According to me...這樣說是錯的!錯誤率超高的According用法一次看

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2018/05/25 第283期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
 2018-05-25 VOL:619
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這句英文怎麼說 ?



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According to me...這樣說是錯的!錯誤率超高的According用法一次看 

常聽到英語會議中,有人發言,一開口會說"According to me..."中文裡,我們會說「根據我的想法」、「依個人之見」,但英文裡並沒有according to me這種說法。因為according to,指的是一種客觀的依據。

不能用according to me/us,也不用according to you。但如果是第三人稱,像according to him/her/the doctor就沒有問題。另外,既是客觀陳述,according to就不接 view(看法)和 opinion(意見)這些有主觀成份的字眼。要說個人的看法,用in my opinion:


(X)According to me, it is a very sound investment.  
(X)According to my opinion, it is a very sound investment.  
(O)In my opinion, it is a very sound investment.



(X)The report is according to our sales figures.
(O)The report is based on our sales figures.

Based on和according to中文解釋都是「根據」,但卻有意義上的差別。Based on是以某件事做為基礎,發展出來的一項報告、計畫或創作。According to則是指資訊的來源,例如根據某人說法、某個報導、合乎某種準則。

所以according to又可以解成「合乎」、「與....相符」。來看例句:

Isn’t it according to international law?(這難道不符合國際法嗎?)
It is not according to his nature to give praise.(他本性不太會讚美人。)



He was accorded a warm welcome at the airport.(他在機場受到熱烈歡迎。)
I know you were there of your own accord.(我知道你是自願去那兒的。)
we are all in accord with one another on this issue(在這個問題上我們全體意見一致。)



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  1. It’s so late and all of us are tired. Time to end it a day. 天色晚了,我們也都累了,今天就到此為止吧。

  2. The official insisted that no negotiations could begin until he went back to Taiwan to listen to the music. 政府官員堅持先回到台灣接受制裁,才能展開協商。

  3. His business efforts finally enjoyed fruit when he received a very large order from a big client. 他終於獲得一個客戶的大量訂單,工作上的努力總算是有了好結果。

  4. I met my ex-colleague at the MRT station this morning, but he didn’t even bother to have the time of day with me. 我今早在捷運站遇到一位前同事,但他懶得跟我打招呼。

  5. Some retired officer used his weight around to help his son get a job in the government. 某位退休官員運用權勢幫他兒子在政府單位取得工作。

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