mart Kitchens A Tough Sell, But Tech Tries 科技產品 進攻你家廚房

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2018/04/27 第213期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
編輯小語 mart Kitchens A Tough Sell, But Tech Tries 科技產品 進攻你家廚房
Architecture's Forensic Gaze 建築的法證之眼
mart Kitchens A Tough Sell, But Tech Tries 科技產品 進攻你家廚房

On a recent Saturday night, German Salazar made chicken tacos for his friends while they chatted with him in his kitchen. Occasionally, he interrupted the conversation to talk to another friend: Google.

Salazar was speaking to Google Home, the artificially intelligent speaker living on his kitchen counter. "Hey Google, set a timer for 20 minutes," he said, to activate a countdown for when the chicken would be cooked and ready for shredding.


薩拉札是和他廚房流理台上的Google Home說話,它是個人工智慧喇叭。他說:「嘿,谷歌,設定一個20分鐘計時」,好啟動一個倒數計時,這時間可將雞煮熟,拿來切絲。

At first, Salazar's friends snickered when he talked to the speaker. But after a few bottles of wine, everyone began grilling Google Home with questions and requests: "How much did Jamie Lee Curtis make in 'True Lies'?" and "Tell me a joke."

For many people, the kitchen is the center of the home and a locus for interactions that go beyond preparing and eating food. Now tech companies and appliance makers, aiming to deepen their relationships with customers, are increasingly targeting the room that is synonymous with togetherness.

最初,薩拉札對著喇叭講話時,朋友一旁竊笑。但幾瓶葡萄酒下肚後,每個人都開始拿問題考問Google Home,「潔美李寇帝斯在電影《魔鬼大帝:真實謊言》的片酬多少?」,「說個笑話吧」。

對許多人而言,廚房是家的中心 ,是除了準備食物和吃東西,一個彼此互動的場所。現在,意在加深與客戶關係的高科技公司和家電製造商,正越來越將目標瞄準與親密感畫上等號的這個空間。

Household brands like Whirlpool, Samsung and Bosch are racing against tech behemoths like Google and Amazon to dominate the kitchen with internet-connected appliances and cooking gadgets that include refrigerators embedded with touch screens, smart dishwashers and connected countertop screens with artificially intelligent assistants that react to spoken commands.

Yet the "smart kitchen" remains a tough sell. With the kitchen often a hub for families and friends, habits there can be hard to change. And many people see the kitchen and mealtimes as a haven from their otherwise always-connected lifestyle. Only 5 percent of U.S. households own smart appliances today, up from 3 percent in 2014, according to the research firm Parks Associates.



"Will we see a reinvention of the kitchen like we saw in the living room?" said Michael Wolf, a tech analyst who hosts a podcast and a conference about the smart kitchen. "I don't think it will happen overnight. There's going to be a lot of skepticism."

Apart from their fears of disrupting the rhythms and patterns in the heart of the home, people may be hesitant to incorporate smart devices into their kitchens because of the costs of maintaining such appliances, which are often difficult to repair and use expensive components like touch screens. They also may worry about longevity: A touch-screen refrigerator may look modern today, but who knows how dated it may appear in five years?

And with many smart kitchen appliances incorporating internet connections, cameras or microphones, digital privacy has become a concern.




Architecture's Forensic Gaze 建築的法證之眼
文/Michael Kimmelman

Last year, Israeli police officers raided a Bedouin village in the Negev desert called Umm al-Hiran. Israeli authorities said that during the raid a villager had purposely run over an Israeli officer, killing him. They called it a terrorist attack. The villager died at the scene. Silent police helicopter footage seemed to show his car accelerating into the officer.

Forensic Architecture uncovered a different story.



You may recall Forensic Architecture from headlines a few years back. It investigated the killing of two Palestinian teenagers in the West Bank. Local and international media crews were on hand when the teenagers were killed. Security cameras recorded the shootings. At first, Israel's minister of defense said the teenagers had been throwing Molotov cocktails at Israeli soldiers, despite security footage showing otherwise. The minister said the footage had been doctored.

Forensic Architecture combed through the videos and social media posts. Using architectural rendering software, it pieced together a computer model of the site and tracked the trajectory of the bullets. That pinpointed the soldier who fired them and the weapon he used. Comparing acoustic signatures, Forensic Architecture then matched the fatal shots to the distinct sounds of live ammunition, contradicting the military's claim that only rubber bullets had been fired. All this contributed to Israeli officials reversing themselves, and charging the soldier with manslaughter.

你可能會從數年前的頭條新聞回想起「法醫建築」這個組織。它調查了兩名巴勒斯坦青少年在約旦河西岸遭殺害的事件。兩名青少年遇害時,當地和國際媒體採訪人員就在近處。監視器也錄下了槍擊經過。最初,以色列國防部長說,青少年向以色列士兵投擲汽油彈,儘管監視器畫面顯示的是另一回事。 該部長說,影片被人動了手腳。


A survey of Forensic Architecture's work is now on view at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, through May 6. A collaborative of designers, filmmakers, coders, archaeologists, psychologists and others, based at Goldsmiths, University of London, Forensic Architecture acts more or less like a detective agency. It partners with groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Its funders include the European Research Council. And its investigations are whodunits. Eyal Weizman, an Israeli-British architect, is the group's founder and resident Columbo.

Instead of creating a house or skyscraper, the group scours for evidence of lies, crimes and human rights violations — combining the spatial and engineering skills of architects, the data-gathering prowess of librarians, the doggedness of investigative journalists and the storytelling finesse of screenwriters. Its reports have annoyed Germany's Christian Democratic Union party, frustrated Bashar Assad, Syria's president, provoked an attack from Vladimir Putin's Russia Today news service, and infuriated officials in Israel.




文章主要討論英國「法醫建築」(Forensic Architecture)此一組織的角色與功能,兩個舉例恰好都與以色列用武過當有關。forensic是形容詞,意為「法醫的」、「刑事鑑識的」,指與科學辦案有關的事務,用法如forensic evidence(法醫證據、鑑識證據)、 forensic science(法醫科學、鑑識科學)。台灣家喻戶曉的李昌鈺博士則是位刑事鑑識專家(forensic expert)。

forensic也當名詞用,意為「法醫」、「刑事鑑識」。在非正式用法中, 鑑識科(Forensic Laboratory,Forensic Department)經常省略實驗室(laboratory )或部門(department)一字 ,只以forensic(Forensic)代表鑑識科。

forensic的名詞為forensics,如 Network/Internet Forensics( 網路鑑識),主要指調查以網路為媒介從事犯罪的鑑識工作,如從線上遊戲盜取遊戲貨幣的鑑識工作屬於此一範圍。 Digital Forensics(數位鑑識)的工作則是針對數位裝置中的內容,進行調查與復原。

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