It's Grumpy... Dog?  「不爽狗」 融化你的心

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2017/05/23 第315期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

It's Grumpy... Dog?  「不爽狗」 融化你的心
by Daniel Howard

One dog's fierce expression and loving heart have changed his owner's life for good.

  In Shropshire, England, there's a dog with over 11,000 Instagram followers, which is more than most people have. Thanks to the distinct pattern of fur around Anuko the husky's eyes, he looks like he is always in low spirits. Have you ever seen the Grumpy Cat meme? _(1)_ In fact, he has already made his owner, Jasmine Milton, almost $25,000, and he continues to get offers for more modeling jobs. _(2)_
  Anuko has accomplished more for his owner than just making her money. Milton was diagnosed with a serious kind of mental disorder called bipolar disorder. _(3)_ This means that it can be very difficult for them to live a normal life. Before Anuko came along, Milton had a hard time coping with her mental illness. _(4)_
  Milton is not the only one who has been saved by her canine companion. Trained service dogs are often used as a treatment option for a large number of mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, to help the dog owners live more fulfilling lives. _(5)_ They can also warn a person about an upcoming seizure, or even sit in on therapy sessions.
  It's very lucky that Milton met Anuko, the dog with the fearsome face and loving heart. Together, they have already changed each other's lives, and the rest of us can watch their special journey as it blossoms on social media.

(A) People with this illness have huge changes in mood that can swing from very energetic and happy to very low-energy and sad.
(B) Well, Anuko is "Grumpy Dog," and his online presence has made him wildly popular.
(C) Each year, millions of dogs are euthanized around the world, simply because too many pets come into shelters and too few people consider adoption when looking for a pet.
(D) With the love of her best friend, however, Milton was able to handle her bipolar disorder, succeed at school, and start making plans for a better future.
(E) These service dogs might help keep a depressed person from hurting themselves.
(F) Due to Anuko's fame, his owner can follow her dream of attending medical school.

圖片來源:JStone /

  1. 第一題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Have you ever seen the Grumpy Cat meme?"(你曾看過脾氣暴躁的不爽貓哏圖嗎?),而 (B) 項句子提及 "Well, Anuko is 'Grumpy Dog,' and his online presence has made him wildly popular."(嗯,Anuko 是「不爽狗」,牠在網路上的出現讓牠廣受歡迎。),前後兩句皆提及 Grumpy(脾氣壞的)一字,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    wildly adv. 非常地;瘋狂地
    The young singer became wildly popular after releasing his first album.
    After hearing the good news, all of the students cheered wildly.
  2. 第二題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "In fact, he has already made his owner, Jasmine Milton, almost $25,000, and he continues to get offers for more modeling jobs."(事實上,牠已讓牠的主人潔思敏•米爾頓賺進近兩萬五千美元,且牠也持續得到更多當模特兒的工作機會。),而 (F) 項句子提及 "Due to Anuko's fame, his owner can follow her dream of attending medical school."(由於 Anuko 的名氣,牠的主人便可以一圓進入醫學院的夢。),前後兩句皆提及 his owner(牠的主人),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
    fame n. 名氣,名聲
    衍: famous a. 出名的
    be famous for...  因……而出名
    = be renowned for...
    Patrick achieved great fame as a photographer.
    *photographer n. 攝影師
    Sarah is famous for her great singing ability.
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Milton was diagnosed with a serious kind of mental disorder called bipolar disorder."(米爾頓被診斷出一種稱為躁鬱症的嚴重精神疾病。),而 (A) 項句子提及 "People with this illness have huge changes in mood that can swing from very energetic and happy to very low-energy and sad."(患有這種疾病的人心情起伏極大,他們的心情可以從非常開心又有活力變成極度低落悲傷。),(A) 項句子的 illness(疾病)指的即是前一句的 mental disorder(精神疾病),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    a. swing vi. 擺動,搖擺(三態為:swing, swung, swung。)
    The clothes hung out to dry are swinging in the breeze.
    b. energetic a. 充滿活力的,精力充沛的
    Sabrina felt energetic after a good night's sleep.
    c. low-energy a. 沒有活力的,低能量的
  4. 第四題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Before Anuko came along, Milton had a hard time coping with her mental illness."(在米爾頓遇見 Anuko 之前,她難以應付自己的精神疾病。),而 (D) 項句子提及 "With the love of her best friend, however, Milton was able to handle her bipolar disorder, succeed at school, and start making plans for a better future."(然而,有了最好朋友的愛,米爾頓能夠處理自己的躁鬱症且學業有成,並開始為更美好的未來做計劃。),前一句的 cope with(應付,處理)與 (D) 項句子的 handle(應付,處理)一字同義,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    handle vt. 處理,應付
    同: deal with...
    When I didn't know how to handle the situation, I turned to Jason for help.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "Trained service dogs are often used as a treatment option for a large number of mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, to help the dog owners live more fulfilling lives."(受過訓練的服務犬通常被選用在很多精神疾病治療上(包括躁鬱症),以幫助狗主人生活過得更如意。),而 (E) 項句子提及 "These service dogs might help keep a depressed person from hurting themselves."(這些服務犬可能會幫助防止抑鬱的人傷害自己。),前後兩句皆提及 service dogs(服務犬),故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    depressed a. 抑鬱的;沮喪的
    I felt depressed when I heard the bad news.

