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2019/09/02第317期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
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瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� HIW+蝘�摮詨�撟�
I Spy with My Animal Eye

In April 2019, a beluga whale was spotted swimming in Norwegian waters��not a particularly special sighting, you might think. However, there was something off about this whale. It was wearing a GoPro camera that had a belt with a label on the inside that read ��Equipment of St. Petersburg.�� The whale was most likely an animal spy, which was trained by the Russian government.
Sounds crazy, right? Not at all. The idea of using animals as government operatives isn��t a new one. In fact, over 2,000 years ago the Romans were using pigeons to send secret military messages to each other. Pigeons were so effective that they were still being used during World War II. The United Kingdom alone used about 250,000 pigeons for a number of secret missions, such as communicating with their human spies behind enemy lines.
Since then, the world��s militaries have thought of all sorts of ways to use animals to gather or pass secret information on��some more successful than others.



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fall armyworm

invasive��adj. �乩噩��嚗�靘菔必��
destructive��n. �游��抒��嚗������瑕拿��
pest��n. 摰唾�莎�撠斗����摰喃��拍�����拇�����莎�
pesticide��n. 颲脰�乓��畾箄�脣��嚗�摮�撠� -cide ����撠��湔香鈭∠��鈭��抬�畾箏拿����嚗�
wipe out��v. 敺孵�瘨�皛�嚗��扳�

Fields were sprayed with pesticides in an effort to wipe out the invasive fall armyworms.


2019/9/2 (銝�)

The idea of using animals as government operatives isn't a new one.

2019/9/3 (鈭�)

Cats are known to have excellent poker faces.

2019/9/4 (銝�)

Spread broken eggshells onto the garden soil to help your plants grow.

2019/9/5 (��)

They are rich in minerals that promote strong teeth, bones, and joints.

2019/9/6 (鈭�)

Now, Lego has created a new set of bricks to help blind and visually impaired children learn to read.

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�梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12�� + LiveTalk 蝺�銝���鈭箏��隤芣��摰� 暺���30暺�


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