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2015/09/21 第157期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份


閱讀暖身 千禧世代指的是1980-2000之間出生,在網路中成長的年輕人。根據《紐約時報》報導,美國18∼34歲的年輕人平均收入比前一個X世代的人(1961∼81出生)少43%,因為薪水低,所以幾乎沒有積蓄、無法買房、不想投資、不想生小孩。可怕的是,這群人是繼嬰兒潮之後,人數最多的一個世代,將主導未來幾十年的經濟。全世界的市場,請勒緊褲帶迎接這負債的一代。



a)    大部分

b)    不熱烈的

c)    節育


Pay TV

With the a) lion’s share being consumed on phone, tablet, or PC, people age 14-24 only consume 46% of their media on television—Many young people aren’t getting a TV at all. Millennials aren’t the only ones 1) tuning out the tube.






2) By all accounts, young people should be investing in equities. Unfortunately, after growing up in the Great Recession, millennials would rather put their money in a sock drawer than on Wall Street.





Cars and Homes

Nowadays you’d be hard pressed to find someone under 35 who knows what a "competition clutch with the four on the floor” even means. The sad fact is that American car culture is dying a slow death because the young generation just cannot afford to buy them.




Moreover, it’s not that millennials don’t want to own homes, it’s that they can’t afford them. Studies found that homeownership rate among adults younger than 35 fell by 12 percent after 2006, and 2 million more were living with Mom and Dad.




Bulk Warehouse Club Goods

This one initially sounds weird, but remember: millennials don’t own cars or homes. So a Costco membership doesn't make much sense.  Responding to b) tepid millennial demand, the big box giant is trying to win overyoungsters by partnering with Google to deliver certain items right to their home.





Weddings and children

3) Getting hitched early in life used to be something of arite of passage into adulthood. A full 65% of the Silent Generation married at age 18 to 32. Since then, though, Americans have been waiting longer and longer to tie the knot. Just like as with homes, sixty-nine percent of millennials told Pew they would like to marry, but many are waiting until they’re more financially stable before doing so.





After weddings, you probably saw this one coming, millennials’ c) procreation abstention isn’t only because they’re not married. Many just aren’t planning on having kids. It’s not that millennials don’t want children, it’s that this whole recession thing has really scared them off any big financial or life commitments.





1)    Tune out 停止收聽

Tune 原本是歌曲的意思,當動詞有調整頻道,調音的意思。Tune out 就是不收聽了。

I tuned out what the keynote speaker was saying because I wasn’t interested.


2)    By all accounts 根據大家的說法

By all accounts 有謠傳;根據小道消息的意思,用來表示大眾、媒體等認為某事為何。

By all accounts they were a happy couple. 據大家說,他們是一對幸福的夫妻。


3)    Get hitched 拴在一起(指結婚)

Get hitched和tie the knot一樣都是比較口語式形容結婚的用語。

Guess what? We ' re getting hitched. 猜猜怎麼樣?我們要結婚了!


*名詞解釋: Millennials 被稱為千禧世代或Y世代,是指接在X世代後期的一個世代人口族群。多數指出生年份自1980年初至2000年後出生的人口族群。


  1. The founder of Starbucks had this idea of creating a coffee chain when he was drinking coffee in a Milan bar. 星巴克的創辦人在米蘭的酒吧啜飲咖啡時想出了連鎖咖啡店的點子。
  2. The International Coffee Organization said that coffee selling grew 42% since the beginning of this century. 國際咖啡組織表示,全球咖啡消費量自本世紀初始已經成長了百分之42的量。
  3. Italians sit highly at the counter in the common bars and order a takeaway coffee. 義大利人會高踞坐在吧檯邊,並點一杯可外帶的咖啡。
  4. For US coffee shops, business usually become worse while the weather becomes hotter. 對美國咖啡店來說,咖啡生意往往隨著天氣漸熱而變差。
  5. Coffee has become has become a trend, just like other fashion, present a season. 咖啡變成一種潮流,就好像其他風行一時的時尚熱潮般,成為一季的指標。


  1. Starbucks' founder had the idea for his coffee chain whilst sipping espresso in a Milan bar. 喝咖啡的動詞「喝」除了drink外也可以用sip(小口啜飲)。
  2. The International Coffee Organization says that global consumption has grown by nearly 42% since the beginning of this century. 消耗量、消費量應使用consumption而非selling。 而自從本世紀開始這句的時態要用現在完成式,表示自過去某個時間點到現在,因為咖啡消費量現在持續還在成長中,不能單純用過去式。
  3. Italians perch at the counters of their ubiquitous bars and order a cup of coffee on the go. 酒吧裡面的櫃檯通常都有高腳椅,此處perch(高踞、鳥類的棲息)是一種較為傳神的說法。而原句使用Takeaway是單指外帶(飲料、食物),而on the go可以展示忙碌的狀態,也表示此事或此物可以邊走邊做,例如music on the go(邊走邊聽音樂)、English on the go(生活英文)。
  4. For US coffee shops, business usually cools down as the weather heats up. 生意變差的Cools down對應天氣漸熱的heats up,比起單單只是講get worse跟become hotter更可以表現出一種對比的關係。
  5. Coffee has become a trend that, like any other fad, signals the seasons. Fad跟fashion最大的差別在於時間長短性,fad用來描述短暫的熱潮,而fashion可以是時間較為持久的時尚。Signal 比起present 更能有點出文中展現季節特色的意味。

更多Debug 題目

1 on 1:你有夢想,我給你一對英語的翅膀

有任務的旅行紀錄片:10/30 感動上映


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