Building Wild  荒野全能建造王

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2015/07/21 第205期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Building Wild  荒野全能建造王

  Travel anywhere across the United States, and you will find a wide variety of people with some unique tastes in how to live. Some may enjoy the city, while others find freedom in living in the middle of nowhere. Nevertheless, those who choose to live away from it all may not want to totally give up the conveniences of modern-day living. This month, National Geographic Channel (NGC) goes off the beaten track to find those that create their dream homes in Building Wild.
  The show stars the perfect construction odd couple, Paul DiMeo and Pat "Tuffy" Bakaitis. On one hand, DiMeo is a city boy from Philadelphia who has spent most of career designing homes for the rich and famous. On the other hand, Bakaitis is a no-nonsense woodsman* who has never been to a Starbucks. Together, they travel across America meeting clients who want fantastic-looking cabins built in impossible locations. Along the way, DiMeo and Bakaitis joke and argue with each other while giving their clients what they need. To find out how this odd couple gets along and produces incredible homes, make sure to tune into NGC this month for Building Wild.


  這個節目是由 Paul DiMeo 和 Pat "Tuffy" Bakaitis 這對古怪的完美建築搭檔擔任主角。一方面,DiMeo 是一個來自費城的都會男孩,他花了大部份的生涯為有錢人和名人設計住宅。另一方面,Bakaitis 則是一個從未去過星巴克的務實伐木工人。他們兩個一起走遍全美,跟一些想要在不可能的地點建造看起來很棒的小木屋的客戶會面。一路上,DiMeo 和 Bakaitis 在滿足客戶需求的過程中,兩人會彼此互開玩笑和爭論事情。想要一窺這對古怪的搭擋如何和睦相處並製作出很棒的住宅的話,那就一定要鎖定國家地理頻道這個月的《荒野全能建造王》。

  1. off the map  非常偏遠的
    Rebecca grew up in a small town that was basically off the map.
  2. in the middle of nowhere  在偏遠的地方
    After our car broke down in the middle of nowhere, we had to walk to the nearest gas station.
  3. nevertheless adv. 不過,然而
    Kelly wants to buy the watch with the diamonds on it. Nevertheless, she can't afford it.
  4. convenience n. 方便,便利
    The beauty of smartphones is their function and convenience.
  5. modern-day a. 現代的,當代的
    Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman are considered modern-day acting legends.
  6. off the beaten track  鮮為人知的,偏僻的
    The couple wanted to find a camping site that was a little bit off the beaten track.
  7. construction n. 建築,工程
    The construction of this building is two months behind schedule.
  8. no-nonsense a. 務實的;直接了當的
    Peter's no-nonsense attitude about business has earned him many clients.

* woodsman n. 伐木工;護林人

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