Twenty-Five Square Meters of Syria 二十五平方公尺的敘利亞

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2017/05/23 第299期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Twenty-Five Square Meters of Syria  二十五平方公尺的敘利亞
IKEA wants people to see what is really happening in Syria.

  Inside IKEA's flagship store in Norway, a different kind of display was set up to show people some of the realities of war. Instead of the usual kitchen, living room, or kid's bedroom packed with their latest products, the furniture giant put up a replica of a war-torn home.
  A Syrian woman named Rana worked closely with IKEA to make this new display. She lives with her four children just outside of Damascus, Syria. Rana was forced to quit her job, and now her family struggles to survive. Inside the replica of Rana's house, customers got to see what life is really like after many years of brutal civil war. The realistic two-bedroom apartment was made of concrete blocks. It had plastic over the windows to keep the cold out, with a bed and blankets on the floor. In place of the usual price listings, tags told the stories of refugees and Syrians affected by the war. They also informed customers about ways to help donate to relief efforts.
  IKEA worked with the American Red Cross to raise money for these people in need. The campaign raised US$23.8 million, which was sent to help relief efforts during the ongoing civil war.

圖片來源:Ken Wolter /



  1. war-torn a. 飽受戰爭蹂躪的,受到戰爭破壞的
    There were many war-torn cities in Europe during World War II.
  2. brutal a. 殘酷的;野蠻的
    The handsome young man turned out to be a brutal killer.
  3. concrete a. 混凝土/水泥的;具體的
    concrete n. 混凝土
    We need some concrete evidence before we can find that man guilty.
    The main structure of this house is made of concrete and steel.
  4. listing n. 列表,清單
    This is a listing of all the major cultural landmarks around the US.
  5. affect vt. 影響;打動
    If I were you, I wouldn't let Jason's words affect how I feel about myself.
  6. inform vt.(正式)通知,告知
    It was the doctor's duty to inform Jeff of his mother's illness.
  7. relief effort n. 救援行動,賑災
    effort n. 救濟品
    The army participated in the relief effort after the typhoon hit Taiwan.
  8. ongoing a. 繼續進行的,不斷發展的
    There is an ongoing crisis because the new disease is spreading so quickly.

flagship n. 旗艦
replica n. 複製品,仿製品(尤指建築、槍及藝術品)
refugee n. 難民;避難者
donate vi. & vt. 捐助,捐贈

本文 "In place of the usual price listings, tags told the stories of refugees and Syrians affected by the war." 中的片語 in place of... 表「代替/取代……」,等於 in sb's/sth's place,而其用法也相當於 instead of...。例:

In place of the hamburgers we normally eat, let's try rice burgers tonight.
= Instead of the hamburgers we normally eat, let's try rice burgers tonight.

另外,相關片語 take the place of... 也代表「代替/取代……」,不過它的用法則相當於動詞 replace「接替,取代」。例:

Nothing can take the place of a parent's love.
= Nothing can replace a parent's love.

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