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2017/05/22第265期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網


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Scandinavian Can-do

Sweden, it would seem, has found the right mix of capitalism and socialism. Even a peripheral glance at Sweden's macroeconomic output highlights its constellation of diverse, high-earning industries, a trait closely linked to its financial stability. In 2016, 247 of these sundry Swedish companies collectively raised US$1.4 billion in venture capital.

Considering the nation's most recently recorded GDP growth of 4.2 percent and trade surplus of 5.2 percent, it's little wonder that Sweden was named by Forbes as the best country for business in 2017. Some of the nation's most recognizable commercial mainstays include furniture and home accessory heavyweight IKEA, automotive manufacturer Volvo, home appliance supplier Electrolux, and fast-fashion dreadnought H&M.

Recently, Sweden's wildly successful tech industry has occupied a large space on investors' radars. Stockholm is second only to Silicon Valley in terms of generating successful tech start-ups. A so-called unicorn factory, Stockholm has, per capita, the most companies valued at over US$1 billion on Earth. Among the most notable names to emerge from this nucleus of computer-centric creativity are Skype, Niklas Zennstrom's telecom creation, and Spotify, which, with over 50 million paid users, is the largest streaming-music service in the world. Newcomers include King Digital Entertainment, which developed the addictive Candy Crush Saga, and Mojang, the developer of the hit world-building game Minecraft. However, Sweden's prolific output of digital innovations is by no means a chance affair — the phenomenon is directly attributable to a series of systemic initiatives.

瑞典式創新 打造科技狂想曲

瑞典看來似乎已找到資本主義和社會主義的適當融合方式。即使只是一瞥瑞典的總體經濟產出,也可明顯看出該國匯聚了多樣化且高營收的產業——這項特性和其金融穩定密切相關。2016 年,247 間各式各樣的瑞典企業共同籌募了十四億美元的創投資金。
鑒於該國最近一次的國內生產毛額成長率記錄為 4.2%,貿易順差為 5.2%,無怪乎《富比士》雜誌將瑞典選為 2017 年最適合經商的國家。該國識別度最高的一些商業支柱包括家具和家飾大廠宜家家居、汽車製造商富豪、家電供應商伊萊克斯以及快時尚巨擘 H&M。
近來,瑞典極度成功的科技產業大大引起了投資者的注意。在產出成功的新創科技公司方面,斯德哥爾摩僅次於矽谷。被稱為「獨角獸工廠」的斯德哥爾摩,就人均而言,擁有全球最多市值超過十億美元的公司。從這個以電腦為主之創意核心所興起的企業當中,最知名的包括尼可拉斯.詹士莊創立的電信企業 Skype,還有超過五千萬名付費用戶的 Spotify,是全世界最大的音樂串流供應商。新進者包括國王數位娛樂公司C與魔讚公司,前者開發了令人愛不釋手的《糖果傳奇》遊戲,後者則是暢銷世界建造遊戲《當個創世神》的開發商。然而,瑞典在數位創新方面的豐富多產絕非偶然——此現象可直接歸因於一連串有系統的措施。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.161 5月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2017/5/22(一) We will continue to focus on increasing our presence in Eastern Europe.
2017/5/23(二) The Canadian division is budgeted at US$30 million for the fiscal year.
2017/5/24(三) Spending is projected to increase 12 percent to US$27 million.
花費預計將增加 12% 來到兩千七百萬美元。
2017/5/25(四) There have been a few delays and cost overruns in the Anderson Project.
2017/5/26(五) Not only did our latest project take far longer than expected, it also came in way over budget.
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