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2017/05/26 第360期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 紅襪隊的詛咒
【本月發燒書】 金選新多益單字1200
【好康情報局】 考前衝刺新日檢書展│全面79折!
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Keep plugging away at it. 撐下去。

A: I've been working on this book report for ages.
B: You're doing a great job. Just keep plugging away at it.

A: 我已經花了超多時間在做這份報告了。
B: 你做得很好,撐下去。

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The Origin of the Red Sox Curse


OK, so I've gotta give props to the Red Sox for FINALLY winning the World Series. The 86-year curse is truly broken! Well, that's what everyone around here thinks. Since I'm not a native Bostonian (and not much of a baseball follower), I didn't know Red Sox fans believed that the team hadn't wonthe World Series since 1918 because of some kind of a curse.

My friend, a walking baseball library, told me it all started back in 1919-1920 when the owner of the team decided to sell pitcher Babe Ruth to the Yankees. Everyone was very upset by that decision. (I may not be a baseball expert, but I know that Babe Ruth was one of the greatest baseball players in history.)

At that point, the Red Sox had claimed several World Series victories, but the Yankees hadn't even played in one. Sure enough, after the sale, the Red Sox started losing, and the Yankees started winning. Up until yesterday, some fans still had a chip on their shoulder because of that sale.

Did they really believe that Babe Ruth put a curse on the Red Sox out of spite? That is doubtful. People didn't even start calling it a "curse" until 1986, when one player made a bad move that cost them Game 6 of the World Series.

They had to blame the loss on something, so why not blame it on a streak of bad luck? But not just any bad luck—the "Curse of the Bambino." Once, they even burned Yankees hats to try and calm the beast!

C'mon guys, ever heard of bad team management?


耶!我要為紅襪隊終於贏得世界大賽(World Series)冠軍歡呼!86 年來的詛咒終於破解了!唔,至少這裡的每個人都是那麼想。不過,由於我不是土生土長的波士頓人(也不是很愛看棒球),我不知道紅襪隊(the Red Sox)球迷深信紅襪隊從1918 年就沒再贏過,會是因為一些所謂的「詛咒」。

我有一位堪稱是「行動棒球圖書館」的朋友,告訴我這一切皆起因於1919 年跟1920 年,那時紅襪隊的老闆決定將投手貝比•魯斯(Babe Ruth)賣給洋基隊(the Yankees),大家都對這個決定感到氣憤(我或許不是個棒球專家,但我知道貝比•魯斯是史上最著名的棒球選手之一)。


難道他們真的以為貝比•魯斯心懷惡意地詛咒了紅襪隊?其實很難講,因為直到1986 年,紅襪隊一名球員在世界大賽第六場,因為一個失誤而輸掉比賽,人們才開始認為那是一個「詛咒」。

但是球迷們總是得找個理由來解釋輸球,所以「詛咒」這招當然好用!而且可不是普通的詛咒,是「貝比•魯斯魔咒」(Curse of the Bambino)!有一次他們甚至燒了洋基的帽子,企圖想馴服這頭野獸。


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