The Know No Campaign Teaches The Basics of Consent 「不」就是「不」,杜絕性侵從你我做起

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2017/05/02 第312期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Know No Campaign Teaches The Basics of Consent  「不」就是「不」,杜絕性侵從你我做起
by Ivy Liu

Do you know what "no" means?

  Do you know what sexual consent actually means? Take a quiz on the website Know No, and see how you do. If it was surprising to you that all of the answers were "no," then you might not fully understand that when it comes to consent, there is no gray area. In other words, if a person is intoxicated or _(1)_, it should be assumed that they cannot give consent, no matter what.
  _(2)_, this common sense is lost on many people. Studies _(3)_ worldwide by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that one in four females and one in 10 males have experienced some form of sexual violence. That shocking number is likely _(4)_ higher, since many victims fail to report assaults to the police out of fear of social stigmas, backlashes, and the concern that they might have been at fault.
  The Know No campaign was launched by advertising agency MARC USA in late 2016 as an _(5)_ to educate people about what "no" means, especially by starting the conversation with young people. Along with the website, a video of men and women _(6)_ on couches and mattresses with signs that read, "If I can't say no, I can't say yes," was part of the campaign. Know No was _(7)_ in the wake of convicted rapist Brock Turner walking out of jail three months early on his already lenient six-month sentence. Those behind Know No said they simply asked themselves, if consent were better understood, would people still make the same choices?
1. (A) reasonable  (B) unconscious  (C) sociable  (D) ambitious
2. (A) Unfortunately  (B) Accidentally  (C) Equally  (D) Physically
3. (A) terminated  (B) retained  (C) resembled  (D) conducted
4. (A) many  (B) more   (C) much  (D) less
5. (A) initiative  (B) expense  (C) auction  (D) emergency
6. (A) lay  (B) lying  (C) lie  (D) lies
7. (A) prompted  (B) customized  (C) resisted  (D) observed

  1. In other words, if a person is intoxicated or unconscious, it should be assumed that they cannot give consent, no matter what.
    a. (A) reasonable a. 合理的;適當的
    At this shop, you can buy watches of high quality at a reasonable price.
    (B) unconscious a. 無意識的
    The doctor induced sleep so his patient would be unconscious during surgery.
    *induce vt. 引起;導致
    (C) sociable a. 合群的;善交際的
    It is no surprise that everyone likes Emma. She's a very sociable person.
    (D) ambitious a. 有雄心的,野心勃勃的
    The ambitious young man aspired to the highest position in the company.
    *aspire to V  渴望從事……
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  2. Unfortunately, this common sense is lost on many people.
    a. (A) unfortunately adv. 不幸地;可惜地
    Most people were evacuated to safe places, but unfortunately, one old woman was buried alive.
    *evacuate vt. & vi. 撤離
    (B) accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地
    同: by accident
    Cindy accidentally deleted all her files from the computer.
    (C) equally adv. 相同地,同樣地
    Teachers should treat all of their students equally.
    (D) physically adv. 身體上地
    Generally speaking, men are physically stronger than women.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. Studies conducted worldwide by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention show that...
    a. (A) terminate vt. 終止;解僱
    Since your company failed to meet our needs, we are going to terminate the contract.
    (B) retain vt. 保持,保有
    Though he is a multimillionaire, my boss still retains his sense of decency.
    *decency n. 禮節;得體
    (C) resemble vt. 相像,相似
    The older Jim gets, the more he resembles his father.
    (D) conduct vt. 執行,實行
    Sherry conducted the meeting in a very professional manner.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. That shocking number is likely much higher, since many victims fail to report assaults to the police...
    a. 本題測試可用來修飾比較級形容詞或副詞的修飾語,共計有下列六個:
    far, much, even, still, a lot, a great deal
    Kevin's idea is much better than mine.
    b. 空格後有比較級形容詞 higher(更高的),得知空格應選 (C) much。
  5. The Know No campaign was launched by advertising agency MARC USA in late 2016 as an initiative to educate people about what "no" means...
    廣告公司 MARC USA 在 2016 年年底展開了 Know No 活動,以作為教導民眾「不」意涵的一項計劃……
    a. (A) initiative n. 倡議;率先,主動
    衍: take the initiative  採取主動
    Charles is shy and never takes the initiative on anything.
    (B) expense n. 支出;費用
    衍: spare no expense  不惜費用
    Upon arriving, we saw that the couple had spared no expense for the wedding.
    (C) auction n. 標售;拍賣
    Many of the items Peter bought at the auction are put in storage.
    (D) emergency n. 緊急狀況
    There is an emergency exit on each floor of the building.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  6. Along with the website, a video of men and women lying on couches and mattresses with signs that read, "If I can't say no, I can't say yes," was part of the campaign.
    a. 原句實為:"Along with the website, a video of men and women that were lying on couches and mattresses with signs that read, 'If I can't say no, I can't say yes,' was part of the campaign.",此處省略關係代名詞 that,其後 be 動詞 were 變為現在分詞 being 後可省略,省略後即成本句。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  7. Know No was prompted in the wake of convicted rapist Brock Turner walking out of jail three months early on his already lenient six-month sentence.
    已定罪的強暴犯布魯克•特納在獲判已經過於寬鬆的六個月徒刑之後還提前三個月出獄,Know No 活動便隨之推動。
    a. (A) prompt vt. 促使;激勵
    衍: prompt sb to V  促使/激勵某人(做)……
    Paul was prompted to raise money for cancer research with the death of his wife.
    (B) customize vt. 改製;訂做
    衍: customized a. 客製化的
    The chef created a customized dish for patrons allergic to peanuts.
    (C) resist vt. 抗拒
    The official took the bribe because he couldn't resist the temptation.
    *temptation n. 誘惑
    (D) observe vt. 觀察;注意到;遵守
    The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.
    *ceasefire n. 停火
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  1. consent n. & vi. 同意,贊成
    衍: consent to N/V-ing  同意/答應……
    Mutual consent, rather than force, is the best way to unify a nation.
    *unify vt. 統合,使統一
    Mike consented to helping me paint my room this Saturday.
  2. sexual a. 性的;性別的
    衍: sexual discrimination  性別歧視
    The women launched a demonstration in protest of sexual discrimination.
  3. quiz n. 測驗 & vt. 對……進行測驗
  4. intoxicated a. 喝醉的
    The bartender refused to serve the intoxicated man another drink.
  5. assume vt. 假定,假設(以 that 子句作受詞);負起(責任)
    衍: assume the burden of...  挑起……的重擔
    Jason assumed that his girlfriend was joking when she said he was ugly.
    After his parents passed away, the boy assumed the burden of supporting the family.
  6. common sense  常識
  7. assault n. & vt. 襲擊,攻擊
    Max has been charged with two counts of assault with a deadly weapon.
    *be charged with...  被指控……罪行
    The criminal assaulted the owner of the store during the robbery.
  8. concern n. 擔心,憂慮
    The government should not ignore the public's concerns.
  9. launch vt. & n. 開始,發起
    The company conducted a market survey before launching its new product.
    Our marketing department will go ahead with the product launch as expected.
  10. convict vt. 將……定罪(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)
    The protesters are calling for the release of the wrongly convicted prisoner.
    *call for...  要求/呼籲……

