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2020/08/21 第527期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 電腦常見問題英語
【英語學習Plus】 如何使用辦公室影印機
【本月發燒書】 海蒂:阿爾卑斯山的小女孩 Heidi【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版
【好康情報局】 ★開學季│語言學習趣★參展書全面79折,滿1299送隨聽隨背口袋單字書《用聽的背英單7000字》

★ 談論電腦疑難排解
Start your computer in safe mode so we can see what the problem is.

Reboot your computer and see if it'll work after that.

You probably need to do a system restore.

Maybe you should see if too many programs are taking up your memory.

★ 談論電腦問題
I'm getting an error message that says illegal operation.

I keep getting this runtime error.

I'm getting a low disk space message. I guess I need to close some programs.

★ 談論病毒與防毒軟體
I think you ought to get a better anti-virus program.

My computer is running really slowly. I think I need to run a virus scan.

────── 節錄寂天講堂「電腦常見問題英語」

如何使用辦公室影印機 Using a Copy Machine

Barbara is showing John the copy machine.

Barbara: To start with, you should load any recycled paper in tray two, and load it face down.

John: Got it.

Barbara: If you're copying a long document, instead of copying page by page on the glass, you can use the top-loader. There's an option here to collate the documents or sort them by page.

John: Great. Can it staple, too? I've seen copiers that staple.

Barbara: Yes, it can! Moving on . . . do you know how to shrink and enlarge documents? Those functions are here—the machine will prompt you to change the paper size and tray if you need to. We usually keep A3 or B3 paper in the bottom tray, but you can load it anywhere. Letterhead should go in the side loader, so we don't waste it.

John: OK, thanks. I think I'm pretty familiar with what else the machine can do. I have one question, though—can anyone use the copier, or is there an access code I have to put in?

Barbara:Oh, there aren't any codes. Anybody in the office can use it.

Barbara 正在教John 如何使用影印機。


John: 知道了。



Barbara: 這個可以!然後……你知道如何縮放文件嗎?那些功能都在這—有需要的話,影印機會詢問你紙的尺寸與紙匣。我們通常把A3 或B3 大小的紙放在底部紙匣,不過你要放哪都可以。有信頭的信紙要放在旁路紙匣,才不會浪費。



海蒂:阿爾卑斯山的小女孩 Heidi【Grade 4經典文學讀本】二版(25K+MP3)

老人與海 The Old Man and the Sea【Grade 5經典文學刪節讀本】二版(25K+MP3)

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