Edward Enninful Is Named Editor-in-Chief at British Vogue英版Vogue雜誌 首見男性、黑人總編輯

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2017/05/12 第170期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Edward Enninful Is Named Editor-in-Chief at British Vogue英版Vogue雜誌 首見男性、黑人總編輯
Going Under the Knife, With Eyes and Ears Wide Open想看你的肌腱嗎?醒著動手術 醫病關係新紀元
Edward Enninful Is Named Editor-in-Chief at British Vogue英版Vogue雜誌 首見男性、黑人總編輯
文/Elizabeth Paton

Edward Enninful, the creative and fashion director of the U.S. magazine W, is set to replace Alexandra Shulman as editor-in-chief of British Vogue, its parent company, Conde Nast, confirmed Monday. The first man and the first black editor to take the helm of Britain's most powerful fashion publication in its 100-year history, Enninful will begin his new role Aug. 1.

A top stylist and acclaimed fashion director who migrated to Britain from Ghana as a child, the 45-year-old Enninful is known for his cheerful demeanor, his legendary fashion covers and for having an army of loyal fans in and out of the fashion business. He received an Order of the British Empire in June for his services to diversity in the fashion industry.



Conde Nast's international chairman and chief executive, Jonathan Newhouse, called Enninful "an influential figure in the communities of fashion, Hollywood and music which shape the cultural zeitgeist," and added that "by virtue of his talent and experience, Edward is supremely prepared to assume the responsibility of British Vogue."

The appointment comes three months after Newhouse named another man, Emanuele Farneti, to the helm of Italian Vogue, following the death of Franca Sozzani.



Enninful was an unexpected choice. Born in Ghana, Enninful was raised by his seamstress mother in the Ladbroke Grove area of London, alongside five siblings. At 16, he became a model for the British magazine i-D after being scouted while traveling on the Tube, London's subway system. He has called modeling his "baptism into fashion."

By 17, he was assisting on photography shoots for the publication with the stylists Simon Foxton and Beth Summers. In 1991, at 18, he took over from Summers as i-D fashion editor, making him one of the youngest-ever leaders of a major fashion publication. He also obtained a degree from Goldsmiths, University of London.



Although there are a handful of notable exceptions, the fashion industry has a dearth of black power players, and that had been a source of immense frustration for Enninful, who has made a considerable effort to improve things. He has made headlines with accusations of racism, including after he was assigned to sit in the second row at a couture show in Paris in 2013 when white "counterparts" were in the first.


Going Under the Knife, With Eyes and Ears Wide Open想看你的肌腱嗎?醒著動手術 醫病關係新紀元
文/Jan Hoffmann

"Do you want to see your tendons?"

Dr. Asif Ilyas, a hand and wrist surgeon, was about to close his patient's wound. But first he offered her the opportunity to behold the source of her radiating pain: a band of tendons that looked like pale pink ribbon candy. With a slender surgical instrument, he pushed outward to demonstrate their newly liberated flexibility.

"That's pretty neat," the patient, Esther Voynow, managed to gasp.




The operation Ilyas performed, called a De Quervain's release, is usually done with the patient under anesthesia. But Voynow, her medical inquisitiveness piqued and her distaste for anesthesia pronounced, had chosen to remain awake, her forearm rendered numb with only an injection of a local anesthetic.

More surgery is being performed with the patient awake and looking on, for both financial and medical reasons. But as surgical patients are electing to keep their eyes wide open, doctor-patient protocol has not kept pace with the new practice. Patients can become unnerved by a seemingly ominous silence, or put off by what passes for office humor. Doctors are only beginning to realize that when a patient is alert, it is just not OK to say, "Oops!" or "I wasn't expecting that," or even "Oh, my God, what are you doing?!"



"For a thousand years, we talked about the operating theater," said Dr. Mark Siegler, a medical ethicist at the University of Chicago and an author of a recent study on surgeon-patient communication during awake procedures, published in The American Journal of Surgery. "And for the first time, in recent years the patient has joined the cast."

Choosing to watch your own surgery is one more manifestation of the patient autonomy movement, in which patients, pushing back against physician paternalism, are eager to involve themselves more deeply in their own medical treatment.



A few studies suggest that some patients feel less anxious about staying awake during surgery, despite possible gruesome sights, than they do about being sedated.

Voynow did not need a preoperative physical exam, blood work, an IV drip or even an attending anesthesiologist. As nurses wheeled her on a gurney out of the O.R., she looked pleasantly surprised. "I've had root canals that were worse," she said.




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