Great Dads of the Animal Kingdom 父愛無敵 ── 動物界裡的好爸爸

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2020/08/25 第474期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Great Dads of the Animal Kingdom 父愛無敵 ── 動物界裡的好爸爸


 When it comes to parenting in the animal kingdom, we typically see the female as playing the most important role. We focus on maternal instinct—the motherly urge to protect and nurture offspring. Yet, there is also a paternal instinct, and, in some species, it is the male that does most of the work of raising the kids. In this article, we honor a few of the best dads around, some of which may surprise you.

The emperor penguin: Minding the egg

  If an award were handed out for the best father on the planet, one of the strongest contenders for that title would be the emperor penguin. Once the female has laid an egg, she is exhausted and must return to the sea to feed. That leaves it entirely up to the male to make sure the egg remains safe and warm during her absence, which may last more than 120 days. This is no easy task. To keep the egg from freezing on the Antarctic ice, a male must balance the egg on top of his feet. Meanwhile, the father uses a warm patch of skin on his belly to provide warmth for the egg. Not only that, but the male must also sleep standing up. Moreover, the male doesn’t eat during the entire time the mother is away.

The Namaqua sandgrouse: Traveling for water

  While male emperor penguins need to keep eggs safe in temperatures lower than -40ºC and in winds that reach as high as 200 kilometers an hour, the male Namaqua sandgrouse of Africa has an entirely different problem. In the hot, dry desert climate, this bird may need to fly up to 30 kilometers to reach water holes in order to bring water back to its nest. It does this by wading in the pond for 15 minutes so its feathers soak up the water. *Back at the nest, the sandgrouse chicks crowd around the male and drink the water from its feathers.

* 在嚴謹文法中,前後子句的主詞不一致時,在化簡為分詞句構時應兩個都保留,但在現代用法中,當上下文明確時,句中的不同主詞一起被省略的情形有愈來愈常見的趨勢。


    parenting  n. 養育技巧;撫養
    maternal  a. 母性的
    motherly  a. 母親似的,慈母般的
    offspring  n.(動物的)幼獸;子女,後代
    paternal  a. 父親(似)的
    contender  n. 競爭者,角逐者
    Antarctic  n. 南極
      Antarctic Circle  南極圈
   sandgrouse  n. 沙雞(複數形為 sandgrouse 或 sandgrouses)

1.    instinct  n. 本能;天性
      by instinct  憑本能,生來就
•     Beavers build dams by instinct.
*beaver  n. 河狸
 2.    urge  n. 強烈的欲望,衝動
      have an / the urge to V  想要(做)……
•     William had an urge to cry when his teacher scolded him.
3.    nurture  vt. 養育,培育
•     Most parents try to nurture their children and help them grow into good people.
4.    exhausted  a. 疲憊不堪的
•     The leaders of the two countries were exhausted after the eight-hour meeting.
5.    freeze  vi. 結冰,凍結
三態為:freeze, froze, frozen。
•     The lake froze during the winter.
6.    balance  vt. 使平衡,使保持平穩
      balance A on B  使 A 穩穩地在 B 上面
•     The street performer was able to balance two chairs on his head at the same time.
7.    patch  n.(與周圍不同的)塊/片
      a patch of...  一塊……
•     There is only one small patch of grass in my grandmother’s front yard.
8.    temperature  n. 溫度
•     Our normal body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius.
9.    wade  vi. 涉水,蹚水
•     Thelma and Louise waded through the shallow river to their campsite.

1.    hand out... / hand... out  分發/發放……
•     Joseph’s job is to hand out tests to everyone in the classroom.
 2.    leave sth (up) to...   把某事留給……負責/決定
•     Peter left the choice of college entirely to his daughter.
3.    make sure + (that) 子句   確定/務必(做)……
•     Make sure you have the files ready prior to the presentation.
4.    provide A for B  提供 A 給 B
=    provide B with A
•     The landlord provides furniture and air conditioners for his tenants.
•     The building manager can provide you with the number of a good plumber.
5.    soak up... / soak... up  吸收……
•     Mandy used a dry mop to soak up the water on the floor.
6.    crowd around...  聚集在……周圍
•     The students crowded around their teacher to watch him do a chemistry experiment.

父愛無敵 ── 動物界裡的好爸爸







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