social stigma  社會汙名;社會恥辱
stigma n. 汙名;恥辱
backlash n. 強烈反對
mattress n. 床墊
rapist n. 強暴犯
衍: rape n. & vt. 強暴
lenient a. 寬鬆的;慈悲的

  1. when it comes to N/V-ing  說到/提到……
    No one compares to Rachel when it comes to baking.
  2. fail to V  未能(做)……
    反: never fail to V  總會……,一定會……
    Jack was the only student who failed to turn in his report on time.
    Larry never fails to take a nap after lunch.
  3. report... to the police  向警方檢舉……
    The public is urged to report any act of child abuse to the police.
    *be urged to V  被力勸做……
  4. be at fault  有過錯;應當負責
    The red car was at fault in the accident because it turned left after the light changed.
  5. in the wake of...  隨/繼……之後
    There were thousands of deaths in the wake of the tsunami.

  你知道雙方同意的性關係實際上意味著什麼嗎?不妨在 Know No 網站上做一項測試,並看看結果如何。假如所有的答案都是「不」這件事令你吃驚的話,那麼你可能並未完全理解當談及雙方同意時,是沒有灰色地帶的。換言之,假如有人處於喝醉或無意識的狀態,那無論如何他們就應該被認定是無法首肯的。
  廣告公司 MARC USA 在 2016 年年底展開了 Know No 活動,以作為教導民眾「不」意涵的一項計劃,尤其是透過與年輕人開始對談。除了該網站以外,一支影片也是活動的一部份,影片中有男性與女性躺在沙發與床墊上,身旁的看板寫著:「如果我不能拒絕的話,我也不能同意。」已定罪的強暴犯布魯克•特納在獲判已經過於寬鬆的六個月徒刑之後還提前三個月出獄,Know No 活動便隨之推動。那些 Know No 活動的幕後推手說,他們只是問問自己,如果人們更加了解同意的含意,他們仍然會做出同樣的選擇嗎?
答案: 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A

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