husky n. 哈士奇犬
衍: bulldog n. 鬥牛犬
Labrador Retriever n. 拉不拉多獵犬
Maltese n. 馬爾濟斯
German Shepherd  德國牧羊犬
bipolar a. 抑鬱性精神病的;雙極的
canine a. 犬的,狗的
seizure n. 癲癇;(尤指心臟或腦部疾病的)突然發作

  1. be in low spirits  心情很不好
    同: be in a bad mood
    反: be in high spirits  心情非常好
    = be in a good mood
    mood n. 心情
    衍: be in the mood to V  有心情(做)……
    Rachel tends to talk less when she is in low spirits.
    Because of the good news, John was in high spirits all day.
    I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood to go to the movies.
  2. be diagnosed with...  診斷出罹患……
    diagnose vt. 診斷
    Ian was at a loss of what to do when he was diagnosed with cancer.
    *be at a loss  不知所措;困惑
  3. come along  出現
    If any extra work comes along, just let Victor know, and he'll take care of it.
  4. have a hard time V-ing  做……有困難
    When Tommy first got here, he had a hard time adapting to the workload.
    *adapt to N/V-ing  適應……
  5. cope with...  處理……
    同: deal with...
    The problem should be coped with at once, or it will get worse.
  1. grumpy a. 脾氣壞的
    I don't understand why you're so grumpy all the time.
  2. fierce a. 凶猛的;激烈的
    The little boy threw a stone at the fierce dog.
    There is fierce competition between the two leading car manufacturers.
    *manufacturer n. 製造商
  3. pattern n. 圖案,花樣
    Kim wore a dress with a flowery pattern.
  4. accomplish vt. 完成,實現
    衍: accomplish one's goal  完成/達到某人的目標
    = achieve one's goal
    = attain one's goal
    Teresa will do anything to accomplish her goal of becoming an actress.
  5. disorder n. 疾病;(身體機能的)失調
  6. companion n. 同伴,朋友(可數)
    比較 company n. 陪伴(不可數)
    enjoy one's company  喜歡有某人相伴
    Dogs make for faithful companions.
    We all enjoy Mark's company because he's so funny.
  7. fulfilling a. 充實的;使人有成就感的
    Teaching requires a lot of patience, but it can be very fulfilling.
  8. warn vt. 警告
    衍: warn sb not to V  警告某人不要……
    = warn sb against V-ing
    warn sb of / about...  就……方面警告某人
    warning n. 警告
    Our teacher warned us not to cheat on the test.
    Jim's grandfather warned him of the dangers of smoking.
    Thank you for your timely warning.
  9. therapy n. 治療,療法
    Janet is getting stronger day by day with therapy.
    *day by day  (一天天)漸漸地
  10. session n. 療程;會期;(課堂或活動的)一段時間
  11. fearsome a. 可怕的,令人生畏的
    衍: fear n. 恐懼 & vt. 懼怕
    for fear + that 子句  唯恐……
    Piranhas are superb hunters that definitely deserve their fearsome fame.
    *piranha n. 食人魚
    The boy didn't even try for fear that he might fail.
  12. blossom vi. 興旺;發展;開花 & n.(尤指果樹的)花
    衍: blossom into...  發展成為……
    be in full blossom  (花朵)盛開
    The small fishing village has now blossomed into an international port.
    Those cherry trees are in full blossom in early spring.

「不爽狗」 融化你的心
  在英國的什羅普郡,有一隻擁有一萬一千多名 Instagram 追蹤人數的狗狗,這比大多數人都還要多。由於哈士奇 Anuko 眼睛周圍獨特的一圈毛髮,牠看起來總是心情很差。你曾看過脾氣暴躁的不爽貓哏圖(編按:meme 的意思為「哏」,這個字本身具有「滑稽可笑」之意,現在多指網路上爆紅的文化現象。現代人常用「梗」這個字,但其實「梗」是誤用,正確的用字應該是「哏」。)嗎?嗯,Anuko 是「不爽狗」,牠在網路上的出現讓牠廣受歡迎。事實上,牠已讓牠的主人潔思敏•米爾頓賺進近兩萬五千美元,且牠也持續得到更多當模特兒的工作機會。由於 Anuko 的名氣,牠的主人便可以一圓進入醫學院的夢。
  Anuko 為主人完成的遠比僅是幫她賺錢還要更多。米爾頓被診斷出一種稱為躁鬱症的嚴重精神疾病。患有這種疾病的人心情起伏極大,他們的心情可以從非常開心又有活力變成極度低落悲傷。這意味著他們很難過正常的生活。在米爾頓遇見 Anuko 之前,她難以應付自己的精神疾病。然而,有了最好朋友的愛,米爾頓能夠處理自己的躁鬱症且學業有成,並開始為更美好的未來做計劃。
  米爾頓很幸運地遇到了這隻臭臉卻心中充滿愛的狗狗 Anuko。他們已經一起改變了彼此的生活,由於他們的故事在社群媒體上大受歡迎,我們其他人可以欣賞這段特別的旅程。
答案: 1. B  2. F  3. A  4. D  5. E

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