Battling the Bulge 10 Hiking Trails in Taipei

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2015/07/30 第128期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Discove Taipei
Battling the Bulge 10 Hiking Trails in Taipei
Battling the Bulge 10 Hiking Trails in Taipei
Author Fion Chen

Photos The Geotechnical Engineering Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government

With the approach of summer, the weather is wel l suited to hiking . A diverse range of hiking paths on the outskirts of Taipei makes it easy to find a route suited to your personal tastes and physical capabilities. Recognizing the health ambitions of the people of Taipei, the Geotechnical Engineering Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government (台北市政府工務局大地工程處) compiled a list of 10 hiking trails for battling the bulge. With a trip down these paths sufficient to burn the amount of energy contained in 6 to 16 slices of white bread, they represent a can't-miss opportunity for those looking to improve their health!

Headlining the list is Wenshan District's Zhinanchalu Hiking Trail (指南茶路親山步道), a 4.3-kilometer route that consists of three sub-trails: Sanxuan Temple Trail (三玄宮步道), Zhangshan Temple Trail (樟山寺步道) (aka Flying Dragon Trail), and Zhanghu Trail (樟湖步道). Walking the full way takes about four hours and burns around 2,230 calories, the equivalent of 16 slices of bread.

The Zhinanchalu Hiking Trail passes the tea fields of the Muzha (木柵) mountains, farmhouses and bamboo forests. It is made informative by interpretive signs that describe the history of local tea production and cultivation methods.

Also in Wenshan District is the Zhinangong Maokong Hiking Trail (指南宮貓空親山步道). The recommended route starts from the stone steps at Lane 33, Section 3, Zhinan Road and follows the Zhinan Temple Trail, passing Zhinan Temple (指南宮), Linsiao Hall (凌霄寶殿) , and Dacheng Hall (大成殿) before reaching the Dacheng Hall Trail and the Tea Exhibition Center Trail (茶展中心步道). Walking the full route, about 3.7 kilometers, takes about 3.5 hours and burns the equivalent of 15 slices of bread. Another great place to shave a few inches off the waistline is Mt. Qixing (七星山) in Shilin District. Amidst the isolated forest, along the undulating Pingding Ancient Canal Hiking Trail (坪頂古圳親山步道) is the babbling of waters in the Dengfeng Canal (登峰圳), Pingding New Canal (坪頂新圳), and Pingding Ancient Canal (坪頂古圳). Walking the full route, about 1.3 kilometers, takes about two hours and burns around 1,460 calories, the equivalent of 10 slices of bread.

Along the Daluntou and Dalunwei Mountain Trail (大崙頭尾親山步道) at

Mt. Wuzhi (五指山), feast your eyes on the mountains from which the trail derives

its name. At 475 meters elevation, Daluntou is Neihu District's highest mountain. Dalunwei, meanwhile, is steeper due to the presence of a geological fault and has excellent plant ecology due to the low level of development.

Walking the full route takes about three hours and burns around 1,230 calories, the equivalent of nine slices of bread. Along the way is a spacious planked path that puts hikers at a higher vantage point, making it easier to see the surrounding rocks, plants, and other ecological features while avoiding damage to the terrain.

The Geotechnical Engineering Office also recommends the Jinmianshan Hiking Trail (金面山親山步道), which is about 2.3 kilometers in length and takes about three hours to complete, burning around 1,370 calories, the equivalent of 10 slices of bread. Its defining characteristic is diverse terrain, from natural sandstone steps and walls to rail ties and dirt paths. Hikers who tread on natural steps formed by exposed tree roots and grip climbing ropes to ascend rock faces are rewarded with a wonderful 360-degree view from the mountain peak.

Novice hikers or those who want a shorter route can try the Hushan Hiking Trail (虎

山親山步道) or Xiangshan Hiking Trail (象山親山步道) in Xinyi District. These routes take about 1.5 to 2 hours to complete and burn the equivalent of six to eight slices of bread.

Other scenic trails recognized as great places for family weekend gatherings and healthy walks include Junjianyan Hiking Trail (軍艦岩親山步道) in Beitou District, Jiantanshan Hiking Trail (劍潭山親山步道) in Zhongshan District, and Nangangshan Hiking Trail (南港山縱走親山步道) in Nangang District.

For more trail information, visit the office's website at ( or download the Go Hiking Taipei app.

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