Mission Critical—The Naked Superhero   關鍵任務 —— 裸體英雄

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2018/05/08 第349期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mission Critical—The Naked Superhero  關鍵任務 —— 裸體英雄
This hideous rodent may be the superhero we need in the battle against old age.



   Even the ugliest animals are valuable and deserve our respect. With a nearly hairless body, wrinkled pink skin, and huge teeth, the naked mole rat isn't exactly easy on the eyes. However, scientists have discovered that these strange little rodents may hold the secret to helping humans get over some of the problems of aging. National Geographic's Mission Critical—The Naked Superhero investigates how this amazing creature can help us live longer, healthier lives.
  Scientists first
took notice of the naked mole rat after they looked into its lifespan. While most members of the rodent family live very short lives, these underground creatures can live up to 31 years. They also rarely get sick, can handle a lot of pain, and can survive without air for up to 18 minutes. Once researchers started to dig for the answer to these superhero abilities, they noticed that naked mole rats produce a special kind of protein. This substance helps fight cancer and protects the animal from quickly getting old like other rodents. Turn on National Geographic's Mission Critical—The Naked Superhero to find out how scientists want to use this ugly animal to cure cancer and fight diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

































   即便是最醜陋的動物也有其價值和值得我們尊敬的地方。全身幾乎沒什麼毛、皺皺的粉紅色皮膚,以及那大大的牙齒,裸鼴鼠並不是很賞心悅目。不過,科學家卻發現這些古怪的小囓齒動物也許握有幫助人類克服某些老化問題的關鍵。國家地理《關鍵任務 —— 裸體英雄》探討了這個驚奇的生物是如何幫助我們活得更長久又更健康。
  科學家最早注意到裸鼴鼠是在他們研究其壽命後。雖然大多數囓齒目動物的生命都很短暫,但這些住在地下的生物最長卻可活三十一年。牠們也很少生病、能承受許多疼痛,且在沒有空氣的情況下還可存活達十八分鐘。在研究人員開始探究這些超級英雄身上能力的答案時,他們注意到裸鼴鼠會產生一種特殊的蛋白質。這種物質有助於對抗癌症,並使這些動物免於像其他囓齒類動物一樣地迅速老化。敬請鎖定國家地理《關鍵任務 —— 裸體英雄》來了解科學家想要如何運用這種醜陋的動物來治癒癌症,以及對抗阿茲海默症與帕金森氏症。


hideous a. 極醜/極難看的
rodent n. 囓齒動物(如大老鼠、兔子等)
wrinkled a.(皮膚、布)有皺紋的,有皺褶的
lifespan n.(平均)壽命
protein n. 蛋白質


1. critical a. 關鍵性的,極重要的;危急的
Interest and passion are critical factors in learning a language.
The patient was once in critical condition, but he is stable now.

2. valuable a. 有價值的,貴重的
Beth knew that the watch was really valuable, but she wouldn't sell it because it was her grandfather's.

3. easy on the eyes / ears  好看的/悅耳的
This music is easy on the ears late at night.

4. investigate vt. 調查
= look into...
The police are going to investigate the links between two similar cases.

5. take notice / note of...  留/注意……
Our teacher took notice of our hard work and gave us extra points for teamwork.

6. substance n. 物質
Chocolate contains a special substance that makes people feel happy.

7. cure vt. 治癒,治好(疾病)& n. 藥
We still can't cure the disease; it must run its course.
* run its course  自然地發展
There is still no cure for the common cold.





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