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2015/07/27 第149期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



a)    過氣的

b)    精簡

c)    令人注目


Resumes, like many other marketing materials, have an expiration date. Your resume is a reflection of you – and you don’t want recruiters thinking you’re a) outdated because your document is. Here’s how to know if your resume needs an update.



It’s become too long

An eye-tracking study found that the average recruiter spends only six seconds reviewing a resume before deciding if 1) it’s worth a closer inspection. Remember, your resume should always highlight the skills, experience, and accomplishments that are most relevant to your job goals.




You want employers to call home

In this mobile age, it’s more important than ever to be accessible whenever a recruiter wants to contact you. As a result, I recommend that you list your cell phone number.





You haven’t included the URL to your professional profile

According to a Jobvite survey, 93 percent of recruiters 2) are likely to look at a job candidate’s social profile. Include the URLs to your online professional profiles so recruiters don’t have to guess or mistake you for someone else. Make sure your online profiles and resumes tell the same story so you don’t send mixed messages to the recruiter.





Your resume has an objective instead of a professional summary

Use the space to sell your job candidacy by giving the HR your elevator pitch.In three to five sentences, explain what you’re best at, most interested in, and how you can provide value to a prospective employer.





Keep your resume c) concise

Avoid dense blocks of text or long bulleted lists. The key is to format the information in a way that makes it easy to scan quickly to recognize your job goals and relevant qualifications and achievements.





You’ve included too much of the past

Employers are especially interested in your most recent experience and how that ties back to their open position’s requirements.





You’re still putting “references upon request”

Employers are well aware that you’ll provide them with reference, should they ask for them during the interview process. Save the space for the information that is most c) compelling.






1)   It’s worth… 做…是值得的


National Palace Museum is worth visiting. 故宮值得一遊。另外一種用法可以接名詞National Palace Museum is worth a visit.


2)   Be likely to 傾向於、可能會

Be likely to 後面可接不定詞片語(to V)或是that子句,表達可能性的概念。

The fire occurred near the factory and is likely to permanently deforest the land. 火災發生在工廠附近,並有可能永久摧毀這片土地。


名詞解釋:Elevator pitch它原本指一種說話技巧,必須在短時間內,與對方打開話題。在工作場所中,想像你有機會與老闆或客戶一起搭電梯時,在電梯開門之前,你只有大約60秒來精確地傳達訊息。如何在這有限時間內,以最精簡和最具說服力的內容讓對方看到價值並且買單。本文主要用在表達 HR 一天下來面試十幾個人,如何適時的運用elevator pitch 才能讓對方記得你。


  1.  Hey, John, I’m coming. 嘿,約翰,我要來了。
  2.  May I borrow your rubber? 我可以借用你的橡皮擦嗎?
  3.  Do you want to play together sometime? 你想要改天一起出去玩嗎?
  4.  A: Will you be able to meet the boss later? B: I don’t know. If I get lucky. A:你待會兒能見到老板嗎?B:不知道,如果運氣好的話。
  5.  I met Wendy on the street two months ago; she is my girlfriend now. 兩個月前我在街上偶遇溫蒂,現在她是我的女友。


  1. Hey, John, I’ll be there soon.I’m coming.確實是在告訴等待的人說「我快來了」,但在床第之間也有「快達高潮」的意思,建議女性面對男性時不要輕易脫口而出,免得讓人想入非非。
  2. May I borrow your eraser?在英國、澳洲、紐西蘭,橡皮擦被稱為rubber,但在美國與加拿大,rubber則是保險套的俗稱,所以用eraser比較不會招人誤解。
  3. Let’s hang out sometime.英文裡,「play」帶有性暗示的味道,所以單純邀約友人出去遊樂,最好用hang out。
  4. A: Will you be able to meet the boss later? B: I don’t know. If all goes well. If I get lucky乍看沒有錯,但在美語中卻含有「如果運氣好的話,我能夠跟對方度過美好的一晚」的性期待,所以最好少用。
  5. I ran into Wendy in town two months ago; she is my girlfriend now.如果說跟某位女性meet on the street,可能讓人誤以為對方是在街上拉客的妓女,所以最好避免,改用run into或meet someone by chance來強調「不期而遇」。

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