Cuba Has a Lung Cancer Vaccine—And America Wants It 令美國垂涎的古巴肺癌疫苗

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2015/07/20 第148期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

Cuba Has a Lung Cancer Vaccine—And America Wants It 令美國垂涎的古巴肺癌疫苗



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b) 先進、時代尖端

c) 平均壽命


CUBA has for several years had a promising therapeutic vaccine against lung cancer. The 55-year trade a) embargo led by the US made sure that Cuba was mostly where it stayed. Until—maybe—now.



The Obama administration has, of course, been trying to normalize relations with the island nation. During New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s visit to Havana, Roswell Park Cancer Institute finalized an agreement with Cuba’s Center for Molecular Immunology to develop a lung cancer vaccine and beginclinical trials in the US. Essentially, US researchers will bring the Cimavax vaccine stateside and 1) get on track for approval by the Food and Drug Administration.


歐巴馬政府一直致力於改善美國和古巴關係。紐約州州長安德魯·庫莫(Andrew Cuomo)拜訪哈瓦那期間,正式敲定紐約Roswell Park癌症研究中心與古巴分子免疫學中心間的協議合作,以發展肺癌疫苗與開始在美國做臨床測試。這項協議計劃將Cimavax疫苗引入美國本土,申請美國食藥署的使用核准。


“The chance to evaluate a vaccine like this is a very exciting prospect,” says Candace Johnson, CEO of Roswell Park. She’s excited, most likely, because research on the vaccine so far shows that it has low toxicity, and it’s relatively cheap to produce and store.

「能有機會評估這樣的疫苗真是令人振奮!」,Roswell Park癌症研究總裁Candace Johnson說。她會這麼興奮其來有自,目前為止研究顯示出這種疫苗毒性低,且它在製造與保存上相對來說較為便宜。


How did Cuba end up with a b) cutting edge immuno-oncology drug? Though the country is justly famous for cigars, rum, and baseball, it also has some of the best and most inventive biotech and medical research in the world. That’s especially notable for a country where the average worker earns $20 a month. Cuba spends 2) a fraction of the money the US does on healthcare per individual; yet the average Cuban has a c) life expectancy 3) on par with the average American. “They’ve had to do more with less,” says Johnson, “so they’ve had to be even more innovative with how they approach things. For over 40 years, they have had a pre-eminent immunology community.”

究竟古巴是怎麼研發出這麼走在時代尖端的腫瘤免疫藥呢?古巴最熟為人知的大概就是他的雪茄、萊姆酒和棒球,這裡的勞工平均月薪只有20美元,然而卻擁有世界上最頂尖、最具研發創造力的生物科技技術與醫療研究。古巴在醫療費用的支出只有美國在醫療照護支出的一小部分,然而古巴人的平均壽命長度和美國人不相上下。「古巴人必須在最有限的資源環境裡生產更多。為了達到目標他們必須更有創造力,古巴擁有卓越的防疫團隊已經有40年的時間了。」Johnson 這麼說。

Lung cancer is the fourth-leading cause of the death in Cuba. Medical researchers at the Center for Molecular Immunology worked on Cimavax for 25 years before the Ministry of Health made it available to the public—for free—in 2011. Each shot costs the government about $1. A Phase II trial from 2008 showed lung cancer patients who received the vaccine lived an average of four to six months longer than those who didn’t. That prompted Japan and some European countries to initiate Cimavax clinical trials as well.


Despite decades of economic sanctions, Fidel and Raul Castro made biotechnology and medical research, particularly preventative medicine, a priority.




1)    Get on track

Track 是軌道的意思。Get on track 在軌道上進行,意思有如期,按計劃走的意思。

Please get the discussion on track in the meeting. Time is limited. 會議中的討論請按照計劃進行,時間寶貴。


2)    A fraction of 一部份

Fraction 是小碎片,片段的意思。A fraction of 是一小部分。a fraction of second 意思是一瞬間。

The government spent a fraction of taxes on healthcare. 政府花部份的稅收在醫療保健。


3)    On par with等值,同價

Par 有average 平均,同值的意思。 On par with 意思就是和.. 一樣好,..等同..的意思。

The handmade pie is on a par with the best in the world. 這手工做的派和世界上最棒的派一樣好吃。


  1. The transaction is often made at the wrong time due to the clients. 由於客戶的關係,交易經常在錯誤的時間進行。
  2. Sales representatives must deal with all kinds of customers. Could you advise them how to deal with them? 銷售代表必須應付各式各樣的顧客。你可以建議他們如何去應對嗎?
  3. That cruel woman made Mike lose his job and almost became a vagrant. 那個殘酷的女人害麥克丟了工作,還幾乎成了流浪漢。
  4. Our system is that everyone will be able to choose his own mentor. 我們的制度是每個人都能選擇自己的導師。
  5. While being pregnant, there were many difficulties for her. 她懷孕期間她碰到不少困難。


  1. The transaction is often made at the wrong time at the request of the client.只說due to the clients語意十分含糊,完整講出at the request of the client才能交代清楚。
  2. Sales representatives must deal with all kinds of customers. Could you give them some advice?錯誤句用了兩個them,代名詞指涉不清,them應該只用來指sales representatives才不會混淆。
  3. That cruel woman caused Mike to lose his job and almost become a vagrant.若照原句,會是身為主詞的that cruel woman變成流浪漢,最簡單的更正方式是把became改成原形become,與lose一同承受使役動詞made。
  4. Under our system everyone will be able to choose their own mentor.「每個人都能選擇自己的導師」並不是「制度本身」,而是「在這制度下所允許的狀況」,所以不能用our system is that…,而應改用under our system。
  5. While pregnant, she met many difficulties. 懷孕的是she,而不是difficulties,所以應該用she作主句的主詞。

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