Real Korean Flavor For a YouTube Table/金大媽上YouTube 教美國人正宗韓式料理

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2015/07/17 第81期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Real Korean Flavor For a YouTube Table/金大媽上YouTube 教美國人正宗韓式料理
Seeing Art as Escape From Prison Life/獄中作畫 求利益還是尋解脫?
Real Korean Flavor For a YouTube Table/金大媽上YouTube 教美國人正宗韓式料理
During the years that she was addicted to online gaming, life for Emily Kim began when she got home from work at 6 p.m.


"I would shower quick, and eat something, no matter what, so I could start playing my game," said Ms. Kim, a.k.a the YouTube Korean-cooking star Maangchi. "And I wouldn't stop till 3 a.m."


In 2003, divorced and with her two grown children out of the house, Ms. Kim ventured into the online role-playing battle game City of Heroes and couldn't pull herself away. Maangchi, pronounced MAHNG-chee and meaning "hammer" in Korean, was the name of her online avatar, who specialized in destruction, wielding a huge scimitar and wearing a tiny miniskirt.


In 2007, her children persuaded her to try a more nourishing form of Internet expression: cooking videos. "I had no idea if anyone would watch me," she said, "but the Korean recipes I saw in English were full of mistakes, and I wanted to show the real way we do things."


Now, Ms. Kim has more than 619,000 YouTube subscribers.



At age 58, she has just published a cookbook, "Maangchi's Real Korean Cooking," one of the few comprehensive books on Korean cooking written for Americans, but without major adjustments to make the food more accessible.


From watching her videos, it is hard to envision Ms. Kim as a reclusive gamer. In extravagant eye makeup and bright pink lipstick, she cooks huge batches of bibimbap, bulgogi and KFC, sweet-sticky-spicy Korean fried chicken. She demonstrates the endless variations of kimchi and schools her viewers in the pronunciation of dishes like soegogi-muguk (pronounced SAY-go-gee moo-GUHK), beef and radish soup.


Although she presents herself as lighthearted, Ms. Kim is first and foremost a teacher, and a strict one at that. "I have to do everything correctly," she said. "Otherwise I will hear about it from the Koreans."


This is a phrase she often repeated to the editors of her cookbook when they quailed at including recipes for fermented sardines, jellyfish salad and kelp stock. This, Ms. Kim believes, is the problem with virtually every Korean restaurant in the United States: The food is sweeter, saltier, less spicy, less fishy and less rich with umami than it should be.


Ms. Kim was raised in Yeosu, near the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula, where her family was in the seafood business. She learned from her mother, aunts and grandmothers how to not only cook but also pickle, smoke, dry and ferment.


Ms. Kim first came to the United States in 1992 with her husband, who emigrated to take a teaching job in Missouri. In the Midwest, she would lead fellow expatriates on expeditions in search of Japanese or Chinese restaurants.


Now, she lives and shoots her videos in a compact apartment perched above Times Square. She shares the apartment with David Seguin, a web developer at The New York Times, whom she married in 2009. There, she practices the slow and ancient art of fermenting, making gochujang (chile paste) and doenjang (soybean paste), an umami-rich flavor element pervasive in Korean cooking. The recipe calls for an electric blanket, about four liters of salt and hay; it takes almost a year to complete.


Traditionally, even a basic family dinner consists of 8 to 10 different dishes: soup or stew, rice, kimchi, often a stir-fry of protein and vegetables, and at least three side dishes like spicy cucumber salad or steamed eggplant.


"There is nothing Koreans love more than sitting around a table where every inch is covered with food," Ms. Kim said. "And if there is a grill in the middle of it, that is even better."


Seeing Art as Escape From Prison Life/獄中作畫 求利益還是尋解脫?
The news that Richard W. Matt, a convicted murderer who was killed by the police in late June after escaping from prison in New York, spent most of his time behind bars painting portraits and bartering them for preferential treatment, has come as a surprise to many.


But to those who have spent years in the prisons system, such a trade is a deeply ingrained ritual of incarcerated life. It is practiced informally or as part of established programs by a wide range of prisoners, many of them, like Mr. Matt, with profoundly violent pasts and little art experience.


Mr. Matt and other inmate had eluded a manhunt for weeks after drilling their way out of the Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York. People who had known him there say he painted to keep himself occupied and to obtain favors from guards and prisoners.


John Mulligan served two and a half years in the prison with Mr. Matt and after his release had Mr. Matt send him paintings and drawings, which he hopes to sell. Mr. Mulligan added that painting "was a way for him not to be preoccupied with his thoughts all the time – it was an escape."


Mr. Matt's paintings tended toward what experts on prison art described as a popular genre: photo-based portraits of celebrities, political figures and fellow inmates' loved ones.


A guard at the Clinton prison, Gene Palmer, told investigators that he smuggled in a screwdriver and pliers and did other favors for Mr. Matt in exchange for a dozen paintings. Mr. Palmer also told investigators that he helped Mr. Matt mail one of the paintings, of the television character Tony Soprano, to a woman who sold it on eBay for $2,000.


Art by particularly notorious convicts – Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy – has always found an avid, sometimes macabre, collector base. The market for inmate art typically ranges from small galleries and exhibitions to eBay and other websites.


Phyllis Kornfeld, who has taught art classes in prisons for about 30 years, said the majority of inmates making art have limited access to materials and instruction and simply paint, draw and sculpt to pass the time and as a form of expression.

圖擷自Cell Block Visions: Prison Art in America


"It's very rarely about profit making," said Ms. Kornfeld, author of "Cellblock Visions: Prison Art in America."


Anthony Papa, who was serving 15 years to life in the Sing Sing prison in Ossining, New York, when a fellow inmate taught him how to paint, said that art was "a very powerful rehabilitating tool, not only for the prisoner but for the institution." Mr. Papa has gone on to have some success as a painter since his release, selling works for more than $1,000.


Andrew Edlin, who owns the Outsider Art Fair, said that if Mr. Matt's work became more valuable to collectors, it would have little to do with the quality of the art.


"Their reasons would be purely mercenary," he said. "I think, to me, this is sort of a pop-oddity culture story rather than an art world story."


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