending time with the pigs ever since their discovery. _(3)_ The popular performer Pitbull even filmed portions of the music video for his single "Timber" on Pig Beach. Many different media outlets have featured the pigs, and their home is one of the most famous destinations in the Bahamian islands.
  While the majority of people treat the pigs with respect, unfortunately, this wasn't always the case. People have recklessly fed them alcohol and other things that are dangerous to their health. _(4)_
  In response, the government of the Bahamas now bans tourists from feeding the pigs. _(5)_ While these restrictions are not yet enacted, if people continue to abuse these animals, more rules are likely to follow. The death of these pigs serves as an unfortunate reminder that even when we travel, we still need to act responsibly. When this is forgotten, everyone suffers the consequences.
(A) Tales range from a crashed ship with the pigs being the only known survivors to being the forgotten meal of a crew of sailors.
(B) It is believed that this recently caused the death of seven or eight of the pigs.
(C) Fortunately, a rich man bought the island, and he even built a ranch there.
(D) Some wish to extend restrictions even further by implementing a mandatory distance that tourists must keep from the pigs.
(E) On this small, thickly forested speck of land, pigs swim in the surrounding crystal-clear waters and interact with tourists in hopes of getting a free bite to eat.(F) They would take pictures with the pigs, pet them, and feed them food.


1. 第一題空格應選 (E)

a. 空格前一句提及 "In the Bahamas there is an island, officially named Big Major Cay, that has been dubbed Pig Beach."(在巴哈馬有一座正式名稱為大沙洲的島嶼,它也被暱稱為小豬海灘。),而 (E) 項的句子提
及 "On this small, thickly forested speck of land, pigs swim in the surrounding crystal-clear waters and interact with tourists in hopes of getting a free bite to eat."(在這塊小巧、植被茂盛的彈丸之地,小豬們在周圍水晶般澄淨的海水中悠游,與遊客互動並期待能吃到一口免費的食物。),前一句的 an island(一座島嶼)和 (E) 項句子的 speck of land(彈丸之地)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。

a. thickly adv. 茂密地
b. forested a. 樹木叢生的
c. speck n. 一點點,少量;微粒
d. get a bite to eat  隨便吃點東西
We had just enough time to get a bite to eat before school started.

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)

a. 空格前一句提及 "For a long time, rumors spread about how the pigs had gotten to the island."(長久以來,關於這些小豬是如何來到這座島的傳聞不斷。),而 (A) 項的句子提及 "Tales range from a crashed ship with the pigs being the only known survivors to being the forgotten meal of a crew of sailors."(傳說從這些小豬是一起船難的唯一已知倖存者,到牠們是被一群水手忘記的餐點都有。),空格前一句的 rumors(傳聞)和 (A) 項句子的 Tales(傳說)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。

a. range from A to B  範圍從 A 到 B
The students in this graduate program range in ages from 18 to 80.
*graduate a. 研究生的
b. survivor n. 倖存者,生還者

3. 第三題空格應選 (F)

a. 空格前一句提及 "Tourists have been enjoying spending time with the pigs ever since their discovery."(從這些小豬被發現以來,遊客們一直都很喜歡與牠們共度時光。),而 (F) 項的句子提及 "They would take pictures with the pigs, pet them, and feed them food."(他們與這些小豬合照、輕撫牠們,還會餵食牠們。),(F) 項句子的 They(他們)指的即是前一句的 Tourists(遊客們),故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。

pet vt. 輕撫,撫摸
Michelle petted her cat's head.

4. 第四題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前一句提及 "People have recklessly fed them alcohol and other things that are dangerous to their health."(有些人隨便餵牠們酒精飲料和其他危害牠們健康的東西。),而 (B) 項的句子提及 "It is believed that this recently caused the death of seven or eight of the pigs."(據信這最近造成其中七、八隻小豬的死亡。),前一句的 are dangerous to their health(對牠們健康有害)和 (B) 項句子的 the death of seven or eight of the pigs(其中七、八隻小豬的死亡)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。

5. 第五題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格前一句提及 "In response, the government of the Bahamas now bans tourists from feeding the pigs."(為了因應這種狀況,巴哈馬政府現在禁止遊客餵食小豬。),而 (D) 項的句子提到 "Some wish to extend restrictions even further by implementing a mandatory distance that tourists must keep from the pigs."(有些人希望進一步擴大限制,執行遊客必須與這些小豬保持強制距離的規定。),前一句的 bans(禁止)和 (D) 項句子的 restrictions(限制)互相呼應,故兩句形成關聯。
b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。

a. restriction n. 限制,約束
: restrict vt. 限制
b. implement vt. 執行,實施
At the present time, this program will only be implemented locally.
c. mandatory a. 強制的

meltdown n. 崩潰;災難;熔毀
: melt down... / melt... down  熔化……
civilization n. 文明
: civilize vt. 使文明,使開化
outlet n. 商店;通路,銷路

1. come to light  真相大白;被披露出來
Information that may destroy the mayor's reputation has come to light in recent weeks.
*reputation n. 名聲,聲譽

2. the / a majority of...  大部分的……
The majority of residents on the island can only speak their own dialect.
*dialect n. 方言

3. be (not) the case  情況/形(不)是如此
Life for the Johnsons is easier now, but that wasn't the case a few years ago.

4. in response (to...)  作為(對……的)回應
Gina smiled in response to the customer's compliment about her good service.
*compliment n. 讚美

5. ban sb from V-ing  禁止某人(做)……
: prohibit sb from V-ing
The judge banned the man from visiting his ex-wife and kids.

1. dub vt. 把……稱作;給……取綽號
Paris is commonly dubbed the City of Light.

2. rumor n. 謠言,傳聞 & vt. 謠傳
: It is rumored + that 子句  謠傳……
= Rumor has it + that 子句
= Word has it + that 子句
It is rumored that our math teacher is getting married at the end of this year.

3. spread vi. 傳開,蔓延 & vt. 散佈(三態同形)
The rumor spread like wildfire.
*wildfire n. 野火
It isn't a good idea to spread gossip about others in the company.

4. supposed a. 被認為的;假定的;傳聞的
: be supposed to V  應該(做)……
Everyone at the office was talking about Vivian's supposed affair with the boss.
*affair n. 戀情
You are not supposed to wear jeans at such a formal meeting.

5. portion n.(一)部分
Rick donated a small portion of his salary to charity.

6. recklessly adv. 魯莽地,莽撞地

7. enact vt. 實施;制定(法律)
The government recently enacted a new law, which was widely supported by the people.

8. consequence n. 後果,結果
If you break the law, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences.



  長久以來,關於這些小豬是如何來到這座島的傳聞不斷。傳說從這些小豬是一起船難的唯一已知倖存者,到牠們是被一群水手忘記的餐點都有。最後,真相總算大白。據發現,這些豬隻是被一對為準備預期在 2000 年到來的文明毀滅的夫妻帶到這座島上的。
答案:1. E  2. A  3. F  4. B  5.D


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