Supermarket Tones it Down to Help Autistic People 小計畫大影響:最暖心的安靜時光

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2018/05/29 第366期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Supermarket Tones it Down to Help Autistic People  小計畫大影響:最暖心的安靜時光
by Brian Foden

A pilot project saw stores turn down their lights and speakers to make shopping more comfortable for those with autism.



  People with autism have trouble, to varying degrees, in dealing with their environment. Busy, __1__ places can be too much for people afflicted with this condition that affects an estimated one in 100 people. In an effort to help those with autism, an Australian organization named Aspect __2__ the Coles Supermarket chain. Together they created a special trial project to make stores __3__ threatening to people with autism by offering "Quiet Hour."
  On every Tuesday morning from August 15 to the end of October 2017, Coles held "Quiet Hour" in two __4__ in Australia. They turned the
volume down on store radios to the lowest level and __5__ lights by 50%. On top of that, the sound of the stores' cash registers and scanners were also lowered, noisy shopping cart collection was put on hold, and announcements were stopped for an hour, unless they were __6__.
  The decision to __7__ "Quiet Hour" followed a survey that
questioned people with autism and their families regarding their shopping habits and experiences. The research __8__ that Tuesday mornings were one of the most common times for customers with autism, their parents, or caregivers to do their shopping. Respondents to the survey also said that bright lighting, loud music, and noisy cash registers were major __9__ they had with shopping. Hopefully, more retail outlets will follow Coles' lead and help autistic people find a little more __10__ of mind while shopping. It's something simple that would make their often difficult lives a little easier.
(A) locations  (B) enact   (C) further  (D) teamed up with
(E) complaints (F) bustling  (G) dimmed  (H) added up to
(I) urgent    (J) peace  (K) revealed  (L) less


cash register  收銀機
scanner n. 掃描器
: scan vt. & n. 掃描
caregiver n. 看護者

1. to a degree  在某種程度上
To a degree, Mike is to blame for what happened.
*be to blame for sth  應對某事負責

2. be afflicted with...  受……折磨
afflict vt. 使折磨(常用被動)
Though Cindy is afflicted with blindness, she still manages to move around her house quite easily.
*manage to V  設法做到……

3. in an effort to V  努力要/為了要……
effort n. 努力
In an effort to pay off her credit card debt, Jenny worked day and night.

4. on top of...  除……之外
: in addition to...
On top of grapes, I also like strawberries.

5. put sth on hold  擱置……;暫緩……
Gina put her career on hold to have a baby.

6. follow one's lead  以某人為榜樣
Most of Shawn's classmates follow his lead in class.

1. tone vt. 調音 & n. 語調
: tone sth down  使……降低音量;使……緩和
Can you two tone it down in there? I'm trying to study for my exams tomorrow.
I can sense that my dad is getting angry by his tone of voice.
*sense vt. 察覺到,感覺到

2. autistic a. 患有自閉症的;孤僻的
: autism n. 自閉症

3. pilot a. 試驗性的 & n. 飛行員
If the pilot scheme is successful, there will be fewer stray animals in the future.
*scheme n. 計畫;陰謀
Lily isn't suited for being a pilot because of her poor eyesight.
*be suited for...  適於/配做……

4. affect vt. 影響

5. trial n. 試驗;試用
The scientists are conducting a clinical trial on the drug.

6. threatening a. 威脅的;恐嚇的
: threaten vt. 威脅,恐嚇
The young lady received a threatening phone call.
If somebody threatens your life, you should inform the police.

7. volume n. 音量
: volume button  音量鍵

8. announcement n. 宣布,公告
: make an announcement  宣布
announce vt. 宣布
Jeremy decided to make an announcement about his engagement at the party.
*engagement n. 訂婚
The host announced the winner of the competition to an excited audience.

9. question vt. 詢問;質疑
Soldiers are required to follow orders without questioning them.

10. respondent n. 受訪者;回答者
Only half of the respondents to the survey said they were satisfied at work.

11. outlet n. 商店,銷路;暢貨中心


1. Busy, bustling places can be too much for people afflicted with this condition that affects an estimated one in 100 people.

a. 空格前有形容詞 Busy(忙碌的),空格後有複數名詞 places(地方),得知空格應置形容詞以修飾 places。
b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (C) further(更遠的)、(F) bustling(繁忙的)、(I) urgent(緊急的)及 (L) less(更少的),惟根據語意,(F) 項應為正選。
c. bustling a. 繁忙的,熱鬧的
The bustling night market is where many people hang out on the weekends.

