Mine Kings 寶石採礦王

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2016/07/05 第270期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mine Kings 寶石採礦王
by Ivy Liu

Expert gem hunter Guy Clutterbuck and his team travel around the world to find the most precious gems.

  Gemstones are cut and polished mineral crystals that have been primarily used in jewelry and other decorations since ancient times. Jeweled Fabergé eggs, once prized by the wives and daughters of the Russian royal family, are magnificently decorated with these precious stones. Different types of gems are found all over the world, many of which are excavated from small-scale digging sites.
  Over the years, gem mining has earned a reputation for cutting corners at the cost of damaging the environment. The consequences of this practice have affected the locals in these areas for generations. In fact, even small mines have negatively impacted the environment. Hence, renowned British gem hunter Guy Clutterbuck is doing things differently.
  In Mine Kings, a brand new show by National Geographic Channel (NGC), Clutterbuck is on a mission to find the world's most ethically sourced gems. He and his handpicked team of experts — which includes an engineer, an explosives expert, a miner, and a mechanic — work with local miners to find rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and more. Clutterbuck has over 30 years of experience mining and cutting stones, and he hopes he can put it to good use to find the most valued ones to sell for a profit, such as the padparadscha sapphires of Sri Lanka, a gem so prized that it graces the crowns of Maharajas.
  In one episode, Clutterbuck's crew head to a southwestern Madagascan town of Ilakaka with the task of finding seven sapphires of different colors from a single mine. Catch this exciting episode and more on NGC this month to learn more about sustainable gem mining.

  1. mine n. 礦,礦井 & vt. 開採(礦物)
    My uncle found a gold mine in a small town in Nevada.
    These men work underground for six hours straight to mine coal.
    *coal n. 煤
  2. polish vt. & n. 磨亮,擦亮(本文為過去分詞作形容詞用)
    The jewelry shop will polish the ring for you for free.
    My dad gave his shoes a good polish because he's meeting a big client.
  3. crystal n. 水晶 & a. 水晶般的,清澈的
    This bracelet is made of pure crystal.
    The brook in front of my grandmother's country villa is crystal clear.
    *brook n. 小河,溪流
  4. jewelry n. 珠寶,寶石(集合名詞,不可數)
    比較 jewel n. 珠寶,寶石(可數)
    Suneo kept most of his jewelry in the bank lest it should be stolen.
    *lest conj. 以免,免得
    The actress wore only the most expensive jewels when she attended the Oscars.
  5. magnificently adv. 華麗地,富麗堂皇地
    The Grand Hotel is magnificently situated atop a hill.
  6. excavate vt. 開採,挖掘,開鑿
    The miners were excavating the valley in search of gold and silver.
  7. damage vt. & n. 破壞,損壞
    衍: do damage to...  對……造成傷害
    The former American football player's brain was seriously damaged after years of playing.
    Eating too much before going to bed every night will do damage to your health.
  8. consequence n. 結果,後果
    Such a rash decision may result in grave consequences.
    *grave a. 嚴重的
  9. impact vt. 衝擊,影響
    Hurricane Katrina impacted the America's Gulf Coast economy.
  10. renowned a. 知名的(且受人尊敬的)
    同: famous a.
    衍: be renowned for N/V-ing  因(某事)而出名
    world-renowned a. 舉世聞名的
    This seaside village is renowned for its delicious seafood.
    That national park is world-renowned for its volcanic landscape.
  11. grace vt. 使增加光彩;美化
    The famous comic book author graced the annual book fair.
  12. crew n. 一行人,一組/一隊工作人員(集合名詞)
    衍: a crew of + 數字  ……位(船上或飛機上的)人員
    = 數字 + crew members
    Although the weather had been stormy all day, the crew did not expect any serious problems.
    Apart from the six sailors, a crew of 20 looks after the 100 passengers.
    *look after...  照料/照顧……
  13. sustainable a. 能持續的
    衍: sustain vt. 維持;支撐
    According to the investigation, economic growth is sustainable in the region.
    The woman on the desert island sustained herself by drinking rainwater.

gem n.(指經過琢磨的)寶石,珍品
gemstone n. 寶石(源於拉丁文 gemma,指未經加工的寶石材料)
mineral n. 礦物質
ethically adv. 道德上地
handpicked a. 親手挑選的
衍: handpick vt. 精挑細選
mechanic n. 技工,機械工
ruby n. 紅寶石
emerald n. 綠寶石
sapphire n. 藍寶石
padparadscha sapphire  蓮花剛玉

  1. earn / gain a reputation for...  獲得……聲譽
    reputation n. 名聲
    Barbara has earned a reputation for being unruly when she is angry.
    *unruly a. 行為難控制的,不守規矩的
  2. cut corners(為了省錢或圖方便而)抄近路/馬虎行事
    The building fell because the construction company cut corners.
    *construction n. 建築,建造
  3. at the cost of...  以……的代價,犧牲……
    同: at the sacrifice of...
    = at the expense of...
    You should never try to earn money at the cost of your health.
  4. put sth to good use  善用某物
    Irene will be able to put her experience to good use in the new job.
  5. head to + 地方名詞  前往某地
    同: head for + 地方名詞
    Oliver told me that he's heading to Tokyo this afternoon.



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