Help for Curing The Phone Addiction/治療手機癮 時尚戒指來幫忙

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2015/07/31 第83期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Help for Curing The Phone Addiction/治療手機癮 時尚戒指來幫忙
Top Model's Priorities Have Shifted to Acting/22歲英國超模轉型 要做電影大咖
Help for Curing The Phone Addiction/治療手機癮 時尚戒指來幫忙

Like pretty much everyone, Susan Butler at her smartphone too much. But unlike most everyone, she took action, buying a $195 ring from a company called Ringly, which promises to "let you put your phone away and your mind at ease."


Ringly does this by connecting its rings to a smartphone filter so that users can silence Gmail or Facebook notifications while preserving crucial alerts, which cause the ring to light up or vibrate.


"Hopefully it will keep some distance between my phone and my hand," said Ms. Butler, 27, a technology consultant who lives in Austin, Texas.



Given how quickly cellphones have taken over, it's easy to forget that they are still a relatively new technology. The first iPhone came out eight years ago.


Yet already people spend close to three hours a day looking at a mobile screen – and that excludes the time they spend actually talking on the phones.


In a recent survey of smartphone use by Bank of America, about a third of respondents said they were "constantly" checking their smartphones, and a little more than two-thirds said that they went to bed with a smartphone by their side. New companies see a business opportunity in helping people cut back.


"Technology has evolved so quickly that we have spiraled out of control and nobody has stopped to think about how this is going to impact our lives," said Kate Unsworth, the founder of a British company, Kovert, that also makes high-tech jewelry to filter out everything but the most urgent stuff.


Smartwatches like the Apple Watch are designed to encourage more glancing and less phone checking. In June, Google and Levi's announced plans for a line of high-tech clothes that will allow people to do things like turn off a ringing phone by swiping their jacket cuff.

Apple Watch之類智慧手表設計宗旨在於讓人多簡單過目,少滑手機。谷歌和Levi's六月宣布一項高科技服飾系列的合作計畫,讓人們能做拍打外套袖口就關掉手機響鈴之類的事。

Offtime limits customers' access to apps they overuse and produce charts on how much time they spend on their phones. Moment encourages people to share their phone use with friends to compete in a game of who can look at their phone the least. And Light Phone, a credit-card-size phone that does nothing but make and receive phone calls.

Offtime程式限制顧客開啟過度使用的應用程式,並製作圖表顯示他們花在手機上的時間。Moment鼓勵人們和朋友分享自己使用手機的狀況並互相比賽,看看誰能最少看手機。還有信用卡大小的手機Light Phone,只能撥打及接聽電話。

NoPhone is a $12 piece of plastic that looks like a smartphone but actually does nothing. "Most people don't think about phone addiction as a real thing until you're like, 'O.K., they're buying a piece of plastic because they are worried about their friend,' " said Van Gould, head of the nascent venture that had sold close to 3,200 NoPhones.


Adam Gazzaley, a neurologist and neuroscience professor at the University of California, San Francisco, said, "You have a population that is starting to say, 'Wait, we love all this technology but there seems to be a cost – whether it's my relationship or my work or my safety because I'm driving and texting.' "


Some products are trying to find a balance. Google Now uses data to bother you only when you need it. "If I'm about to forget my kid's birthday I want the phone to scream at me until I do something about it," said Sundar Pichai, Google's senior vice president of products.

有些產品試著尋求平衡。Google Now只在你需要時用數據打擾你。Google產品資深副總裁桑達.皮柴說:「在我將要忘記孩子的生日時,我要手機對我尖叫,直到我讓它停止。」

Smartphones are a potent delivery mechanism for two fundamental human impulses, according to Paul Atchley, a psychology professor at the University of Kansas: our quest to find new and interesting distractions, and our desire to feel that we have checked off a task.


"The brain gets literally rewired to switch – to constantly seek out novelty, which makes putting the phone down difficult," he said.


