Consolidating Community Strengths - Datong District Regeneration Plan

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2015/09/24 第132期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Taipei
Consolidating Community Strengths - Datong District Regeneration Plan
Consolidating Community Strengths - Datong District Regeneration Plan
To achieve urban regeneration in Datong District (大同區), the Taipei City Government is drawing on the district's rich environmental, industrial, cultural and historic resources along with its transportation assets and creative atmosphere. The city government is transforming the district through riverside recreation and green transportation, the introduction of youth entrepreneurs into local industries, and the joint marketing of cultural-based tourism and specialty commercial districts. Communication, which is fostered via the establishment of long-term community-planning workshops, is facilitating greater public participation and ideas, and the vision is becoming a reality.

Nine Major Development Plans for the Rebirth of a New Datong

Improving Amenities in Old Communities

In compliance with city policy, government-led urban renewal projects will take place at four sites: the Bank of Taiwan building at MRT Yuanshan Station (台銀捷運圓山站), the resettled tenement community at Lanzhou-Siwen Village (蘭州 - 斯文里), the Wenmeng Building (文萌樓) area, and E1&E2 Yuquan Park (玉泉公園)/Taipei Post Office (台北郵局). These projects will be carried out in conjunction with interim housing, which will be built at the Minglun Elementary School (明倫國小) site, to provide smart public housing.

Empowerment and Renewal Projects in Guoshun and Jingxing Villages

"Sky Park," (淡水河跨堤公園) to be built on the embankment of the Tamsui River (淡水河), and the "Regeneration of Old Buildings for New Uses Plan" (老屋新用計畫) will serve as new highlights for innovative planning in old communities.

Additionally, government-led urban renewal will accelerate the pace of urban regeneration in Guoshun (國順) and Jingxing (景星) villages.

Redeveloping Jiancheng Circle

Opinions of local residents will serve as a reference for follow-up planning, design and redevelopment of Jiancheng Circle (建成圓環).

Market Refurbishment and Renewal

The overall market environment will be improved through the rebuilding and renewal of both traditional markets and the surrounding areas. This will include the renewal of the Dalong Public Housing (大龍國宅) complex and market along with the rebuilding of Yongle Market (永樂市場).

Reviving Local Industry Via Youth Entrepreneurship

In order to advance local industrial soft power, a Datong alliance for regeneration will be built that will include handcrafted goods to the district's south and specialty foods to its north.

Building a Green Transportation Network

Through the expansion of metro and bus systems, bicycle and pedestrian paths, and YouBike stations, Taipei is striving to create a smart green transportation network. Also, Taipei North Bus Station (北區轉運站) will be constructed to reduce downtown congestion, boost development in the surrounding areas and create a new city gateway and transportation hub.

Fostering Cultural and Historic-Based Tourism

Shaping specialty commercial districts will include encouraging new uses for vacant public spaces and regulatory amendments. This will then pave the way for building Taipei's first urban bed and breakfast zone in Dadaocheng (大稻埕) and help to forge a friendlier travel environment.

Building a Riverside Scenic Corridor

To take advantage of its proximity to the Tamsui River, Taipei will develop a riverside scenic and green waterway. A waterfront environmental dredging project will lead to stable ship and ferry schedules and breathe new life into river tourism and recreation.

Establishing Community Planning Workshops

Public participation will be strengthened through the establishment of long-term city government communication platforms at several locations, such as the vacant Revenue Service Building adjacent to the Lanzhou Public Housing (蘭州國宅) complex (1F, 45, Alley 61, Changji Street), URS44 (1F, 44, Section 1, Dihua Street), the resettled tenement communities at Lanzhou-Siwen Village (75, Dolong Street, Datong), and Minglun Elementary School. A pioneering plan to establish community planning workshops will bring together community planners and volunteers along with public and private entities.

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