Picking the Perfect Snack for a Summer Day 夏天就是要吃冰的啦

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2020/08/25 第463期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Picking the Perfect Snack for a Summer Day 夏天就是要吃冰的啦
Elsa and James are in a restaurant talking about what kind of snack to have on this hot evening.
艾莎和詹姆士在一家餐廳裡討論在今天這個炎熱的夜晚要來點 什麼樣的點心。


E: Elsa (F)  J: James (M)

J: Now that we are done eating dinner at the night market, I’m in the mood for a snack.

E: I could really go for some ice cream. What about you?

J: I’d prefer to get some shaved ice. Look over there! Doesn’t that mango shaved ice look delicious?

E: It does, for sure. I love the soft texture with the condensed milk on the...

J: Enough. You’re making my mouth water. Let’s go take a seat and order some now.

E: Just a minute, James. My coworkers and I went to Ice Monster after lunch today and we had shaved ice. I really think my taste buds would prefer some ice cream instead.

J: No problem, Elsa. Why don’t we stop by that Häagen-Dazs just across the street?

E: Great! What’s your favorite kind of ice cream?

J: I’m thinking about having a cone of mint chocolate chip ice cream. But maybe I’ll try the mango sorbet.

E: That sounds great. I can have two or three scoops of the butter pecan that I want, and you can get the mango that you crave.


1.     be in the mood + for N / to V  有意/有心情(做)……
I’m in the mood to play board games now.
David just got fired, so he is not in the mood for a party.
2.     go for...  選擇……
Since the red cellphones are sold out, I´ll go for a white one instead.
★    3.     delicious  a. 美味的,可口的
Jerry can cook a delicious meal from very simple ingredients.
★    4.     take / have a seat  坐下
Please have a seat here. Would you like some coffee or tea?
★    5.     order  vt. 點餐;訂貨
Fred ordered a pair of running shoes online yesterday.
★    6.     just a second / minute / moment  等一下
Just a moment. I have to finish my work first.
★    7.     favorite  a. 最喜歡的
Pink is the favorite color for young ladies this year.
8.     crave  vt. 渴望,渴求
Most children crave attention from their parents.

    texture  n. 口感;質地
    water  vi. 流口水
    taste buds  n. 味蕾(恆用複數)


詹姆士: 既然我們剛在夜市裡吃完晚餐,那麼我想來吃些點心。
艾 莎: 我真的很想來點冰淇淋。你呢?
詹姆士: 我比較想吃剉冰。看那邊!妳不覺得那個芒果剉冰看起來很好吃嗎?
艾 莎: 當然看起來很好吃啊。我就喜歡那種綿綿的口感,再把煉乳 加在??
詹姆士: 夠了。妳讓我口水流滿地了。我們現在就去找個地方坐下來 點剉冰吃吧。
艾 莎: 詹姆士,等等。我和同事今天吃完中餐後才去了 Ice Monster 吃剉冰。我真的覺得我的味蕾會比較想來點冰淇淋。
詹姆士: 那有什麼問題,艾莎。我們何不順路到對街的那間哈根達斯去呢?
艾 莎: 讚喔!你最喜歡哪種口味的冰淇淋啊?
詹姆士: 我在考慮吃薄荷巧克力碎片口味的冰淇淋甜筒。但也許我會 試試芒果雪酪。
艾莎: 聽起來好好吃哦。我可以點兩三球我想要吃的奶油胡桃冰淇 淋,然後你可以選你想吃的芒果雪酪。


清涼消暑小物,訂就送給你~ 訂閱【雜誌+光碟】一年即送「防潮沙灘野餐墊」,二年再加送「造型手持風扇(顏色隨機)」!





新舊混搭 漫威的故事製造機
向來以打造超級英雄著稱的漫威(Marvel)就是調和新舊、黑白的箇中翹楚,自從該公司於2008年推出電影《鋼鐵人》(Iron Man)創下5.85億美元的好票房,由虧損連連的漫畫公司跨行成為屢創票房佳績的影業巨擘。


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