Addiction or not, Ms. Butler still sought help from Ringly.


Mr. Atchley is skeptical. Successful treatment, he said, is about controlling our demons – not outsourcing them.


In technology, as in life, a little willpower goes a long way.



Top Model's Priorities Have Shifted to Acting/22歲英國超模轉型 要做電影大咖

"There was a point in my life where I literally lived through a camera."


Cara Delevingne, a confident tangle of lanky limbs and messy hair, tattoos and ripped black jeans, arched her eyebrows and popped her eyes wide as she excitedly described her habit of filming her meteoric, globe-trotting rise. "Watching Lars Ulrich play a Metallica show from behind the drum kit! Or doing tequila shots with Whitney Houston just before she died! When I get older, I'm going to go through that footage and have the best time, because I probably won't remember much of it."


Now, the unfiltered Ms. Delevingne, at 22 the reigning "It" Brit supermodel, is planting her Union Jack in Hollywood with a much-coveted part in "Paper Towns," the second film based on a novel by John Green, whose "The Fault in Our Stars" became a $300 million hit worldwide.


圖擷自Paper Towns Movie

You don't have to be one of Ms. Delevingne's more than 15 million Instagram followers to see why she was a good fit for the role of the rebellious teenager Margo Roth Spiegelman. In "Paper Towns," the character is described by her neighborhood admirer as "arguably the most gorgeous creature God had ever created," a girl "whose life is a series of unbelievably epic adventures." Ms. Delevingne has been a professionally gorgeous model for Burberry and other brands, an angel for Victoria's Secret, and the windswept cover girl of the July issue of Vogue.


Already, the Variety critic Justin Chang has raved that Ms. Delevingne is "the real find of the film" and that "on the evidence of her work here, this striking actress is here to stay."


Margo's creator, John Green, wrote via email that the actress "captured the disconnect" between the image that Quentin, the neighbor played by Nat Wolff, had of Margo and the image she had of herself. "She understands better than anyone I've ever known what it's like to have people look at you and think they know you when in fact almost no one is actually listening to you," he said.


Ms. Delevingne was raised in a privileged but hardly picture-perfect family in London. Joan Collins is her godmother. Her father, Charles, is a successful real estate developer. Her mother, Pandora, is working on a memoir about her long-term heroin addiction.


"I went through so much therapy as a kid, and I hated it, and because you get so used to saying the same thing over and over again, it just becomes a story," she said, adding later: "I always wanted to act, from when I was 4 years old. When I was younger, I hated myself, so I preferred being other people."


Ms. Delevingne made her modeling debut in a Vogue Italia shoot at the age of 10 in 2003, signed with the prestigious Storm Model Management in 2009 and took home Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in 2012 and 2014.


"Modeling was never a dream of mine," Ms. Delevingne said.


In her first screen role, as a princess in "Anna Karenina" (2012), Ms. Delevingne said she spent hours getting into hair and makeup for the shot. "Then the director comes up and says: 'Stop modeling. And stop trying to look pretty.' "


Ms. Delevingne had supporting roles in "London Fields," "Pan," "The Face of an Angel," "Tulip Fever" and "Kids in Love." She has booked her next lead in Luc Besson's big-budget science-fiction "Valerian" and has recently been playing the supervillain Enchantress in David Ayer's DC Comics 2016 tent pole "Suicide Squad."


Ms. Delevingne formalized her move away from fashion by parting ways with Storm Model Management. She will selectively continue to model. "I love saying no," she said. "Before, I didn't, and it took a huge toll on my health."


Ms. Delevingne said she hoped to follow in the footsteps of Charlize Theron, who also began her career as a model. "People can put you in whatever box: model, whatever," she said. "But if I just keep going and actually do it well, which I hope I can, then I hope people will give me more movies – and I'll win an Oscar!"


With that, Ms. Delevingne smiled serenely. Then she leaned back, rolled her eyes, and stuck out her tongue.




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