Azulejo: A Symbol of Portuguese Beauty  葡萄牙唯美的象徵:阿茲勒赫瓷磚畫

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2018/02/20 第339期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Azulejo: A Symbol of Portuguese Beauty    葡萄牙唯美的象徵:阿茲勒赫瓷磚畫
Learn about the surprising past of this art form.


   Part of the beauty of Portugal comes from its many azulejos, which are painted ceramic tiles that come in various colors, though blue and white are the most common. They are often used to make decorative patterns or detailed scenes.
  The art form
originally came to Portugal from Spain. Before 1492, much of Spain was ruled by various Muslim rulers. These Muslim kingdoms brought the art traditions of Africa and the Middle East to Spain. On a trip to Seville, Spain, in 1503, the King of Portugal saw the tiles and brought them back to Portugal, and this is when the art form truly began to spread.
  At first, these tiles were used to
brighten the blank spaces on the walls of churches and public buildings. In Spain, azulejos only featured simple designs. Once in Portugal, however, designs became much more detailed.
falling out of favor in the 1900s, azulejos are popular once again. From subway stations, bars, churches, and even inside homes, these tiles can be found everywhere. While the roots of azulejo tiles are hundreds of years old, the art form lives on. Visitors to Portugal should take in the beauty of these amazing tiles at every opportunity.
























  這樣的藝術形式最初是從西班牙傳到葡萄牙來。1492 年以前,西班牙大部分的地區由穆斯林統治。這些穆斯林王國將非洲及中東的藝術傳統帶到西班牙。1503 年,葡萄牙國王在往西班牙塞維亞市的旅程中看見了這種瓷磚,並將它們帶回葡萄牙,這種藝術形式就是從那時候開始真正流傳開來。


ceramic tiles n. 瓷磚
ceramic a. 陶瓷的
decorative a. 作裝飾用的,裝飾(性)的
pattern n. 圖案,花樣,式樣


1. various a. 各式各樣的,種種不同的
The speaker covered various topics like poverty, health, and the Internet during his presentation.
* presentation n. 簡報,報告

2. detailed a. 詳細的
The office manager gave a detailed report to the company's board of directors.
* board of directors n. 董事會

3. originally adv. 原先,原本
Before David was a teacher, he originally worked at a hotel.

4. spread vi. & vt. 變得廣為人知,傳開(動詞三態同形)
The rumor was widely spread among the crowd.

5. brighten vt. & vi.(使)更明亮
The Northern Lights brighten the skies over the North Pole every winter.

6. fall / go out of favor  熱潮退卻,失寵
As languages grow, new words are introduced, and many words fall out of favor.

7. live on  繼續存在著
Hemingway's writings and characters still live on to this day.

8. opportunity n. 機會
Working as Miranda's assistant was a huge opportunity for Andy.

又一個多功能實用片語!—— take in
本文 "Visitors to Portugal should take in the beauty of these amazing tiles at every opportunity." 中的片語 take in,表「參觀,欣賞」。而 take sth in / take in sth 還可表「領會,理解;記住」或「收容,收養」。例:

The old couple sit on their porch and take in the sunset every evening.

The teacher is not sure how much of his explanation the students can take in.

Judy is always taking in stray dogs.





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