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2018/02/02 第395期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 芬蘭學校的成功秘訣
【本月發燒書】 尋味葉慈故事選:紅髮翰拉漢、神祕玫瑰、玫瑰煉金術【英漢對照】
【好康情報局】 考多益,把握改制前│單書79折 套書66折起!

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芬蘭學校的成功秘訣 Schools in Finland: The Secret of Their Success

Finland's schools are the best in Europe, some might say in the world. Only three countries—China, Singapore, and South Korea—can compete with Finland in exam results. So, what is the secret of Finland's success?

Surprisingly, Finnish children spend less time in school than children in many other countries. They don't start school until the age of seven, their school days are short, and their vacations are long. Education in Finland is relaxed. Classrooms often look like living rooms. Students don't wear uniforms and they call teachers by their first names. What's more, they have only 30 minutes of homework each night.

Many people believe that the Finnish system works because its teachers are so good. It’s a popular, well-paid job, and teachers are usually kind and not strict. They also have an unusual way of teaching. Rather than having separate subjects like history and geography, students learn everything together. There are seven things that Finnish students must learn in school:
• how to think clearly;
• how to understand and join in Finnish culture;
• how to use language, numbers and other information;
• how to use technology;
• how to take care of themselves;
• how to be successful at work; and
• how to be a good person for the future of Finland.

After finishing high school, Finnish students can also attend university for free. This is very different from the United States, where the cost of a degree is around $30,000!

芬蘭的學校是歐洲頂尖,有些人甚至認為可登上世界寶座。 只有中國、新加坡與南韓這三個國家,能在考試成績方面媲美芬蘭。那麼芬蘭的成功秘訣到底是什麼?

令人驚訝的是,芬蘭兒童的在校時間,比其他國家的兒童還 少。芬蘭兒童到了七歲才開始就學,上學時間短且假期長。芬蘭的教育方式十分愜意,教室看起來像客廳,學生不用穿制服,甚至對老師直呼其名。還有,他們每天晚上只花30 分鐘寫作業。


● 如何讓思慮清晰
● 如何了解與融入芬蘭文化
● 如何運用語言、數字與其他資訊
● 如何運用科技
● 如何自理
● 如何成功做好自己的事
● 如何成為芬蘭未來的棟樑


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葉慈是1923年諾貝爾文學獎得主,為愛爾蘭詩人和劇作家。本書收錄了三個系列故事:《紅髮翰拉漢故事集》、《神秘玫瑰》、《玫瑰煉金術》 ...詳全文

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