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2015/07/20第218期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

訊息通知: biz互動英語報即日起改為「雙週發報」~~
簡介:◎ 政治小詞典 ◎「穩操勝券者」英語怎麼說? ◎ voice 除了「聲音」還有什麼意思?

Ready for Hillary

Hillary Rodham Clinton is used to honors that include the word ''first,'' and it's not just the obvious "First Lady of the United States." She was encouraged into political advocacy from a young age, becoming the first student commencement speaker at her graduation from Wellesley College in 1969. After graduate studies at Yale Law School, she became the first female partner at the high-profile Rose Law Firm in 1979. During this time, Clinton's focus coalesced into supporting the underrepresented: children, women, migrants and families. As First Lady of Arkansas during the 12 years her husband Bill Clinton served as governor of the state, Hillary led major reforms to the statewide education system.

In 1993, the Clintons entered the White House as President and First Lady of the United States. Hillary was active as an adviser, but it was her daring speech at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 that resurrected her own career. In 1997, Hillary and then-U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright established the Vital Voices Democracy Initiative "to promote the advancement of women as a U.S. foreign policy goal." By speaking out against violence and oppression experienced by women, Hillary reconnected to her own voice and became an avid spokesperson under the slogan Women's Rights Are Human Rights. This has been her core political objective since.


希拉蕊•羅登•柯林頓早已習慣「第一」的頭銜,而且不是只有眾所皆知的「美國第一夫人」。希拉蕊自年輕時期就被鼓勵踏入政治倡議中,1969 年時,她成為第一個在衛斯理學院畢業典禮上演講的學生代表。完成耶魯法學院的研究所學業後,希拉蕊在 1979 年成為知名羅斯法律事務所的首位女性合夥人。在這期間,希拉蕊的注意力集結在支持代表比例偏低的族群上:兒童、女性、移民與家庭。在她丈夫比爾•柯林頓擔任阿肯色州長的 12 年間,身為州長夫人的希拉蕊領導全州教育體系的重要改革。
柯林頓夫婦在 1993 年入主白宮,成為美國總統與第一夫人。希拉蕊一直是個活躍的顧問,但 1995 年在北京舉行的第四屆聯合國婦女大會上的大膽演說才重振了她的個人事業。1997 年,希拉蕊與當時的美國國務卿瑪德琳•歐布萊特創辦「生命之聲民主行動計畫」,「以推廣女性地位的提升作為美國的外交政策目標。」透過公開反對女性經歷的暴力與壓迫,希拉蕊重新連結了自身的意見,成為「女權即人權」此一口號的有力發言人。女權就此成為希拉蕊的政治目標核心。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.139 7月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2015/07/20(一) We can put that problem on the agenda for next time.
2015/07/21(二) I don't think that's appropriate.
2015/07/22(三) Sorry to interrupt, shouldn't we get back on topic?
2015/07/23(四) Can you tell me specifically what you want to do for them?
2015/07/24(五) To return to the topic, why don't you write up a proposal?
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