Time to Say Goodbye to the BMI? 該是向BMI道別的時候?

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2024/11/08 第510期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Time to Say Goodbye to the BMI? 該是向BMI道別的時候?
New Tariff Rules Could Reverse a 'Paradigm Shift' in Retail 美關稅新規 可能顛覆零售業典範轉移
Time to Say Goodbye to the BMI? 該是向BMI道別的時候?
文/Roni Caryn Rabin


Move over, body mass index. Make room for roundness — to be precise, the body roundness index.


The body mass index, or BMI, is a ratio of height to weight that has long been used as a medical screening tool. It is one of the most widely used health metrics but also one of the most reviled, because it is used to label people overweight, obese or extremely obese.


The classifications have been questioned by athletes including American Olympic rugby player Ilona Maher, whose BMI of 30 technically puts her on the cusp of obesity. "But alas," she said on Instagram, addressing online trolls who tried to shame her about her weight, "I'm going to the Olympics and you're not."


Advocates for overweight individuals and people of color note that the formula was developed nearly 200 years ago and based exclusively on data from men, most of them white, and that it was never intended for medical screening.


Even physicians have weighed in on the shortcomings of BMI. The American Medical Association warned last year that BMI is an imperfect metric that doesn't account for racial, ethnic, age, sex and gender diversity. It can't differentiate between individuals who carry a lot of muscle and those with fat in all the wrong places.


"Based on BMI, Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was a bodybuilder would have been categorized as obese and needing to lose weight," said Dr. Wajahat Mehal, director of the Metabolic Health and Weight Loss Program at Yale University. "But as soon as you measured his waist, you'd see, 'Oh, it's 32 inches.'"


So, welcome a new metric: the body roundness index. BRI is just what it sounds like — a measure of how round or circlelike you are, using a formula that takes into account height and waist, but not weight.


It's a formula that may provide a better estimate of central obesity and abdominal fat, which are closely linked to an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, unlike fat stored on the buttocks and thighs.


A paper published in JAMA Network Open in June was the latest study to report that BRI is a promising predictor of mortality. BRI scores generally run from 1 to 15; most people rank between 1 and 10.


New Tariff Rules Could Reverse a 'Paradigm Shift' in Retail 美關稅新規 可能顛覆零售業典範轉移
文/Ana Swanson and Jordyn Holma

美關稅新規 可能顛覆零售業典範轉移

Major U.S. retailers including Amazon and Walmart have been quietly exploring shifting toward a business model that would ship more goods directly to consumers from Chinese factories and require fewer U.S. workers in retail stores and logistics centers.


The plans have been driven by the rocketing popularity of Chinese e-commerce platforms including Shein and Temu, which have won over consumers with their low prices. These platforms ship inexpensive products directly to consumers' doorsteps, allowing them to bypass U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods, along with the hefty costs associated with brick-and-mortar stores, warehousing and distribution networks.


Rising competition from Shein, Temu and other Chinese companies is pushing many major U.S. retailers to consider shifting to a similar model to qualify for an obscure, century-old U.S. trade law, according to several people familiar with the plans. The law, known as de minimis, allows importers to bypass U.S. taxes and tariffs on goods as long as shipments do not exceed $800 in value.


But that trend toward changing business models may have been disrupted Friday, when the Biden administration abruptly moved to close off de minimis eligibility for many Chinese imports, including most clothing items. In an announcement Friday morning, the Biden administration said it would clamp down on the number of packages that come into the country duty-free using de minimis shipping, particularly from China.


The Biden administration's changes will not go into effect immediately. The proposal will be subject to comment by industry before being finalized in the coming months, and some imports from China would still qualify for a de minimis exemption.


But Friday's action may head off a change that has been looming in global retail. Amazon has been preparing a new discount service that would ship products directly to consumers, allowing those goods to bypass tariffs, according to people familiar with the plans. Even companies that preferred to keep their business models as-is — such as Walmart — have been forced to consider using more de minimis to compete.


Walmart declined to comment. An Amazon spokesperson said in an emailed statement that the company was "always exploring new ways to work with our selling partners to delight our customers with more selection, lower prices and greater convenience."


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