New York Seeks to Make Parks More Inviting Spaces/推倒高圍籬 紐約公園大解放

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2016/07/08 第130期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 New York Seeks to Make Parks More Inviting Spaces/推倒高圍籬 紐約公園大解放
Attacks in Kabul Keep Wall Builders Busy, Turning City Into Labyrinth/防爆牆遍地開花 喀布爾變迷宮
New York Seeks to Make Parks More Inviting Spaces/推倒高圍籬 紐約公園大解放
Rick Rojas and Noah Remnick

For years, chain-link fences a dozen feet high have been a fixture of some of New York's parks, a reflection of a time when the city was a more dangerous place, erected to protect the children playing inside.

But now, those fences have become barriers, city officials say, dividing a park from its neighbors, and so at some parks the high fences will be knocked down.



On Tuesday, the city announced that eight parks will undergo ambitious face-lifts that are about more than just rehabilitation — it is a plan that represents an evolution, officials said, in New York's approach to parks by making these public spaces blend better and be more welcoming to their neighborhoods.

Mitchell J. Silver, the city's parks commissioner, said that besides lowering or removing fences, the plan also involved installing new benches, greenery and distinctive walkways, as well as treating the sidewalks that border parks as part of the parks themselves.



While the high fences were once seen as a deterrent, Silver said that creating more sight lines along the edges of parks and breathing new life into deserted patches would make them safer.

As part of a citywide plan, $40 million will be spent on the eight parks. The parks were chosen in a nomination process that included commentary from neighborhood residents. Silver said about 690 of New York's more than 1,700 parks were recommended for an overhaul.



"That's proof positive of how excited New Yorkers are to increase accessibility and openness in their favorite parks," he said in a statement.

A park's accessibility to neighborhoods was also a consideration. Overall, city officials have set a long-term goal of having 85 percent of New Yorkers living within walking distance of a park.



In the Parkchester neighborhood in the Bronx, Hugh Grant Circle is not just uninviting, it is also largely off-limits, blocked by a gate that is often locked, said Nilka Martell, a community activist who pressed for the circle to be selected for the city program, called Parks Without Borders.

But as she sees it, the park has potential to be a neighborhood hub, used for art installations and community programs and as a complement to a farmer's market held nearby.

在布朗克斯區的帕克契斯特住宅區,葛蘭特公園(譯注:以紐約前市長Hugh Grant命名)不只不吸引人,而且大體而言不得進入,被一扇經常鎖著的門擋住,推動這座公園入選市政府「無邊界公園」計畫的社區活躍人士妮爾卡.馬泰爾這麼說。


Attacks in Kabul Keep Wall Builders Busy, Turning City Into Labyrinth/防爆牆遍地開花 喀布爾變迷宮

After bombings in Kabul these days, new concrete blast walls go up, taller than the ones before. Streets leading to VIP homes are blocked to traffic. To drive in certain neighborhoods is to delve into a frustrating game of maze navigation, with surprise barricades popping up overnight.

In a grim reflection of life in the Afghan capital, the small blast-wall factories lined up on the city's outskirts are among the few businesses that have managed to stay basically viable despite the reeling economy. Mixers churn out concrete, and laborers cast it in wooden molds. Trucks ferry the T-shaped walls to spots around the city, one of the most barricaded in the world.



"It is our sad reality: After a suicide bombing, we get more work," said Noor ul Haq, who has been managing one such small business for six years.

After a huge truck bombing near an elite Afghan security agency last month, Haq had 15 potential customers visit in one week. The attack was so large that it shattered windows across wide stretches of the city and flung body parts into the Kabul River, which was raging after days of rain.

"The week before the bombing, we had no customers," he said.




Like most of the "complex attacks" in Kabul — which involve bombing a compound and then sending in fighters — last month's bombing was the work of the Haqqani network, an arm of the insurgency known for its urban assaults. The Haqqanis' growing integration into the mainstream Taliban, at a time when peace talks have collapsed, has heightened fears of more such attacks — and the blast walls are multiplying.

The dull structures used to be mainly about 11 feet tall, but newer walls are as high as 20 feet, both to repel the force of larger explosions and to block the sightlines of any Taliban snipers.



The blast walls have become such an integral part of Kabul's identity that they blend into the cityscape. Most residents have accepted the narrowing of the roads and roundabouts, the blocking of the views of iconic buildings, as facts of life.

Activists and artists have tried to turn them into canvasses for their messages. One project in particular, ArtLords, is leaving its mark. The logic is simple: You cannot escape the walls, so you may as well use them to remind people about some of the scourges of society, like corruption so entrenched that it seems inescapable.



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