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2016/07/08 第311期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
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【英語學習Plus】 未來趨勢──環保建築
【本月發燒書】 用英文談文創:12堂文藝美學產業必修課
【好康情報局】 新鮮人書展 你準備好了嗎? 職場必備書籍 全面79折
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<< 節錄OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句 >>

Natural building, or making the most efficient use of natural and local products, is a conscious building process as old as the built environment itself. Mud and earth building may date back as long as 10,000 years, and other natural materials, such as straw and wood, were used efficiently hundreds of years ago. In the 21st century, with the additional aid of technology, humanity is now moving toward conscious sustainable building or green building, which would provide benefits for human health, natural environment, economic and community, as well as limiting or even preventing the waste of natural resources.

Worldwide, housing has an enormous impact on the environment. According to the US Green Building Council (www.usgbc.org), housing accounts for 17% of fresh water withdrawals, 25% wood harvests, 33% CO2 emissions, and 40% material and energy use (45% in China). To help reduce natural resource waste, the ICC (International Code Council) has produced such building standards as the International Energy Conservation Code, the most commonly adopted energy efficiency code worldwide, and the International Plumbing Code to ensure efficient use of water. Both the USGB and the ICC (International Code Council) provide standards and guidelines for both improved occupant health and productivity in both living and working environments.

Efficient material management, or efficient processing of material left at the end of construction or renovation (commonly referred to as construction and demolition (C&D) materials), is a priority for green building. In the past, the leftover materials have been considered waste, and their disposal has been typical for the building process. However, up to 95 percent of the discarded materials can be recycled into new products or used in new ways to benefit both the construction business and the environment.




<< 本篇選自 科技英文閱讀 & 練習(二版) >>
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