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2017/05/08第264期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網


簡介:◎ 影展小詞典 ◎ 什麼是 take place?

Shoot It, Cut It, Get It in the Cannes

The Cannes Film Festival was the brainchild of Jean Zay, one of France's Ministers of Education and Fine Arts. A devoted socialist, Zay did not survive the German occupation of France, but his vision of an international film festival which would showcase global innovations in cinema persisted.

Though the festival was scheduled to make its debuth in 1939, the carnage of WWII saw it postponed until 1946. With the exceptions of 1948 and 1950, the festival has taken place every year since then, usually in May.

Competing films are critiqued by an international jury made up of an eclectic mix of personalities from the film and art world. The largest prizes include the Jury Prize, the Grand Prize and the coveted Palme d' Or (Golden Palm), which is the highest honor the festival may bestow.

The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most significant film festivals in the world, comparable to its counterparts occurring in Berlin and Venice. It is an effective venue for both viewing and promoting international films, especially those belonging to European cinema. Thus, the prestige and substantial media coverage of the event annually attract world-renowned stars and entice filmmakers to exhibit their work in a bid to gain exposure.


雖然坎城影展原本預定於 1939 年登場,但二戰屠殺使其延至 1946 年才開幕。除了 1948 年和 1950 年,坎城影展自此每年都會舉辦,而時間通常在五月。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.161 5月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2017/5/08(一) From a revenue standpoint, 2017 is projected to be an excellent year for our company.
從營收的角度來看,2017 年對我們公司來說預計會是個很棒的一年。
2017/5/09(二) We predict that this year's revenue will increase by 10 percent from 2016 actuals.
我們預估今年的營收會比 2016 年的實際營收增加 10%。
2017/5/10(三) The company is expected to bring in US$35 million in revenue this year.
2017/5/11(四) We're aiming to expand into several Southeast Asian markets.
2017/5/12(五) We're considering opening up new offices in North America.
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