2. In an effort to help those with autism, an Australian organization named Aspect teamed up with the Coles Supermarket chain.
為了幫助自閉症患者,一家名為 Aspect 的澳洲組織與連鎖超市科斯合作。

a. 空格前有主詞 an Australian organization named Aspect(一家名為 Aspect 的澳洲組織),空格後有受詞 the Coles Supermarket chain(連鎖超市科斯),且根據時態,得知空格應置過去式及物動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的有 (D) teamed up with(與……合作)、(G) dimmed(使……暗淡)、(H) added up to(總計達……)及 (K) revealed(顯示),惟根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
c. team up with...  與……合作/聯合
team vi. 合作,聯手
Irene teamed up with Diana and got the job done ahead of schedule.
*ahead of schedule  提前

3. Together they created a special trial project to make stores less threatening to people with autism by offering "Quiet Hour."

a. 空格前有使役動詞 make(使……變得)及名詞stores(商店),空格後有形容詞 threatening(具威脅的),得知空格應置副詞以修飾 threatening。
b. 選項中為副詞的有 (C) further(更遠地)及 (L) less(較少地),惟根據語意,(L) 項應為正選。
c. less adv. 較少地;較少量
If you want to lose weight, you have to eat less and exercise more.

4. On every Tuesday morning from August 15 to the end of October 2017, Coles held "Quiet Hour" in two locations in Australia.
在 2017 年八月十五日至十月底的每週二早上,科斯超市在澳洲的兩個地點舉行「安靜時刻」。

a. 空格前有數量形容詞 two(兩個的),空格後有介詞 in,得知空格應置複數名詞以被 two 修飾。
b. 選項中為複數名詞的有 (A) locations(地點)及 (E) complaints(抱怨),惟根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
c. location n. 地點,位置
The price of a house usually depends on its location.

5. They turned the volume down on store radios to the lowest level and dimmed lights by 50%.
他們把商店廣播的音量降到最低,也將燈光調暗了 50%。

a. 空格前有一完整子句 They turned the volume down on store radios to the lowest level(他們把商店廣播的音量降到最低)及對等連接詞 and,空格後有名詞 lights(燈光),得知空格應置過去式及物動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的尚有 (G) dimmed(使……暗淡)、(H) added up to(總計達……)及 (K) revealed(顯示),惟根據語意,(G) 項應為正選。
c. dim vt. 使變暗
Please dim the lights before we start watching the movie.

6. ... announcements were stopped for an hour, unless they were urgent.

a. 空格前有過去式 be 動詞 were,得知空格應置形容詞、過去分詞形的動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的尚有 (C) further(更遠的)、(H) added up to(總計達……)、(I) urgent(緊急的)及 (K) revealed(顯示),惟根據語意,(I) 項應為正選。
c. urgent a. 緊急的,急迫的
I can't go out with you tonight because I have something urgent to deal with.

7. The decision to enact "Quiet Hour" followed a survey that questioned people with autism and their families regarding their shopping habits and experiences.

a. 空格前有引導不定詞片語的 to,空格後有受詞 "Quiet Hour"(「安靜時刻」),得知空格應置原形及物動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (B) enact(施行),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. enact vt. 施行;制定(法律)
The government recently enacted a new law that was widely supported by the people.

8. The research revealed that Tuesday mornings were one of the most common times for customers with autism...

a. 空格前有主詞 The research(調查),空格後有 that 引導的名詞子句作受詞,且根據時態,得知空格應置過去式及物動詞或片語動詞。
b. 選項中符合上述的尚有 (H) added up to(總計達……)及 (K) revealed(顯示),惟根據語意,(K) 項應為正選。
c. reveal vt. 顯示出;揭露
After careful consideration, Owen finally revealed his plan to his parents.
*consideration n. 考慮

9. Respondents to the survey also said that bright lighting, loud music, and noisy cash registers were major complaints they had with shopping.

a. 空格前有形容詞 major(主要的),空格後有省略 which / that 引導的形容詞子句 they had with shopping(他們在購物時有的),得知空格應置名詞以被該形容詞子句修飾。
b. 選項中為名詞的尚有 (E) complaints(抱怨)及 (J) peace(平靜),惟根據語意,(E) 項應為正選。
c. complaint n. 不滿,抱怨
: make a complaint against...  對……提出不滿/控訴
The angry customer made a complaint against the careless waiter.

10. Hopefully, more retail outlets will follow Coles' lead and help autistic people find a little more peace of mind while shopping.

a. 空格前有形容詞 more(更多的),空格後有介詞 of,得知空格應置名詞以被 more 修飾 。
b. 選項中為名詞的僅剩 (J) peace(平靜),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. peace n. 平靜;和平
The UN is urging the two countries to respect the peace treaty they have signed.
*treaty n. 條約,協議




  自閉症患者對於應付外在環境有各種不同程度的困難。忙碌、繁忙的地方可能會讓患有這種症狀的人感到負擔過大,估計每一百人中就有一人患有此症。為了幫助自閉症患者,一家名為 Aspect 的澳洲組織與連鎖超市科斯合作。他們一起建立了一個試驗性的計畫,透過提供「安靜時刻」,讓商店對於自閉症患者顯得不那麼具威脅性。
  在 2017 年八月十五日至十月底的每週二早上,科斯超市在澳洲的兩個地點舉行「安靜時刻」。他們把商店廣播的音量降到最低,也將燈光調暗了 50%。除此之外,商店的收銀機和掃描器的聲音也被降低,並暫停吵雜的購物車回收以及停止廣播一個小時,除非緊急。
1. F 2. D 3. L 4. A 5. G 6. I 7. B 8. K 9. E 10. J




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