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2016/08/01 第198期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



(A) 學徒
(B) 刻意的
(C) 長期而言

Benjamin Franklin was once America's most respected statesman, its most famous inventor, a prolific author, and a successful entrepreneur. He left school at ten to be an (A) apprentice. How did he pull off such tremendous achievements? Underlying the answer to this question is a success strategy for life.

Throughout Franklin's adult life, he consistently invested roughly an hour a day in (B) deliberate learning. This is called “Franklin's five-hour rule:” one hour a day on every weekday. His learning time consisted of getting up early to read and write, setting personal growth goals and tracking the results, turning ideas into experiments, having reflection questions, meeting with "like-minded aspiring artisans and tradesmen who hoped to improve themselves."

Whenever Franklin took time out of his busy day to follow his five-hour rule, he seemingly accomplished less on that day. However,(C) in the long run, it was arguably the best investment of his time he could have made. His five-hour rule reflects the very simple idea that the most successful people are the ones who (1) put a premium on deliberate and constant learning.

Bill Gates reads 50 books per year. Mark Zuckerberg peruses at least one book every two weeks. Elon Musk grew up poring over two books a day. Oprah Winfrey credits books with much of her success: "Books were my pass to personal freedom."

According to <>, the core concept of the five-hour rule is to create an “empty space” which allows us to:

1. Think carefully about what to learn besides what to accomplish.
2. Keep improving instead of doing things automatically.
3. Assimilate more on lessons learned.
4. Set aside time for reading, taking classes, having conversation, etc.
5. Solve small problems before they turn into big problems.
6. Test your ideas, and it may create potential payoffs.
1. 不只思考要達成的目標,也思考學習目標。
2. 不只無意識地執行工作,而能持續進步。
3. 更進一步消化學到的內容。
4. 空出時間來閱讀、上課、與人交談等等。

Put/Place a premium on something  很重視某事
Busy customers put a premium on finding everything they need in one supermarket. 忙碌的顧客很重視在一家超市內便能買到所有需要的商品。


  1. What are you hanging? 最近好嗎?
  2. Do you want me to answer this question? Beat me! 你想要我來回答這個問題?我不知道耶!
  3. I’m going to cut my hair. 我要去剪個頭髮。
  4. Do you want to sleep at noon? 你想睡個午覺嗎?
  5. I’ll look for you later. 我待會兒去找你。


1. How’s it hanging? 熟人之間的日常問候,很少會聽到硬梆梆的「How are you?」,常用句是「How’s it hanging?」。hang本身是「吊掛」的意思,因此錯誤句會被解讀成「你在吊掛什麼?」
2. Do you want me to answer this question? Beats me! bests me是在說「我不知道」, beat千萬別少了一個s,否則變成beat me,就會變成「打我吧」!
3. I’m going to get a haircut. 對照中文翻譯,錯誤句乍看之下沒有問題,但去理髮不是自己去剪,而是請理髮師代勞,因此應該用have my hair cut或get a haircut。
4. Do you want to catch some Z’s? 中午小睡一下用sleep十分奇怪,因為就老美的想法,sleep代表超過兩小時以上的較長睡眠。代表片刻午休的正確用語是catch some Z’s、take a nap或get some shut-eye。
5. I’ll catch you later. 想表達「等一下去找你、見你」時,動詞用catch較傳神,若是用到look for,會變成真的要「努力尋找」,與本意不合。

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