閱讀暖身 別小看日常生活中的小習慣,因為你的行為無論大小,皆會影響周遭人們的成敗與幸福。這就是為何──研究發現──選擇正面、樂觀的態度,可大幅提升團隊成功的機率。此外,正面態度還能改善你自己的心情喔。進入本文前,請先想想如何表達以下單字: a) 觀點 b) 獲利 c) 團隊績效 “Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone.” Now, this famed English proverb has been rightly proved by studies, which show expressing a positive a) outlook can improve your energy, intelligence and, most importantly, b) profitability. 「你笑,世界跟著你笑;你哭,就自己一人哭。」現在這句家喻戶曉的英國諺語,已獲得研究證實:養成表達正面觀點的習慣,可改善你的精力、智能,以及最為重要的獲利。 According to research, beginning your meeting by lauding a team member’s recent success can raise team performance by 31%. Employees who focus on the positive perform 25% better. And optimistic salespeople outsell their negative coworkers, reporting 37 % higher sales. Experts have brought up three ways to boost your signal as a positive broadcaster: 研究發現,以讚美同事最近的成功來展開會議,便能提升團隊績效31%。專注於正面事情的員工,表現比其他人好25%。樂觀的銷售人員的業績,比消極的同事高37%。專家已提出3個方法來協助你散播正面能量: 1.The Power Lead Begin a conversation in a positive, optimistic way. Start a meeting with the company’s recent triumphs. In addition, when someone asks how you’re doing, look for something upbeat to share, rather than merely reply “I’m fine.” 一、強大領導 以正面、樂觀的事情來展開交談。開會時,可先提及公司最近的優良績效。此外,當某人問你好不好時,找出正面的事情來分享,而非只是回答「我很好。」 2.Send a Cheering Email A brief email sent to a team member praising his or her recent success can really 1) set the tone for continued high performance, as well as create a positive work environment. By focusing on what’s going right, you encourage future victory. 二、寄出鼓舞人心的電郵 寫一封簡短電郵給某個團隊成員,稱讚他最近的優異表現,此舉可為他將來持續的優良績效鋪路,且創造一個正面的工作環境。藉由專注於一帆風順的事項,你便能激發未來的成功。 3.Make a Thank You Board Designate a space where colleagues can jot down their gratitude on a card and add it to the bulletin board. It’s a great way to make a strong visual impact that shows your team 2) has its eye on success. 三、設置感恩布告欄 指定一個角落來讓同事在卡片上表達謝意,並將卡片貼在布告欄上。此舉可營造強大的視覺效果,以顯示你的團隊一心成功。 You are a broadcaster, and with that come great power and responsibility. The messages you choose to broadcast shape others’ views of the world. So, broadcast happiness to fuel success! 你是一位散播者,因此肩負重責大任。你所散播的訊息,直接形塑別人對這個世界的看法。因此,你必須散播快樂來激發成功! 口語詞彙: 1 Set the tone (for something) (為某事)定調 tone是「語調」的意思,本成語意味「為某事建立特定的情境或特性」。 The general manager’s speech was intended to set the tone for the company’s future development in India. 總經理的演講是要為公司將來在印度的發展定調。 The announcement of last quarter’s sales figures set an optimistic tone for the annual meeting. 上一季銷售數據的宣佈,為年會定下樂觀的基調。 2 Have your eye on 以……為目標,看中 一個人如果看中某項商品,很想買回家,也可用此成語。 John has decided to buy his wife a dress for her birthday gift, because she’s had her eye on the one in that store window for a while. 約翰決定送媽媽洋裝作為生日禮物,因為她看中櫥窗內那一件有一陣子了。 |