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2016/07/04第244期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

簡介:◎ 用英語介紹印尼經濟數據 ◎ 什麼是 tax holiday? ◎ muscle in on 跟「肌肉」有關嗎?

Indonesian Economy: In the Race and Taking the Lead

Southeast Asia is a steady blip on the radar for analysts studying emerging markets. The region's largest economy belongs to Indonesia, which is also the earning leader among ASEAN countries. Indonesia is likewise part of CIVETS, a group of six nations with "promising markets" whose combined GDP is expected to compose half of the global economy by 2020. Moody's, among other firms, recently upgraded Indonesia's credit ratings, not least because inflation dropped from 8.4 percent in 2014 to less than 4 percent last year. In the capital, Jakarta, 173 malls carrying high-end labels and imported goods are an undeniable sign of the burgeoning middle class.

Indonesia has a lot going for it, from its bountiful natural resources to its convenient proximity with influential economies like India and China. As one of his first orders of business, the incumbent president Joko Widodo cut permit-related red tape so as to boost foreign direct investment. The government has also opened up Indonesia's special economic zones for foreign development and management. Investors who meet the minimum financial requirements qualify for tax holidays of up to 20 years. These measures have brought FDI to US$29.27 billion in 2015, a 19.2-percent year-on-year increase.

As the world's fourth most populous nation, Indonesia has a vast domestic market; household consumption formed 56.8 percent of GDP in 2015. Meanwhile, 68 percent of the population constitutes the plentiful, low-cost labor force.


東南亞是分析師研究新興市場時總會關注的焦點。此區域的最大經濟體為印尼,它也是東協中最會賺錢的國家。印尼同樣是靈貓六國的成員,這個市場前景備受看好的六個國家,整體的國內生產毛額預計在 2020 年前達到全球經濟的一半。穆迪和其他信評公司最近調升了印尼的信用評等,一個重要原因就是其通膨從 2014 年的 8.4% 降至去年的 4% 以下。在首都雅加達,販售高檔品牌和進口商品的 173 座購物中心,是中產階級崛起無可否認的跡象。
印尼具備許多有力的條件,擁有豐沛的自然資源到接近印度和中國這兩個具影響力之經濟體的地利之便。現任總統佐科.維多多的首要任務之一,就是削減和許可證相關的繁文縟節,以刺激外國直接投資。政府亦開放印尼的經濟特區供外國開發和管理。達到最低財務需求的投資者可享有長達二十年的租稅假期。這些措施使得 2015 年的外國直接投資達到 292.7 億美元,比前一年增加了 19.2%。
人口數為全球第四多的印尼擁有廣大的內需市場;家庭消費占 2015 年國內生產毛額的 56.8%。同時,68% 的人口構成充足且低廉的勞動力。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.151 7月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2016/07/04(一) I think you need to propose a more realistic price on those furniture sets.
2016/07/05(二) We're already working with razor-thin margins.
2016/07/06(三) I'd like to check in for my flight, please.
2016/07/07(四) I have two bags to check and one carry-on.
2016/07/08(五) Thank you so much for the kind invitation. I look forward to seeing you at the event.
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