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2017/05/05 第357期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 帶我去看球賽
【本月發燒書】 Learn Smart! 狄克生片語這樣背【完全解析版】
【好康情報局】 2017世界閱讀日 單書79折 套書75折
口語會話 Follow me

Luck was on your side. 算你走運。

A: I managed to get to the airport just in time to catch my flight.
B: I guess luck was on your side.

A: 我好不容易才抵達機場趕上飛機。
B: 我想是你走運。

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帶我去看球賽 Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Major League Baseball (MLB) has been around since 1903, making it one of the oldest sports leagues in North America. Some might even say that MLB is "as American as apple pie." Many Americans have happy memories of taking in a game with their parents when they were young.

Tickets to go and see a ball game aren't always the same price. They tend to increase or decrease depending on which day of the week it is. The most expensive tickets are for games on Fridays and weekends. The cheapest games are in the middle of the week. The difference in prices can be pretty substantial. If you go to a game on Wednesday, you'll save $23 on average compared to a Saturday game. For baseball fans, it really pays to have some free time during the week!

美國職業棒球大聯盟( 簡稱MLB) 於1903 年創立,可說是北美洲歷史最悠久的運動聯盟之一。有些人甚至認為,MLB家喻戶曉的程度,就像一提到蘋果派就會想到美國人一樣。許多美國人都有被父母帶去看球賽的快樂兒時回憶。


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Learn Smart! 狄克生片語這樣背【完全解析版】
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